00:01.60 bizzyweb Dave Donday a star la biblioteca. 00:02.52 Wendy Pease Okay. 00:05.76 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh man, you're going to tap me out on my high school Spanish already. Ah no, ah, no say I Yeah I think that's right? Oh do survey a portfavore. 00:10.52 bizzyweb AhSOCKS. 00:18.60 bizzyweb Out. So surveysa poor ofvo all see see mos grounding here. See we can. It's ah we we do know a little bit about language. Do you speak any other languages Dave besides english. 00:23.89 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Moscarunde Surveysa see I remember some? yeah. 00:31.58 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I speak geek. Yeah, that's it They don't have a duolingo for that yet. 00:35.79 bizzyweb Geek well I I don't think that's technically a language but yeah or or or do a lipa as the case as like kids say so ah, we're gonna talk about. Ah. A great amount of fails today which would be super fun because we have an expert in language failure today who's joining us. Um. 1 of the things that we and as marketers see all the time is that the value of machine learning and how machines can make your life easier and how things like chat Gpt is supposed to suddenly replace all everybody and Ai is coming for your job and all this. But there's a couple of things where. 01:09.12 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb E. 01:19.26 bizzyweb You just really can't skimp on actual labor and one of them is correct language translation. So for people who are working internationally it is the kiss of death to pay us all this money to do strategic thinking. 01:21.26 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right. 01:27.84 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Amen. Yes. 01:37.22 bizzyweb Build a great website and then have the website just outwardly insult people. So right we're gonna We're gonna talk to an expert who's going to give us many many examples of really hilarious ways people have yeah used language inappropriately. So. 01:40.98 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Guess. 01:54.98 bizzyweb She has ah a book on Amazon. It's a great book called the language of global marketing and she is the president and owner of rapport international which is a natural translation. Service welcome please our friend wendy piece. 02:08.19 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Hey Wendy. 02:10.82 Wendy Pease Ah, grass. Yes I'll stick with the Spanish theme. 02:15.39 bizzyweb That is about all that I know and with a funny name like mine which is norwegian people ask me all the time if I um speak norwegian and I say that I'm I I say that I'm barely allowed to order. Meatballs at Ikea. 02:31.30 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 02:32.93 Wendy Pease So Trig V I Got to ask you I just recorded a joke about S O C K s do you did you hear that or did you just happen to you didn't. 02:34.89 bizzyweb Um, yeah. 02:44.34 bizzyweb I didn't I didn't my ah what I what I shared in your intro was when I was a senior in high school I was running in the hall and I got I got. Ah, talking to by a spanish teacher who I told her I didn't speak spanish and so instead of sending me to detention. She made me come to her class for three days to learn basic spanish. 03:12.41 Wendy Pease Ah, okay, well can I can I tell the joke. It's really funny. 03:13.64 bizzyweb Yes, please by by I don't even I Honestly don't even remember what it means. So what did I say. 03:14.73 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Please please. 03:19.10 Wendy Pease S O C K S in spanish means yes, that's what it is or that is what it is and okay so this this spanish speaking guy walks into the department store and he says Kerro Combrade Carcientes 03:23.74 bizzyweb Okay. 03:36.40 Wendy Pease And the shopkeeper doesn't know spanish so he says ok well I'll try to figure him out so he's walking around. He's pointing at jackets at shirts at pants shorts finally in frustration he points at some socks and the guy goes s o c k s and the guy goes the shopkeeper says. Well if you knew how to. Spell it. Why did you just spell it from the first place is ah ah so I can't hear S O C K S which out without thinking about that joke. Ah. 03:55.72 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 03:58.14 bizzyweb Ah, there is there. It is well. 04:04.11 bizzyweb Oh that's that's that's that's fantastic Wendy thanks for joining us. We're want to talk about how language is used especially in and getting out of sort of the english centric versions of everything because as. 04:04.40 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I Love it. 04:20.88 Wendy Pease And. 04:23.20 bizzyweb 3 of us live in America we always think of you know everything should just be in english and everybody should sort of adhere to that it it really doesn't happen when you get out how many different how much business would you estimate is done outside of the english language. 04:36.43 Wendy Pease Oh well, 95% of the world aren't native english speakers and so if you just consider that I have a question back for you. Do you know what? the official language is in the United States language or languages. 04:53.66 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, God would imagine English isn't it. Oh who. 04:54.25 bizzyweb Ah, there is no official language of the United States 04:57.87 Wendy Pease That's right? So who yeah is right? So for all those people are saying you know you're here in the United States you should speak english there's no shit about it where the we're the melting pot where the mixed salad we have lots of languages here and people who aren't selling to those. To new americans in their native language are losing a bunch of sales. Let alone going outside our borders where there's a whole world to capture. 05:23.52 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Bright. 05:25.38 bizzyweb Absolutely so tell us ah tell us about rapport international. What do you? What? what does? what does rapport? do. 05:34.43 Wendy Pease Connects people across languages and cultures by providing high quality language written translation and spoken interpretation in over 200 languages yes 05:35.23 bizzyweb Which. 05:46.59 bizzyweb 200 languages 05:50.88 Wendy Pease And so you know when people say what's translation. What's ah like what does that mean we do websites we do brochures we do books we do legal contracts. We go into proprietary software and we adapt it for different markets. We offer telephone interpreting which is a well-kept secret because. 06:06.94 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb M. 06:09.60 Wendy Pease You know, have to pay monthly. You just pay on demand you call a toll-free number you ask for the language that you need within 20 seconds you've got somebody there to help facilitate a conversation we provide interpreters that can get on Zoom calls. We provide interpreters to go to meetings and doctors appointments and um help facilitate sales calls. Um, and then we also do conference interpreting like you think of the Un where you've got people doing simultaneous interpreting. So I say everything from one language to another. 06:39.13 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Wow. 06:44.37 Wendy Pease Except teaching you got to go back to your Spanish teacher in high school that doesn't give detention to learn or we can refer you out to so to some programs or teachers or classes. 06:47.81 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb If if. 06:49.14 bizzyweb Um, ah. 06:54.65 bizzyweb I think if I were to teach ah english as a second language I would probably do the harold rammus and stripes where I taught them old 60 songs. 07:02.45 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yes. 07:06.90 Wendy Pease Ah, very helpful information to know. 07:09.47 bizzyweb I got to update my my repertoire of funny because I keep I keep referring to 30 and forty year old movies and it's just people are starting to stare at me a little funny so all right? So just ah you you cover 200 languages how many different languages are there. So. 07:17.52 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Okay. 07:25.77 bizzyweb Just to because I want to demonstrate that you that rapport really is an expert in this. 07:29.16 Wendy Pease Well we do a small fraction of the total number of languages the total number of languages is about 6000 because yeah isn't that crazy and we're actually losing languages because as the world globalizes more. 07:36.86 bizzyweb What? yeah. 07:47.81 Wendy Pease People who learn a language that are to smoke spoken by a small number of people also have to be come bilingual to to function to to watch Tv to get on the internet to trade with ah the larger groups near them and. 07:55.37 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 08:05.50 Wendy Pease A lot of the younger generations are going out and leaving these smaller communities and learning other languages to make a living because they're more exposed So there's a lot of effort going on now on preserving these languages that we stand to lose. 08:17.55 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb He. 08:19.64 Wendy Pease Now to show that we're an expert if you think about translation most of the translation that is done around the world is done in a couple dozen languages. So if you say a couple dozen you know 24 to 48 languages are most common. Um, we're doing some other ones that are. 08:31.54 bizzyweb First. 08:38.46 Wendy Pease You know, very specific or have an unusual ah unusual need. But we've been doing it for 35 years since 1987 I've owned the company coming up on 20 years 08:43.36 bizzyweb For example. 08:54.70 Wendy Pease So we're in the network we know who's good. It's not just anybody who that's bilingual can do translation or interpretation. It takes a lot of training and study and practice to really become good. 09:05.36 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb It well and in cultural knowledge right? So I mean you can say 3 3 things 3 different ways and it'll be taken completely differently depending on the dialect or the region that you're speaking in. 09:16.13 Wendy Pease Absolutely when we're assigning a translator to a new client. We always make sure that they're a native speaker of the language they're going into because then they have a deep understanding of that culture. 09:30.79 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb He. 09:33.30 Wendy Pease Ah, and where it's going to be used so they can accurately capture especially as you know in marketing. It's so much about emotion and so the translator has to be able to capture that emotion and that deeper message that's going on so we do something That's not common in the industry. We do what we call linguistic matchmaking. 09:38.60 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb He. 09:52.78 Wendy Pease Where when we have a new client start with us and we'll assign a translator for each language and then they stay with that company so they really get to understand the company their messaging their products or services. 10:06.28 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 10:09.23 Wendy Pease Um, and they continue to gain that knowledge just as a writer would you know it's hard to write about something. The first time you do it. But as you get more knowledge. It becomes easier and better. 10:16.95 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Pray what. 10:19.74 bizzyweb Why is the cultural element important if you can speak the language shouldn't that be enough. 10:28.93 Wendy Pease No no, just think if I dropped you into Australia or I dropped you into england think about all the different words that are said well yeah, one that I heard recently is ah she knows her onions. Have any idea what that means. Um, it's a sit. Yeah in um, in England you'd say that about somebody if they really know their stuff. Oh she knows her onions. We'd never say that in the United States 10:44.64 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb No I Like to think I'm pretty good. Yeah, but no. 10:45.57 bizzyweb Ah, no. 10:58.63 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here me. 11:02.34 Wendy Pease So um, if you're doing a translation in english you better know whether it's going to be used in here or Singapore or the UK or New Zealand versus new in Australia. 11:14.70 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 11:16.40 Wendy Pease So there's sometimes where you can globalize which is do one good English translation to be used around the world. There's certain instances other times you've got to localize and that means really using references words sayings that the country deeply understands. 11:21.90 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Are. 11:34.94 bizzyweb What's the converse if you don't do that so fred. For example, we once had you been a job for ah, a company that had I don't know I think 80 different skews on their website and they wanted to go to Quebec. They wanted to sell him Quebec which is french speaking but as a use case example, explain why just doing french isn't enough in that case. 12:03.54 Wendy Pease Right? There's if you're if you go on the internet and on on the internet and you go to a website and in the first paragraph they you see things spelled. Um. 12:07.80 bizzyweb Is. 12:17.78 Wendy Pease I'm going to use the english example because we can relate to it sometimes we use an s and sometimes in London they use a Z or in England they use a Z and if you go up there and there's little things like that that don't make sense. You're not. Going to feel connected that you're going to feel very different. You're go oh that's an english company I'm going to buy from the United States because the shipping's going to be cheaper or they're really going to get me. You know so there's that comfort level. So when you're going in when you're translating french for quebec. 12:41.29 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I. 12:50.17 Wendy Pease You want to make sure that the people who are reading it go? Okay, they get me I'm going to stay here and I'm going to go through the buyer's journey on this website because they they know the problem I'm trying to solve. They're giving me a solution and I know how to work with them easily enough. 13:05.61 bizzyweb Got it? Okay, so and you mentioned a couple of dozen basic languages that's french spanish portuguese chinese which I think they're chinese is not a language. There's Mandarin. There's how many different. Ah, dialects of and. 13:24.10 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb That doesn't. 13:26.22 Wendy Pease Yeah, so there's yeah chinese is a real interesting language. It's um, there's a lot of spoken dialects that you can't understand because they're very different yet. There's only 2 forms of written chinese. 1 is simplified chinese and the other is traditional chinese and so to give you a little bit of history of why this is historically in China only the upper class learned to read and write and so this was traditional chinese. Now when Maod Seitangng and the communists came in they said ok, we're going to teach reading and writing to the masses. Well the upper class left and they they settled in and Taiwan and other um chinese speaking parts of the world which retain traditional chinese. 14:07.87 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah. 14:16.37 Wendy Pease Yet inside the borders of China which were sealed off they taught people simplified chinese so whenever somebody says I need a mandarin translation I say well where is it going to be used and if they say China I know they're asking for simplified chinese and if they say someplace else. 14:30.96 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 14:34.39 Wendy Pease Um, I know it's traditional chinese unless it's in the United States then we've got to dig a little bit deeper and find out what the subject matter is if it's something that's more geared towards older consumers. That might tend to be traditional chinese because the older people that came here were from other parts of the chinese speaking world. But more recently there's been ah, younger immigration from China so if the topic is more geared towards that population. It might be simplified chinese. 14:48.57 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 15:07.56 Wendy Pease And sometimes we've had to do both you know, depending on where the company is targeting so whenever we're working with a new client. We start with strategy where are you going to use it and so then we can make sure to pick the right language. 15:10.11 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, okay. 15:17.63 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? Ah that that's fascinating so would a traditional chinese that like simple simplified chinese would be legible or readable in traditional. Right? So they the 2 would work back and forth. It's just kind of like British english or english traditional versus american or is that sorta. 15:41.89 Wendy Pease Yeah, from no, it's enough different that they simplified enough of the character. There's like 30000 characters and traditional chinese and like 3000 in simplified chinese and so it's the combination of characters that mean words. 15:53.50 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah, ah a while. 16:00.61 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, Wow right? So so my ah American insight where I'm just thinking traditional Chinese is like saying thee and thou is not. 16:01.90 Wendy Pease So that's why we still do the both. It's not as easy as saying traditional Chinese writers can understand simplified Chinese because it changed enough. 16:16.59 bizzyweb Yeah. 16:18.71 Wendy Pease Yeah, no, because yeah I mean that's an interesting way to look at that I hadn't thought about that before yeah, but now it's it's it's different. It's very different. Yeah. 16:19.35 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah, wait. 16:27.61 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? fascinating. 16:28.56 bizzyweb When when businesses come to you? What is what are some of the ways that they've realized that they need to present themselves in different languages what it So You mentioned you talked about the buyers journey and solving the problem. So. How do companies go about identifying the problem that that they're they're not doing enough with natural language translation. 16:54.17 Wendy Pease Yeah, trig v. That's a really good question. There's all different ways that people get into translation I had a client that has he does research for electronic companies to help them figure out. What products they should be developing for the next quarter or the next half a year and he kept getting inquiries from China and so he he contacted us and said can you translate these emails because I'm getting inquiries. So I step back and I'm sure you know Marcus Sheridan in his book. They ask you answer. 17:29.19 bizzyweb Kept. 17:31.43 Wendy Pease And I said ok, you're probably getting the same questions over and over again. Let's do a landing page and answer those questions that Marcus Sheridan covers in the book. Um, and then when people come in, you can send them that link and they can read about the information that they want to get. And then they could go through the buyer's journey purchase the information and then use it because it was accessible ah to people so we had to look at even if you brought them in. Could they use the platform and he said they could um so that was one where he was paying attention to his his. Metrics he could so are he was paying attention and being responsive to inquiries another way that people become aware that maybe they should do some translation is that they're watching their metrics and they can see that people are coming in. They've got inbound leads coming in from a certain geography. So we've done german translation for a company that saw that and said hey if we had a little german in there. We might increase our leads come in other people say hey we've got something and we want to export the United States federal government provides money and support to the states to help people export. So you can get free money and free advising and yet you can even go on trade shows with your state. Ah government. Um, you know resources your trade departments because they're they're trying to build exports our balance of trade is so far off we. 19:06.81 Wendy Pease Imports so much more than we export and so the companies that do export um have higher revenue they have higher profits they pay higher salaries. They have higher valuations. Um. And they have more ah longevity a higher IPValuations. So every metric shows and this is from the department of commerce that people who that companies that export do much better and most of the companies are small and mid-sized Businesses. So You don't have to be a large business. So. 19:39.24 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb 3 19:43.85 Wendy Pease Sometimes companies will say you know what I want to become an exporter and so they will go contact the state. They'll get a step grant. Um, and then they'll get some advice and then they'll there's multiple ways to do it. You can go after a big country and go after a small country you can figure out how to do it to 1 you can. You know there's there's all sorts of strategy on that. Um, and then another way that I see people is that they may have a Ceo that's from another country. And they're familiar with that culture and that language so they say okay I'm going to export to that country because I already know it and have connections and then they start branching out and geographies from there. So. There's all different ways that people start really doesn't matter and I'm happy to consult with anybody about how to. 20:18.67 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb You know. 20:31.40 Wendy Pease Test it and how to access step grants and resources in in your state. 20:35.50 bizzyweb Perfect. So they they've realized that they need to there. There's money overseas. There's money in in different places and one of the things that as marketers that Dave and I see all the time is that there's. A company's first inclination is a reversion to the average and can what is the cheapest way in which I can do this so there's a there's a program that ah is offered by Google called Google translate I don't know if you've heard of it that. 20:59.83 Wendy Pease Who. 21:08.21 Wendy Pease And yeah. 21:09.47 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb It is. 21:13.33 bizzyweb You can put language into Google translate and then it'll automatically spit out in the in the other language what you should put. 21:22.81 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And if you want to know how good it is right? 1 of the easiest ways is to have Google translate translate something for you and then go back from the language that you translated to back into english and see how much it mangles it right. 21:23.40 Wendy Pease Yeah, yeah, um. 21:35.00 Wendy Pease He yep you can I have all sorts of stories. Do you want me to get into Google translate down. 21:38.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Complete? Yes, yes, let's talk Mac about p g move. 21:40.29 bizzyweb Well like before you get get never get but before you get into a story. Let's let's let's let's let's answer the answer the question which is why should people avoid Google translate and then I would we definitely want to hear stories. 21:51.82 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah, you know. 21:54.73 Wendy Pease Okay, so number 1 we already talked about how the culture has to be very important. So if you're using Google translate. It's really doing a word for word and it's trying to pick it up so you're you're mean you're losing all of that. Connecting with my client and you spend all that time writing marketing content content and you know researching who your your ideal buyer is and all that and you've just lost it by putting Google translate in second reason is I've heard and I don't know how to to. To verify this but I've heard that Google translate shows as duplicate content because you have it in there as one language and then Google translate puts it up in another language but it's a word for word. So it could be duplicate content that could ding The third thing is. 22:42.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Any in. 22:48.79 Wendy Pease When people put the Google translate plugin in you click on it and you have the dropdown and it's all well and good I'm on the english site I do the dropdown and it gives me all the languages in english so I've gone to a chinese site. Found the Google translate plugin they're all in chinese I can't pick english out chinese isn't one of my languages to read I can't pick english out of there. So. It's a waste of time number 4 is people oftentimes will bury the plugin way down deep in their um. 23:09.90 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Meet. 23:22.67 Wendy Pease Their website so people can't even find it so again, it's a waste of time number 5 There's been liability issues in hospitals and with police um that I know of that we've we've written some blogs about that. Ah Google translate has made fatal errors. 23:24.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah. 23:40.41 bizzyweb Fa fatal Wow. Okay. 23:42.17 Wendy Pease Um, and so there's a life fatal. Yeah yeah, one of them was a high school athlete um, went into the hospital so complete athlete and they said. I Can't remember the word right now but it was something like um, something it. It was interpreted as he was drunk and so that they kind of said oh you need to just let him sleep it off but it ended up the direct translation for that. Didn't mean that it meant something like he passed out. 24:05.61 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 24:18.42 Wendy Pease And um, so he didn't get in whatever he had if they had done the appropriate test they would have been able to treat it and save him but they didn't because they were relying on Google translate on it. Um, yeah. 24:25.95 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh my stars. Yeah. 24:28.67 bizzyweb I Know it was a bad idea I didn't know it could rise to the level of fatality. 24:33.23 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 24:35.50 Wendy Pease Yeah I think it's only a matter of time if it hasn't happened yet that a lot of the governments are using the Google translate plugin in because it's cheap or free but ah they they if you if a government. Provide services to over five percent of a population of their population that speaks a language they have to provide in language services. So I think it's only a matter of time before um, somebody's going to be sued for not providing equal access. Um, another one is is Google and so I think about to number 6 now is number 6 is where it goes into the stories. It. It can't actually capture the meaning when there's no direct translation for a phrase or for you know, like she knows her onions and I have all sorts. 25:16.14 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb If. 25:23.35 Wendy Pease Um, of examples of Google translate and what it does like can I share some with you or do you want to go on to the next? Yeah, so. 25:27.51 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Hey please? yes. 25:31.49 bizzyweb Yeah, by by all means well but they close the door on Google translate it. It's it's ah it's it's. It's it's kind of like buying a website theme. It can get you about 60% of the way there, but it's not really the whole thing and it's not quite what you should do. 25:48.81 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? And only technically yeah if. 25:48.84 Wendy Pease The waste of time. It's a complete waste of time. Yeah I think the better way to do it is if you can't afford to do your whole website and oftentimes you don't need to do that then take out the 5 questions that you need to answer do a landing page or a micro site that is affordable. You don't have to do it all at once because we all know that if you add more content into your website that helps with the Google algorithm so get something up there and then continue to add to it as you have as you're tracking your metrics and see which blogs are popular or as a question keeps coming up. 26:10.36 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Feel. Family. 26:26.61 bizzyweb Good does does google give you credit for content in 2 languages. 26:26.66 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I Love that? yep. 26:28.37 Wendy Pease Then you can add pages to it. Yeah, yeah, you want to optimize your translated site just as you would optimize your English language site. So when we're doing Keywords for a translation. It's not as simple of this is the key word. 26:45.38 bizzyweb Me. 26:49.90 Wendy Pease We might give options so we can look at those So the agency can look at the statistics and see which word they want to optimize for So there's a lot a lot of thought in that and that reminds me you got to remember your titles and your tags. 26:52.55 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Name. 27:01.48 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb For me. 27:03.37 Wendy Pease Um, and all those words need to be translated to to optimize for search. 27:06.77 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb For sure. 27:09.68 bizzyweb Sounds like a ah fun next level of Keyword stuffing is just have your like have your website posted in 14 different languages but I'm sure that's there's probably limits on that. But okay so the. 27:19.69 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb He knew. 27:20.51 Wendy Pease Well, you also have to think through that you know if you pull them into your site Then what's the buyer's journey and how are you providing services. But that's. 27:26.92 bizzyweb Um, yeah, right. 27:29.66 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 27:32.76 Wendy Pease You know as we know in marketing. It's usually the hardest to get them in So let's do that and then you can figure out the rest of the stuff. 27:37.71 bizzyweb Yeah, all right? so that it's it time for the good stuff. Give us the give us the give us the fails. We promise the lift. There's some fails and I'm sure you've got to hear these. 27:37.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right. 27:46.61 Wendy Pease Ah, okay, so you yeah yeah I do so here's ah, here's here's an English one. You know what a redneck is right. 27:47.78 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, yeah. 27:52.78 bizzyweb Um, yep. 27:57.34 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, yep. 28:00.98 Wendy Pease Okay, so in the Us we we all know what that is ah what I did and what I hadn't realized is I thought it was from the farmers tan. It's not. It's originally from the mining that if you were striking to get better miners rights you wore a red bandana so they were a red knack. Well. 28:15.66 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 28:18.49 Wendy Pease Um, you know so the meaning is really somebody who's a little crass unsophisticated rural Drawt Dweller is kind of you know in the US um but if you put it into spanish it comes out as white peasant. Um, and in german it comes up as farmers. 28:36.18 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb But. 28:37.89 Wendy Pease So it doesn't quite capture the meaning here in the Us. Yeah um, Kumar spect is one of my favorite german words it's that excessive weight gain from emotional eating. We don't have a word for it. 28:39.31 bizzyweb I cry. No. 28:41.10 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 28:47.24 bizzyweb Who. The what? What's your favorite german word Dave. 28:56.43 Wendy Pease And it it's a wait wait wait wait wait hang on I got to give the punchline Google Google translates it into grief bacon. 28:57.69 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Well I know what yours is going to be truth? Yeah, okay, yes. 29:00.83 bizzyweb Oh yeah, Okay, yeah. Now. 29:06.68 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Grief Baking I should I should print out t-shirts called Grief or and do grief bacon on them. That's brilliant. 29:13.29 bizzyweb Yeah, especially living through a minnesota winter when you get twenty two inches of snow in a day. It's you know. 29:15.44 Wendy Pease Yes, isn't that fun. Ah. 29:20.93 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yes, but. 29:23.48 Wendy Pease Ah, yeah, how about a Hawaiian What word called Pana Poo I Love this is scratching your head when you're trying to remember something you know we've all done that we don't have a word in english. 29:27.74 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Okay. 29:33.33 bizzyweb An awfully specific specific word for a thing but okay. 29:35.30 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ahha Ahha Aha I Love it. Yeah. 29:39.46 Wendy Pease Ah, there's all sorts of words like that in other languages. That's what language makes writ why it's so rich. Um Google says shoot the head scratching your head to remember it now and ah oh here's here's. 29:50.17 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb That's not good. Yeah yeah, wow. 29:57.96 Wendy Pease My all time favorite. It's a finish word Calci a con it I learned this at the yeah ah Hubspot inbound conference it means I'm drunk at home in my underwear. 30:02.46 bizzyweb I. 30:14.36 Wendy Pease And there's no way I'm going out. 30:17.22 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Wow Now that sounds like ah like an explicitly covered related word but that's an age with I know that's cool. 30:22.82 bizzyweb We'll have to put that in the show note but explain our weekends. 30:23.12 Wendy Pease Now it's a finish word. Ah but Google just says buttocks so completely misses the meaning buttocks. 30:33.67 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah, it just it just gives up. It's like all right? Whatever yeah yeah, ah ah I'm I'm Goingnna steal your thunder trig v and I'm goingnna say schting floud up. Ah what's yours trigby. 30:35.96 bizzyweb But just man but like your what your favorite room and where Dave oh man and I'm not gonna have an answer. 30:39.50 Wendy Pease So anyway you had asked Dave what his favorite german word were I've got more of these. 30:52.53 Wendy Pease Wait what was yours Dave I didn't hear you yes, that's another one. Ah. 30:53.50 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, sch and Freud. Ah. 30:55.42 bizzyweb Yeah, yeah, I'm afraid of course for for our listeners means happiness at the Misfortune of others. 30:57.76 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Me. 31:04.28 Wendy Pease And Google says malicious joy gloating or spitefulness. It takes the mean part of it. Yeah shoutin fraud is is is kind of a joke. You know it's more lighthearted than. 31:04.58 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Okay, okay. 31:13.76 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb It's a little harder. Yeah, yeah, yeah man right? Oh yeah, oh. 31:14.42 bizzyweb Oh yeah, no. 31:23.40 Wendy Pease Malicious joy. 31:24.25 bizzyweb I think of it more in terms of like watching Karen videos on Youtube of Karen's asking for the manager and then getting thrown out. That's what I I enjoy. 31:34.25 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? right? Yes, Yes, yeah, right? Good green. 31:37.95 Wendy Pease Which yeah, which is lighthearted if your name isn't Karen. 31:45.55 bizzyweb I we we know you Wendy primarily from ah the marketing ah aspects of of the of the business because that's how we've met and we've worked with you in the past but I'm really interested in the other forms of that rapport does about translation. So what other what other. Ways do people utilize rapport. So for instance I know my wife has ah was a school counselor has a lot of families who come who aren't in native english speakers that she has to talk to and so you has to use ah utilize a translator. 32:15.89 Wendy Pease Um, yes, so I'm ah 1 of our specialties is global marketing and that's I wrote the book and then I host the global marketing show podcast. Another areas that we do is what I'd call like um, the community interpreting or translation and that is working with schools hospitals um legal offices to provide translation to support ah people in that area. So we provide. Um, you know ieps that that students might need to help within class we provide interpreters that can go in and help family meetings. We provide interpreters that go out to all the major hospitals in ah Nebraska we have a ah big presence there. Um, and of course we're in Massachusetts and we do it another you know, live interpreters. We do translation everywhere telephone interpreting. Everywhere around the globe because a lot of this is done all that's done virtually. Um, we also do legal contracts. Um you know technical. So that's all the community interpreting so we do everything in there. Um, and then we get into the technical side. 33:33.85 Wendy Pease Um, you know so people have user manuals contracts um anything you know technology um localization of software um anything that has to be done high quality. That's what we do you get a unsolicited email and you don't know whether you need to respond to it or not sure pop it into Google translate if it's you know, send me $1000 I'm in need and from somebody you don't know you delete that if it looks like something to do with business hey you know take it the next step and see if you can. Build the business. 34:11.17 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I Yeah, my line at all. Can you hear me good. Okay, oh weird. Yeah I'm I'm still oh maybe it's a bad connection. A bad network connection. But. 34:12.94 bizzyweb Dave can you say something at your that's oh we're not seeing your line for some reason. Yeah I can hear you fine, but your lines disappeared for me. 34:22.11 Wendy Pease And it's yellow. 34:30.92 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I Don't can you hear me fine. Okay, got it. 34:32.27 bizzyweb Yeah I can hear you fine I just making sure that you're still still connected. so ah so I'm I'm just really fascinated by this so. How how if a company I know this is a hard question to answer. But what is it. What does translation services cost to business and I think there's 2 there's 2 ways that I'd like to answer that number 1 is how much generally speaking does your services run and number 2 what's the sunk cost of not doing it. 34:54.23 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, may help. 35:04.77 Wendy Pease Um, okay, so yeah, there's some cost of not doing it is you're leaving revenue on the table. Um global companies on average I think it's our 20 grow 20 to 30% faster than domestic only companies. 35:10.36 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Mother. 35:22.31 Wendy Pease Um, and I went through the statistics before and oftentimes people will say oh translation is a cost but particularly if you're doing it. Um for anywhere in the buyer's journey which is to attract engage and Delight. You're providing information that's going to help. Attract and retain clients. Um, so the cost. Yeah,, there's different ways to look at it. Our minimum charge is $95 So that's about a page of content. You know so you can put a landing. Yeah. 35:52.90 bizzyweb It's print pretty reasonable. That's any any professional service. You're going to hire to do anything is going to run you a hundred dollars an hour at least. 35:53.90 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Absolutely. 36:00.62 Wendy Pease Yeah, yeah, exactly and so when you're sending things in you don't want to send a line or 2 in you want to consolidate it and think okay, what am I going to use. Then we talk with our clients about okay, well if you're translating your website use that same content to build out your brochure that if you're going to give a hard copy brochure or you know do a Pdf that you're going to email use that same content just reorder it so content. 36:23.73 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Hello. 36:30.39 Wendy Pease Um, so there's smart ways to use your budget for translation and I go a lot into this in my book about deciding what to translate because that really stumps people to and I do a grid of. 36:36.76 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Are a. 36:42.50 bizzyweb Well well, let's let's let's do a better show for the book say the name of the book again and where where people can buy it since you mentioned the book. 36:49.22 Wendy Pease Okay, so in my book the language of global marketing which you can buy on Amazon or Barnes and noble or any of the it was Barnes and nobles still around. Okay. 36:58.95 bizzyweb Yeah, well, it's perfect I just wanted to make sure since you mentioned the book We we gave people another shot at the title. 36:59.22 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah, absolutely. Yes. 37:07.18 Wendy Pease Okay, thank you? Good catch. Um, there's a whole chapter in my book. The language of global marketing which you can get on Amazon or any of the places where you buy your online books It's also I also have an audio version but there's a whole chapter on what to translate. And you can look at low cost high return versus high cost low return and plot your content or your materials out in there and so you can. And you know to do rather than doing your whole website which can cost thousands of thousands of dollars why not start with a landing page. You put a couple hundred dollars into it and then every so often you add a page for a couple hundred more dollars and you can slowly build from there. So. 37:46.64 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 37:51.55 Wendy Pease The pricing of translation is based upon the length of the the content you need to translate the subject matter in the language spanish is the least expensive then european languages would be second and then character languages are your most expensive. Um. 38:08.55 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Of Chinese move. 38:08.70 bizzyweb Character languages meaning like Russian and and I mean. 38:10.39 Wendy Pease We provide simplified Chinese tried to get traditional Chinese Vietnamese Korean any of those um and. 38:20.29 bizzyweb Tragic. 38:25.47 Wendy Pease Then and we always ask to see what's going to be translated because if somebody had if it's done in a layout There could be an additional charge for doing the layout and we can provide just the translation or we can do the print ready layout and provide that or upload it into the website. And then we look at the graphics because if you learn 1 2 things from this is don't use Google translate for something that's important and number 2 is if you're a marketing person and you're building out images and graphics don't embed the text. Because if you embed the text. It's really hard to add translation to that. You know if you overlay the text then we can just go in and drop it in and and modify your your image. 39:10.33 bizzyweb This sounds like something that you can give a great example of like now head head or from. 39:10.76 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Perfect. 39:17.17 Wendy Pease Lots of them. Lots of them and we can handle it. It just costs more money because of how it was originally built. 39:21.57 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And it. 39:26.27 bizzyweb So what's an example of ah, a client that came to you that had ah text embedded in their and their um logo and how did that fail in an ah another language I'm thinking a threat I'm thinking of a certain lumberjack. 39:38.98 Wendy Pease Um, oh you're thinking of a lumberjack. 39:43.52 bizzyweb Yeah, you told me the story about the lumberjack once that translated into another language. 39:48.96 Wendy Pease Oh I don't even remember that one tell refresh my memory. 39:54.54 bizzyweb It was something about a in English It was something about ah lumberjacks and then it and and then when it got translated into another language. It was it was it got translated into something like burly homosexual. 40:07.62 Wendy Pease Oh gentle giant. But oh that's hysterical. Yeah, we have a moving company in New England called gentle giant and I know the owner and he's this really tall guy. 40:10.90 bizzyweb Dragon. 40:23.10 Wendy Pease Extremely fit he competes internationally and I think it's rowing and um, he went to China and there was somebody there making characters of words that you wanted to put on a t-shirt. So he said oh my moot. My my company's name is gentle giant. Can you do that. 40:26.41 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh my. 40:41.32 Wendy Pease So the yeah, the the guy did it. He didn't ask for clarification. Obviously he wasn't trained translator and he's walking around China and people are looking at him and laughing and pointing at him so he goes back to the hotel and he says what does my shirt say. 40:52.70 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb So for now. 40:59.91 Wendy Pease And they said well it translates into large homosexual. 41:04.86 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Well at least he didn't get the tattoo right? I mean oh my goodness. Ah. 41:09.52 Wendy Pease Ah, oh I did a whole series with social media a few years back on tattoos but you know people who failed on getting tattoos. But yeah, he had a good sense of humor. So it was funny but um, apparently gentle can allude to, um. 41:18.53 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Her. Ah. 41:24.24 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Okay, okay, well. 41:24.95 Wendy Pease Homosexuality in China so that's where the mistranslation happened. Yeah. 41:29.26 bizzyweb that's that's fantastic so all right in the in the time we have left I know we talked some about some of the Google translate fails. But what are what are your top 3 or 4 just epic language fails that. Have gone from english into another language like like the gentle giant. Yeah. 41:46.52 Wendy Pease Um, okay, taglines are always priceless because they're very visual I mean if you're talking about an english to english translation Electroluxe launched in the United States with their british tagline. It sucks. 42:00.55 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah, ah, maybe not. 42:03.13 Wendy Pease Yeah, they modified that I don't know what they changed it to but you know having a you want your vacuum cleaner to suck. But you don't want to say it sucks. Um, let me see another one was branif Airlines they had um, fly in leather. 42:20.52 bizzyweb Yeah. 42:21.32 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah, for her. 42:21.80 Wendy Pease You know like we've got leather seats. It's really nice and so in Spanish they saiduela and culo and that translates into fly naked. But. 42:27.56 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Okay, oh well I bet they were wondering why their their ticket prices shot up that was amazing. Yeah, right? ouch. 42:30.40 bizzyweb Math. 42:37.60 Wendy Pease Yeah. 42:38.88 bizzyweb Like spirit airlines before spirit airlines. Wow. Okay. 42:45.13 Wendy Pease Oh Spirita all right? Another one is my favorite I Love that campaign with got milk with the milk mustache and um, somebody. 42:53.26 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 42:57.94 Wendy Pease With high school Spanish or something translated into aileche which is grammatically correct but they didn't know the other meaning to I letche which means are you lactating so big billboards and. 43:09.21 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh. 43:11.12 bizzyweb Ah, and now with the mustache. Ah, and then you put that over the somebody's picture somebody with the mouth Mustache are you like baing. 43:17.30 Wendy Pease Come up. 43:18.27 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, oh no, Ah oh my. 43:24.20 Wendy Pease Big billboard in Southern California are you lactating with the milk must. Ah. 43:28.72 bizzyweb Wow that escalated quickly. 43:33.41 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Brilliant. 43:35.62 Wendy Pease Yeah, so yeah, if anybody here's anymore I I have a running list of them so please send them over to me I get a real kick out of them. 43:42.22 bizzyweb And you both and post them on social media too. So that's a great way to follow along if you're interested and and learning more about translation is to follow you on social medias. 43:47.32 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 43:53.92 Wendy Pease Absolutely yeah, you can look for me Wendy Peas Translation expert I'm on all the social medias quite a bit. Um, if you want a free chapter of of the book. The language of global marketing. You can go to my linktree account. Um, it's got free chapter a book linked to buy the book podcast all my social medias and so it's just linktree L A N K T R Dot E E Slash Wendy Pas W E N D Y P isn't Peter E A S e. 44:28.82 bizzyweb And oh yeah, yeah, and if I I wanted to buy the book I could find it on Amazon. 44:29.11 Wendy Pease And has all my links there. You guys know about Link Tree right? Yeah yeah. 44:30.95 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, amazing. Yes, yes, super select. 44:38.91 Wendy Pease You can find it on Amazon yep, and if you buy the book and you read it and you'll learn 1 thing please leave me a review I've started doing that for all authors now because it really really does make a difference on helping the book get found and getting feedback. So ah, give me your honest feedback. 44:38.92 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Language of global marketing. Yeah. 44:50.25 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And there's a 5 star review wendy from me on Amazon for your book. Yeah yes. 44:57.57 Wendy Pease Yay I Do remember that? yes. 44:57.95 bizzyweb I think me too I'm not sure if not I'll not I'll put one in well Wendy thank you for joining us and and ah tell us the website one more time. So if people ah need your help they can they can ah hire you to. Help them make make a little bit more money. Overseas. 45:15.18 Wendy Pease Thank you happy to do a free consultation with anybody anytime. Ah the our website is rapport translation. So. It's like the french word rapport r a p p o rt and then translations. Dot com and we have tons if there's anything you want to learn more about you can go in. We have a whole learning center and a search bar there. You can search for anything and learn a ton more. 45:40.86 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Perfect and if you're and if you're not great at spelling. You can just go in and if you google Wendy Peas your website is the first thing that pops up. So oh okay, perfect. Yeah, okay. Brilliant. Yeah, this was so much fun. Thank you. 46:28.86 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, is me. 47:33.38 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, a. 48:00.65 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And it's just different levels or different like you add milk first or last or whatever as um. 48:18.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb That's right. 48:25.43 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb He. 48:57.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Then. 49:03.98 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, and I hear it smells heavenly. 49:13.32 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb What you can but you got to Twitter now. Ah. 49:32.96 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb M. 49:45.10 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, first it. Yeah thank you the checklist and yeah. 50:01.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb So thank you. 50:17.49 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb In. Yeah, that's for sure. 50:31.53 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb How other. 51:34.49 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, in it. 52:20.12 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb If you. 52:38.33 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, if. 53:39.15 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 54:01.17 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb The. 54:41.50 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, totally. 54:56.60 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Not too much although the the bike riding is a little bit longer when I'm when I'm going back and forth in the summer but ah yeah, excellent. 55:15.87 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah, hopefully it still works trick because mine is still showing that it's recording and like I'm still getting all of the lines and everything. So Hopefully you guys are good sweet. Yeah, okay, do you want me to keep mine open then too. Or should I Okay yeah, and then just ping me when when we're good. 55:48.35 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right on Thanks Wendy great to see you yeah to get that's fun. Weird. 56:12.40 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I Have a little green checkmark. Maybe. 56:27.65 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Okay, 0 local backup. It says fifty Four megabytes fifty three megabytes it keeps going up. So I don't know what I need to do now. Um, maybe go in here call settings. That's all good huh I don't know man. 57:42.28 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah, just fy I I think maybe the settings on your mic still need to get tweaked because we were picking up anything on your desk that was happening to so. 57:55.10 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Mine is the second from the right, it looks like a Pacman like trying to eat the line with it. 58:10.88 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah. 58:21.75 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Okay, so I just have to find it somewheres. Okay, well I'm going to well here. Let's let's do this I'll refresh my browser and then.