00:02.17 bizzyweb Hey death. 00:03.10 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Trig v have a special guest for us today. An old friend of ours and someone that's walked the entrepreneurial lifestyle and we talk about dialing it in all the time but this guy really does it for a living and he's got. The full sass experience behind him. So super super good it's not big bird. Um, you know the problem with big bird is he's notoriously hard to pin down and he's always got it feels like he's got someone inside him. That's. 00:19.71 bizzyweb Is is it is It is it big bird. Why do you never book big bird as a guest. 00:37.59 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Just dying to get out and so I don't think we should go there. 00:38.99 bizzyweb Why aren't we dying to get out but now I want to know who our special guest is and know who's dying to get out of him. 00:44.87 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Well I'd like to introduce to you Josh feedi of sales reach Josh how are you. 00:48.69 bizzyweb Oh. 00:49.85 Josh Fedie Um, hey guys how are you doing? How are you doing is this is is the big bird reference kind of like the sorry I didn't have time for Matt Damon this episode sort of spoof is that is that where you feel that from. No yeah yeah I mean 01:00.30 bizzyweb Um, well I think it's going to be now. 01:01.36 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, we're going to have to come up with a hook like that. Yes. 01:06.87 Josh Fedie Yeah, you should start doing that. Thanks for having me on guys. It's great. 01:09.41 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah, oh it's amazing. So Josh we've been in the same um orbit for quite a while because you deal a lot with sales enablement and just the things that go into making sales teams better. 01:22.54 Josh Fedie Yeah. 01:24.65 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And you know we've we've both played inside of the same spheres like you're you're very familiar with Hubspot and we do a ton with that. You're living the life of a saas entrepreneur and I'm super I'm super interested to hear all that came to be but just tell us a little bit about yourself and what makes you tick. That's it. 01:45.56 Josh Fedie Yeah, so living live in the life of an entrepreneur. Ah you know some might call it a dream some might call it a nightmare right? Um, you know and I guess it kind of depends on the day. Um, but yeah I mean we we actually came from a very similar starting poisons I actually. 02:00.12 bizzyweb You're you're a competitor of ours for a long time right. 02:02.73 Josh Fedie For a minute right? Yeah I started a marketing agency myself. Um and my entire background um was in creative services and I love Creative services I Love marketing I Love selling creative things because I'm a creative person so selling in a creative way was just kind of. 02:04.26 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, you. 02:20.72 Josh Fedie Second nature. It felt it felt right for me right? I don't There's certain things that I would probably be absolutely horrible at selling. But if I'm selling creative services selling creatively. It always just worked well for me. Um, after working at agencies I ended up founding my own agency. 02:29.38 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb He. 02:36.37 Josh Fedie And that was fun until it wasn't is what I like to say right? and then I went back to working for other people but that was the moment where I found my true passion I kind of moved away from creative services and started really diving into custom software development. 02:37.51 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 02:52.80 Josh Fedie Um, it was you know I was working at marketing agencies right? at the time where agencies were really either going real heavy into the digital technology side of things or going real heavy into the marketing strategy side of things and I started moving more towards the digital building custom software side. 03:03.63 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb You. 03:11.58 Josh Fedie Just loved it and so you know I'm one of those guys that I just can't help but have ideas for things and think of things and dream about hey one day I'll do X right? Um, and the unfortunate thing is usually when I dream about the things I I actually do move on it right? and so for my family. It's like. 03:20.50 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah. 03:29.10 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, yeah. 03:30.62 Josh Fedie Oh no, he's thinking about something again, right? What? what are we going to do next now? Um, but that's where this one came from um I was you know, really frustrated with my own personal sales process I had built a rudimentary version of what I built now for myself. It worked really well. But I had no vision of how to productize it. I Got into the Hubspot ecosystem and started exploring what Hubspot had built and just realized that the thing that I had built would really complement the tools that they had built um because the bulk of the tools that they had built at least at that time were very very marketing heavy. 03:59.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Hey. 04:06.00 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Maybe. 04:07.94 Josh Fedie Um, there really wasn't a lot on the sales side of house in Hubspot At that time they're they're building more now. Um, they're focusing on the quotes and making the quotes portion of Hubspot a little bit more robust to give salespeople something more but I just felt like we needed a way to better guide. 04:18.25 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, strength. Um. 04:27.40 Josh Fedie Our customers through their journey I felt like we needed a way to build a better experience of working with us I felt like the things that we were doing in a digital first way as sales professionals was really bad. 04:30.38 bizzyweb So. 04:41.40 Josh Fedie Um, sending all the documents and attachments and links and then oh now, everyone's using video now we're sending videos on 1 ne-off videos and how many emails are we expecting these prospects to juggle when we're talking with them and it was really truly frustrating me so I built a solution for it. Um, and so it's. 04:49.72 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Evening. 04:57.95 Josh Fedie It's really just in line with all the things that I did as a sales professional. It was basically here's my process turned into a product hired a team they built it and we've been going ever since it's been just over five years now since we kind of you know, built this thing. So yeah. 05:12.25 bizzyweb I Think what's really interesting about the product is the the world was very very different in 2017 and 2018 when you develop this. So Let's let's I think we should. Probably start talking about in the abstract what? what is sales reach and what how does it make my life better as a sales professional. 05:31.80 Josh Fedie Yeah I'll I mean first I want to comment on what you just said I mean the first two years that we built this thing the people that we were talking to were primarily marketing teams. Okay because this was this is a digital product. So I'm going to get to what it is but it's a digital product. It's. 05:43.25 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb E. 05:51.52 Josh Fedie Essentially it just looks like a web page at the end of the day so marketing teams and organizations were looking at this and I would say yeah your sales peopleop are gonna build this and they'd go No, they're not and I'd say well and see yeah they are. That's the whole point of this is that your salespeople are having conversations with with their customers and prospects and they're the ones on the front line. They're the ones that know what they need from them. 05:57.25 bizzyweb Yeah. 05:58.70 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah. 06:10.74 Josh Fedie They're going to build a Webp page and they're going to organize the assets and materials they need on that page and marketing teams. Go no way they're not smart enough. We don't trust them with brand specific things they're going to screw this up. They're going to change our logo. They're going to change our colors. They're going to say stupid things on camera I mean I heard everything marketing teams the way they felt about sales teams at that time. 06:29.88 bizzyweb Doubt. 06:29.89 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb But fate. 06:30.61 Josh Fedie And hasn't changed that much but the way they felt about sales teams at that time was was really upsetting I'm a sales professional, um and to hear those candid remarks in the beginning was really really hard. Um, what was crazy though is that you're right I mean we built and launched this thing Pre Pandemic. So We built a tool for sales professionals to be more effective in a digital first space before anyone was Screaming. We need to be effective in a digital first space. The pandemic hit and I'll never forget getting a phone call from one of my investors who was like dude this is going to be huge for you and I was like. You know I don't want to get excited about what's happening right now because that seems insensitive but at the same time. This is the moment this is this is a huge shift where nobody's going to be able to deny the shift that was already happening. Okay because that's the honest thing when we started building this tool. 07:09.40 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um. 07:27.71 Josh Fedie It wasn't it wasn't just a hey. Let's see if people want to be better in a digital environment. No it was because customers were demanding that salespeople become better without being face-to-face all the time. All the studies were already showing this all the studies were already showing how buyers were changing. How how the materials marketing teams are producing on websites and blogs and on Youtube and on social channels were changing the way buyers were educating themselves already buyers were wanting to speak to sales less and less and less and less and less before the pandemic even hit. There were stats coming out saying that buyers do 70% of the journey without talking to sales. Those stats were coming out before the pandemic hit so the pandemic didn't cause people to not want to be in person. The pandemic made it more acceptable socially in a business space. 08:19.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, do we eat. 08:20.12 Josh Fedie To no longer waste time driving across town and flying all day long to meet face to face for pointless meetings that could have been achieved over a Zoom call or could have been achieved with a better email that was more organized, right? So that's why we started building this platform. Okay what it is to specifically answer your question trigby. Um. Essentially it's an asset management system. Okay, recently there was a poll at ask sales professionals if a customer asks you for some information. Do you know where to find it 65% of them said no which is ridiculous like what the hell are you doing. Trigby if I ask you to send me a document about busy web right now. Do you know where to find that. 09:00.38 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Think as we use to reach. 09:02.39 bizzyweb Yeah, yes yes I do Josh. 09:06.10 Josh Fedie Ah, yeah, yeah, see but that was the response that so many of the respondents gave on that and I just thought wait a minute now. That's the most basic part of your job I've been in sales over twenty years I have never once in my life had a meeting that didn't end with send me some information. Never once. 09:10.40 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Or more. 09:22.89 Josh Fedie There is always something being sent after a conversation. Otherwise why the heck did you even have the conversation like if you weren't tracking towards something that needed to have something delivered as an outcome from that conversation then that was a pointless conversation and if you're out there having pointless conversations all day then you need to get into a different. Ah, career choice right? because pointless conversations and sales are not going to pay your bills right? They need to have an objective So at our core we're an asset management system so that your team no longer has to say I don't know where to find things your marketing team can curate materials. They can be documents webpages Web links videos. 09:42.71 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right. 09:59.83 Josh Fedie Whatever it is that any customer facing team sales customer success onboarding and training whatever customer facing team is using our platform might need to distribute to somebody the big difference though is that we're a visual first asset distribution platform. So instead of me sending trigv an email after our conversation. With as many attachments as I can fit before I run out of space and then a second email that immediately follows it say and I couldn't get this to fit so here's the additional things I wanted to send to you right instead of me doing that I send you a custom web page. It's a link in your email you see a video gift because I record a video on all my pages but you don't have to right. Um, and when you get to that page I record a video explaining to you. What's on the page I explain to you? what Ah the next steps are in our conversations I give you access to my calendar I give you access to my Linkedin profiles so we can get him act I give you access to all the materials you need literally loaded on a single web page where this is super beneficial. And then I'll stop and let you guys talk. This is another interesting. This is another interesting thing that happened during the pandemic review teams pre pandemic on average 9 people. Okay. 10:57.87 bizzyweb Hi Mary Keep keep keep going. We gone here. 10:59.42 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, if. 11:11.96 Josh Fedie So anytime someone needed to make a big business decision to bring in a new product vendor service into an organization. They were on average 9 people that were going to review that in total at a company and they were getting together in a literal room together looking at the vendors or products that they were putting up against each other pandemic hits. Guess what happened to that review team it almost doubled I'm bad at math. It didn't totally double but it moved from 9 to 14 individuals. So now you've got people working distributed all over the country literally some all over the world because some are like you know you only live once I'm gonna go. 11:38.14 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 11:49.00 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb He. 11:49.62 Josh Fedie Work in France for the rest of this year you have people all over the world reviewing product services and it's gone from 9 to 14 people that need to make sense of that deal. So you tell me? how are you going to do that. How are you going to somehow build consensus. With 14 people that you're not literally gonna be sitting in a room with you're not even going to meet these people in some cases. So the number 1 job of a sales rep became finding ways to build internal advocates finding ways to make it simple for that internal advocate to understand the deal and the complexities of the deal. So much that they could speak to it without you being in the room we as sales professionals need to hone the ability to train those advocates to be us when we're not in the room right? We need to give them as much information as we have about things. So that when people ask them questions. They don't say I don't know they say here's the answer and that's where sales reach has proven to be insanely effective because they don't have to they don't necessarily have to know everything but they do know where everything is and all they're doing is sharing that web link with all those decision makers and. Everybody's getting the experience that you as a sales professional put together and you have the opportunity to personalize it with videos and to literally introduce yourself to them right? It's as human of a sales process as you can possibly make without being in a room together. So that's what sales reach is. 13:22.28 bizzyweb All right? Well thank you for that so you've got a 20 year sales ah portfolio behind you leading you into developing this tool which is a great tool and David I both use it and and think that it's great. So once the pandemic hit what my experience was now. 13:29.65 Josh Fedie Yeah. 13:42.28 bizzyweb Curious to know what your thoughts were is everybody panicked and everybody started doing webinars and emails and all of it was bad and so all of a sudden there was a flush to hey here's a patented 3 step webinar. 13:50.85 Josh Fedie Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 14:02.50 bizzyweb And then the that was the first wave in in in the marketplace and selling was hey everybody goes to email then the the second was ah mar tech shiny objects which is is sort of yourspace and. 14:15.51 Josh Fedie So. 14:21.77 bizzyweb Every every here's 1 thing that you can do to make your life better. Oh my god you have to buy this right now look at this shiny thing look at this shiny thing and. I think what's really unique about your tool is the only way that it really works successfully is. it's it's yes it's a time saver. Yes, it's a different presentation of the theater and things. But it only really works if you do have a genuine relationship with somebody. 14:47.97 Josh Fedie Yes, yes, yes, yes. 14:51.22 bizzyweb And you're actually a good salesperson. It is not something that will secretly magically make make you a better closer a better developer. It is something which is rare in the March tech space I think because everybody is selling this glen gary idea of I'll make you faster I'll make you more money. You're not doing that. Are you You're talking about how I can make you more you. 15:15.89 Josh Fedie Okay, so I'm gonna get up on a soapbox for a second here and I'm gonna say I'm gonna say some stupid things that are gonna be held against me in five to ten years in my life. Okay, but I don't care. That's just how I am you know that so here here's so here's the deal. Um I am. 15:17.79 bizzyweb Fire me. 15:26.86 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb This is where it gets found. 15:33.20 Josh Fedie I am Beyond fed up with so many of the tools that I see in the martak in the sales tech landscape because what I see out of a significant amount of them is that they do a very small amount of stuff. In a way that is designed to just be so stupid simple that it fools the people using it into thinking. They're actually being productive and helpful. That's what I see all over the place. Specifically I will not throw any companies under the bus on this I won't I won't mention any companies. But. 15:59.82 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A a. 16:11.94 Josh Fedie 1 thing that we compete against a lot with our tool are other video companies. We compete against a lot of video companies and I see solutions all day long in the video space where they say you can send a thousand personalized videos. 16:28.87 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, yes. 16:30.88 Josh Fedie Every single day to somebody and I'm sitting here going wait a minute I send personalized videos all day long I'm not sending a thousand personalized videos a day It's not effective number 1 but number 2 I don't have time to do that. How are they doing that right. Well, it's personalized because it's going to programmatically put somebody's name um on the screen and programmatically put their website behind their head. You're actually only recording one video. It's generic. You don't say anyone's name. You don't even mention the company. It is literally the same message to every person that gets it. But the background and the foreground gets changed out slightly at different points now I'm sorry but that is not personalization in my book in my book if you are going to truly personalize something if you are going to truly humanize something then the human element needs to exist within it and smiling at a camera for 1 minute of your day. And recording ah a generic video that you're going to send to a boatload of people that's not it as far as I'm concerned I get those emails with those videos all day long I immediately block that sender I immediately put those into trash I'm not interested in that like you need to go a little bit further. I don't expect you to know my dog's name I don't expect you to know my kid's birthday I don't expect you to know the last funding round I don't think any of that stuff. Matters. Okay, all that really matters is is what you're bringing me something that is actually a challenge that I'm looking to overcome right now and if it is then I will be willing to have the conversation. But only if i. 17:57.74 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb B. 18:05.76 Josh Fedie Feel some level of trust and reason to engage with you and if I'm getting those generic things I just feel like a number and if I feel like a number I don't want to play this game I Just don't I'm more important than that every one of us is more important than that We're not just numbers. And so I fight every single day with our product every time I'm talking to my developers we have customers that ask for new features all the time and we add them to the list and if we hear certain things ask for in a higher frequency. It moves higher up the list. But every time we hear things we say. 18:36.31 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Picture. 18:42.60 Josh Fedie But what are they really asking for here right? like let's really get to the bottom of the problem here that they're looking to solve for. We have to keep it simple but we also have to stay true to our ethos which is we're not just going to make this some Ai generated Bs fast that like. Makes everybody move faster because our end goal. We are not a sales enablement tool. We are a buyer enablement here tool we exist to make your buyer's lives better That's what we always exist for that is what we build for every single day if I wanted to flip this and be a sales enablement tool and make the sellers lives. 19:14.32 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, will. 19:18.26 Josh Fedie Easier and not consider the experience of their buyers at all then I could easily join the ranks of the 99% of sales tech tools that I see in the marketplace and you know limit our features down to 2 instead of the fifteen that we offer right now and to be fine that I'll be said my next business. Can promise you right Now. We'll be the world's simplest thing that does almost nothing and um I'll just let people sign up online all day long because that's where the money is and that's why you see all that stuff right? like I don't want to die on this cross right? This this is ah it's an incredible product. 19:47.86 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Drink. 19:53.50 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb He. 19:55.78 Josh Fedie And I love using it every single day but 1 of the things I've learned is that those simple tools exist because those are the simple tools that sell because when you talk to a sales professional and you say um, you know hey you can do this and look at these responses that your customers are going to give you. Or you can just do this and you know one out of every thousand emails you send will respond but you don't actually have to do anything unfortunately many sales professionals want to choose that other thing but but to trigby's point the customers at sales reach the sales professionals that we're working with our true sales professionals. 20:22.90 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, right? They just open up. 20:33.76 Josh Fedie In in the most genuine sense of the term they are people that actually care about the job that they're doing they are people that actually care about the objectives of their customer. They are people that actually care about building a meaningful relationship because they understand that building a meaningful relationship with one customer is going to turn into 10 customers. 20:52.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb E. 20:52.36 Josh Fedie Going to turn into repeat business is going to turn into that easier life that you think that those easier tools are promising when in reality if you just put in a little bit of extra inputs and a little bit of extra time on a per customer basis. That's where you actually find the gold at the end of the rainbow. 21:07.67 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah, well and that that's kind of the thing I was most excited to talk to you about Josh because as we look at the pivot or the the difference between sales enablement and buyer enablement. There are some things that I know in our first conversations when we set up sales reach you completely changed my way of thinking in how we should be approaching this and yeah, the shiny tool or the shiny object syndrome is very real and I can't wait to see what product you come up with on that side but the. The coaching and since you're talking to dozens hundreds of people and turning them onto this idea of buyer enablement. What are some of the common themes that people are either doing wrong in their sales conversations or that they don't get initially to. Help approach it from your buyer's perspective instead of making it all about you. 22:08.75 Josh Fedie So okay, there's a couple of big ones that I see a lot. Um the first and easiest one is that I think that there's a big misunderstanding around what personalization actually is in a sales process Huge misunderstanding about that and I really. 22:17.58 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb You. 22:18.31 bizzyweb Absolutely. 22:25.34 Josh Fedie Really wish that there was an easy way to better communicate the differences I mean I've tried to I've been singing it from the rooftops. But I think it goes back to what I was saying before people always gravitate towards the easiest thing. It's just human nature right? We we all do it right? like I'm sitting here looking at a list of things I need to do today. 22:38.00 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, right. 22:44.65 Josh Fedie And there's certain things on that list that I don't want to do and I know I should eat the frog and put it on the top. Um, but I'm not going to I'm going to put it at the bottom I Just know it right? Um, we always go towards the easiest thing and with personalization. There's this idea that if I you know again, just put their logo on it. 22:50.44 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb You. 23:04.51 Josh Fedie Or their name is in it or their company names in or I mentioned a recent funding round or I mentioned that I saw that they moved across the country or I mentioned whatever it is I mentioned their post on Linkedin they feel like okay this is personalized and again it just that's not it. That's not enough right? like. 23:12.46 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Are. 23:20.45 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Are. 23:22.97 Josh Fedie Need to stop just gravitating towards the simple low-hanging fruit that we can grab and we really need to dive in a little bit more right and we need to allow ourselves to spend a little bit more time and I think this is easier for me to understand than a lot of sales professionals that I've personally worked with because I was always the person on the sales floor that the manager was saying. You need to make more dials today and I would always say the hell I do I'm on the top of the leaderboard I'm making 5 calls today. That's it I'm making 5 meaningful calls today I am researching them before I go after them I I'm not wasting my time I'm going to know exactly who I'm gonna reach out to I'm gonna have meaningful interactions and conversations. That's what I'm gonna do. i' not going to smile and dial. It's a waste of my time I'm gonna be feel defeated I'm gonna feel upset right? So for me, it's always been a matter of just slowing down find actual human ways to connect with people and reasons to reach out to them and it's not always. This is the other piece that I see people's. Personally I feel like people are screwing up on all the time and a lot of Linkedin Sales gurus are preaching the opposite of what I'm about to say right now a lot of Linkedin Sales Gurus are talking about doing all that research and finding all those things and calling out those things and what I'm here to tell you is in my experience over 20 years in sales right now. 24:27.58 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um. 24:37.22 Josh Fedie The reason 90% of people respond to you from cold outreach is not because your cold outreach was so impressive that they couldn't say no it was because they just had a conversation with someone at the water cooler or over the virtual water cooler about a challenge. They need to solve for and your timing of sending an email. 24:50.30 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb We. 24:56.21 Josh Fedie That specifically called out the challenges that you help organizations solve hit right? at the right moment. Okay I see people all the time sending emails that say hey what did you think about my email I sent yesterday you know what would be more effective than you sending that literally sending me the exact same email every single day because it's not gonna resonate. 24:57.64 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um. 25:15.52 Josh Fedie Until it resonates as far as I'm concerned I'm not gonna pay any attention to your email until I actually independently identify that I have a challenge that you solve for so just send me the same damn email every single day make it groundhog day make it rain send me the same message every single day and maybe in four months I'll wake up and go. 25:19.60 bizzyweb Wish. 25:34.91 Josh Fedie You know what? my problem is is bookkeeping oh holy crap here's a bookkeeper I get 50 bookkeeper emails a day I'm not interested in them right now I've got a great bookkeeper but who knows what'll happen down the road right? So that's the other piece is so personalization. It's um. 25:45.65 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I I. 25:54.60 Josh Fedie The the last thing that um I was going to get at though is I just feel like the word empathy gets thrown around a lot nobody is so I can't say nobody so few of the people that preach empathy and talk about empathy are actually empathetic individuals. Um. If. We're truly being empathetic then we will be less concerned about our personal quota and more concerned about our customer's objectives and um if you truly look at the email messages that most sales professionals send to their customers just checking in. Hey are we still going to move forward next month blah Blah blah blah blah like it's very me me me me me focused um and that whole me me me focus is again part of why I wanted to build a product the way that I did because I didn't want me as the sales professional to be the focus I wanted your. 26:33.40 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right. 26:46.74 Josh Fedie Needs to be the focus and one of your needs is a more simple way of navigating a complex situation and explaining that complex situation to your team and so I really think that there's a lack of empathy in sales. Um. It's only been made worse because of the financial issues happening in the world right now. Sales managers are getting a little bit crazy demanding the same or better output than we had in previous years and um, they're not being empathetic to their team right? when they're making those demands. It's physically impossible right now. 27:17.34 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right. 27:21.99 Josh Fedie To make more revenue today than you did yesterday I mean it's it's really insane. What's happening right? and I think just staying alive is ah is good enough as far as I'm concerned right now like let's give people a little more grace. Um, but also like if we truly understand what our customers are going through and what their objectives are. We shouldn't even be asking them. Ah is this still a priority next month we should know you know what? that's going to get pushed back because we're having genuine conversations with them and we understand where they're at and where things are tracking and we're not going to force this in. We're not going to force in a deal before it's ready. Trigger I saw your hand up I'm and I'm going to bring you in here before I keep rambling man. 28:00.31 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um. 28:00.37 bizzyweb Okay, so question number 3 um I I also one of the things that I'm seeing and and I think I'm similarly plugged in to you as you are Josh to the sales community. 28:03.45 Josh Fedie Um, oh boy. 28:16.75 bizzyweb Is um, yeah, bump emails are getting aggressive. You know you talk you talked about how oh hey, what you think about email you sent yesterday say yesterday your email was crap because I didn't look at it and f you for now making me think about what I didn't want to think about yesterday. 28:32.87 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And immense. 28:32.88 Josh Fedie Um, right? yeah. 28:36.60 bizzyweb So what I'm what I'm seeing is um now I'm seeing people are more aggressive like I'm actually getting cold appointments being set for me and and then um, how come you didn't come to our meeting on Monday as subject lines. 28:44.71 Josh Fedie Oh man I know? yeah. 28:45.72 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, yeah, yeah, it's pretty. 28:55.60 bizzyweb And then I open it like f you man I don't know who you are and I'm not going to take a meeting that I don't know. 29:01.23 Josh Fedie Here's here's a fun one here's a fun one that just happened the other day so I'm I'm getting these too and I've actually put up rant posts about this on Linkedin before because I can't believe people are doing this but people are literally just finding your book a demo button or you know your schedule a meeting button in your. 29:05.98 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, if. 29:10.88 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, yeah. 29:14.87 Josh Fedie Your your email auto response. You're out of office but your calendar links on it. They just book a meeting with you right? And um, you know when people started first doing this I I was oblivious to it. Um, you'd get on the call and you'd think oh this is scheduled as a demo and then oh they aren't interested in our product at all. They just want to talk about their product. 29:17.67 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 29:32.63 bizzyweb I hurt. 29:34.73 Josh Fedie What they booked a meeting with me under the guise of book a demo but this is a demo to experience there. How how is this acceptable in any way right? So as soon as I started seeing that as a trend. Um I started paying I started responding to meetings that were booked with me I'd respond like. You just booked a meeting him with me What can I make sure that we're going to be discussing on that call, especially if it was something where I was like this doesn't seem like a fit where is this coming from right? This isn't the type of decision maker I would even want to have a conversation with like I'm going to start calling this out a little bit but here's a funny one for you. Um, the about a. 29:55.70 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, yeah. 30:11.90 Josh Fedie About two months ago I had a meeting with a company and their Vc joined the meeting and the vc at the end of the call said we think some of our other portfolio companies could use your product as well and I said all this sounds great like I'd be happy to discuss a way to roll this out for more of your. A portfolio companies at the Vc. We should have a conversation about that and two months goes by I have a lot of meetings in two months after that right and all of a sudden one day I get booked. 30:33.98 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb He left. 30:41.72 Josh Fedie And I don't recognize the name of the company that booked at all I don't recognize the name of the individual This was not someone that was on the call. It was under a different name and immediately after the booking comes through I get another email that says in advance of the meeting. Please review this document and I'm like what. And I open the document and it's basically what our expectations are okay like if you're going to be coming to the meeting. This is what we're expecting you to have prepared blah blah blah and I'm look yes and it was it was there. They had an automation glitch and it was the deck that they send. 31:08.34 bizzyweb Yes. 31:08.35 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb He. 31:18.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, how you know. 31:19.79 Josh Fedie 2 people that they're like vetting out to invest in and I got mad immediately and I sent this individual message and I said I cannot believe in the role that you're in and the position that you have that you're going to result resort to tactics like this where you're going to take time away from a founder. 31:22.49 bizzyweb Oh. 31:31.51 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb It was. 31:39.42 Josh Fedie And their day knowing full. Well how busy we are under the guise of learning about my product but then immediately pitching me your services like this is absolutely ridiculous. We'll be removing this meeting have a nice day and he responded. He's like. 31:48.55 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 31:53.80 Josh Fedie No, no, no, no, no, really sorry I don't know what you saw but I was told I needed to have a meeting with you I'm with this Vc and we want to review this for our report and I was like dude I'm really sorry but and then I had to start my meeting with let me explain to you what happened like let me show you this deck that was programmatically sent to me once you accepted the meeting with me. 32:05.19 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 32:11.58 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oof ouch. 32:12.00 Josh Fedie You might want to make sure that that doesn't happen because that really started setting us off on the wrong foot but to your point I'm getting hyper hyper sensitive around that subject because I've had it happen more times than I can count at this point that somebody has filled tried to fill their quota of meetings booked in a day. 32:21.93 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Well. 32:31.53 Josh Fedie By just scheduling fraudulent meetings with me and no interest in reviewing my product just needs to put a meeting on the calendar and doing it. But what I would say is the flip side of this one of my favorite things to do is when you get a email. And someone's trying to cold outreach to you and book a meeting with you in the proper way where they're letting. You know why they want to talk to you and what the conversation's going to be about and asking you if there's some time available and doing it all the right way. Um, watch for those ones that are ideal fit customers for yourself. Um, because what I've been doing free. 33:05.89 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Really. 33:07.78 bizzyweb I Do that all the time I'm right there with you. 33:11.22 Josh Fedie Up for years now is I respond and I say you know what trig me I'd be happy to meet with you. But here's the thing. Um I'll set aside 1 hour the first thirty is yours the second 30 is mine I'm going to let you pitch me and then you're going to let me pitch you and we're going to see where we can help each other here right? that. Is a much better way to be clever about you know, filling your day with more productive meetings right um than just throwing yourself on somebody's calendar. It's happening a lot right now. It really is um and it's bad. It's really bad. 33:37.49 bizzyweb Um. 33:40.15 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Google. 33:46.33 bizzyweb Well what I the other thing that I do to to to sort of weed folks out is if they send ah me an email saying oh you know an aggressive email you really? ah your Seo is really bad and you need to be doing all sorts of things differently. You know we have somebody who. 33:58.60 Josh Fedie Okay. 34:03.30 bizzyweb Works on our staff whose job. It is to Seo the website so I will always universally say by all means tell me what we're doing badly that you think you, you should do better and let me know I'll welcome the conversation and 98 times out of a hundred I never get a response back. 34:11.59 Josh Fedie Yeah, yep. 34:21.37 bizzyweb So even if when I respond yeah happy to talk to you that what'll happen is so that the 2 people that do respond is they'll they'll make up just complete bullshit reasons why you're not can I say that it's my podcast I'm going to say bullit. Yeah good. 34:35.57 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Our podcast we can say what if we've ta gone well please dreaming here. We go. 34:36.47 Josh Fedie You can say whatever you want? Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 34:39.69 bizzyweb You know under afraid bullshit on my own podcast. So like like the the famous example is he came back to me and he said you know we are completely your your ranking is completely horrible for private airports like we're a marketing company. 34:58.34 Josh Fedie Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 34:58.75 bizzyweb And and so now I I The the woman who does seo for us I've never let her her hear the end of it is every time we have a meeting I ask her? How's the private airport project are you still screwing up on that one and we have a good laugh about it. But. 35:10.84 Josh Fedie But but see trigby. This is what we're talking about here with personalization and with slowing down to move faster because what's happening there. The reason when you call someone out when you say wait a minute now they're trying to sell me on services I actually provide So let me just ask them. 35:15.58 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, right. 35:29.32 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb We. 35:29.36 Josh Fedie What what should I be doing better right? The reason they're not responding is because that response from you is the first time that they realized oops I sent a message to someone that would in never in 1000000 years need our services because literally we're doing the same thing right? and. 35:29.39 bizzyweb Yeah. 35:36.48 bizzyweb Yeah. 35:37.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah, yeah, right? yeah. 35:47.92 Josh Fedie They don't want to respond to you because now they feel stupid. Well that's because you're on a list. You're on a list of 1000 people that are getting spammed every single day and and you don't you don't matter. You don't matter right? and you know you don't matter. 35:49.12 bizzyweb Yeah. 35:56.19 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A purchase list. Yeah yeah. 36:03.83 Josh Fedie And it doesn't make you feel any allegiance or loyalty or a reason to respond to that. That's why um one of my favorite honestly, one of my favorite things is um when we get people going on our platform I swear to god 9 times out of 10 36:04.26 bizzyweb Choose. 36:21.90 Josh Fedie Within the first week of someone actively sending out pages to their customers. They get the raving. Thank you email back from a prospect or a customer that they're working with that says like this is awesome. Thank you for putting this together and they share that with me and that for me. 36:29.59 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 36:40.90 Josh Fedie Is the fuel that keeps me going because never in my life before I launched this company did I receive that email from a customer that was just like this is so Incredible. You spent so much time putting this together for me. The video was great. You walked we understand everything. We are excited to move forward like that didn't happen that early in the sales process. It always happened later right before people were going to sign and everybody had the feel goods and oh we can't wait to work together. That's when that happens this is with this product with so many of our customers. It happens almost immediately right? and they always send me and go. It actually works and like of course it works I mean Seriously do you think I build something and I'm like putting everything on the line for something that doesn't work the way I said it did um but that's the proof right there that the experience has been heightened for your customer right. And if they're going to have to put you up another against another vendor or product or solution. That's essentially the same which one are they going to move forward with well you know what? Even if you're twice as much money. It's probably going to be you because they feel more trust and more allegiance to you and they feel more comfortable moving forward with you because they know. 37:37.10 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Anger. 37:51.81 Josh Fedie That this is the level that you're going to be responding to them versus here's what everyone else does right. 37:57.51 bizzyweb I had a similar experience where I was I was doing a Zoom call with a a client. Ah sorry with with somebody internally and and what what we had ended up with is she had reported back to me and she did all this research that basically said hey we need to keep we need to charge the client an additional. a couple thousand dollars a month is okay, he said so so will you make that call as I and let's just show it right now. So I call the client I say hey it's trig me yeah, we're gonna send you a bill for you know couple thousand dollars a month. He's like okay, thanks and let me know click and the the internal person was like. 38:18.39 Josh Fedie Um. 38:26.79 Josh Fedie Yeah, you yep yep. 38:35.19 bizzyweb Oh My God I can't I I The the stones on you that you'd be able to pull it off and I was trying to explain or you don't understand has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with my stones. It has everything to do with the fact that he knew damn well that I that you did all the legwork. To come to that conclusion I was just the one who delivered the conclusion. 38:56.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? okay. 38:57.93 Josh Fedie It's It's only easy to deliver that if you've actually gained the trust and earned the trust. Yep, you can you can at that point you know hard conversations. They're not so hard anymore. Yeah. 39:01.82 bizzyweb It's not cocky if you're backing up. 39:08.54 bizzyweb No. 39:09.60 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? But I I think we've got an interesting theme here and the the thing that I want to tune back to is how we're really answering the needs of our customers and you know as as we talked through this so far. Yeah, yes, um, spam spam is bad. Spam is getting Worse. We're getting more aggressive you know sales teams are given way too many tools that are helping them just piss off more people faster. Um, how do we help change the culture of the sales team and or. Maybe it's just a couple of questions for sales teams to keep in mind in order to actually provide value instead of just trying to fake it until the numbers work out and they get a roll of the dice hit on a new deal. 40:00.47 Josh Fedie Yeah, yeah, it's I mean it's a that's it's a huge that's a huge question honestly like it's a huge question. 40:06.68 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who like let's just just fix this I know everybody in the world is is talking about it. But you know is is there a like ah just and I think you already kind of teased into it where you said you know you actually need to do the homework and you'd rather make 5 calls a day. 40:20.27 Josh Fedie Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I mean there's so much. There's so much that I'm tracking right now in the sales community because. 40:22.33 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Then 500 calls a day if those calls are actually going to connect how do you make sure that your calls connect. 40:32.49 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb You. Um, right. 40:37.33 Josh Fedie That's the way my mind works is I just I like to watch how people are doing things to see if there's ah if if there's a product there somewhere right? If there's something that people need if there or are there things that I should be gleaming from this that I can apply to my own sales process. Um I think that one of the things that we hear all the time. 40:44.23 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, you know. 40:50.36 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right. 40:56.98 Josh Fedie Is that the rise of the content creators right? that like the salesperson of tomorrow will be an incredible content creator. Um I'm going to call b s on that right now I am and again this is going to go against the grain this is going to be completely different than the things that if you're on Linkedin you're seeing. 40:59.63 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I. 41:12.37 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Boom. 41:14.49 Josh Fedie But there are a lot of very successful sales professionals in this world that do not create original videos and content on Linkedin and never will and they will continue to be successful. They will um, however there are people that you know that has become their lifeblood there. 41:22.21 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who with. 41:31.50 Josh Fedie That's where they're more proficient in their sales role is the difference in their sales role. They are more proficient creating content that elicits a response than what other people that aren't creating content are doing That's eliciting response and keeping them top of mind right? There's other people that are really good networkers. Really good at just keeping their name. Um out there and really good at showing up at the right events at the right time sponsoring the right things doing the right things there? Um, So I don't think everyone needs to become a content creator. However I do think that every brand needs to consider themselves a media company I agree with Gary V on that statements. 42:04.63 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Boom. 42:07.80 Josh Fedie Um, and I do think that though not everyone that works for you needs to be part of the media team. The media organization within your company does need to be creating at a clip that is generating interest and generating buzz for your business because that's how people are finding things right now the days of sending emails. Um. Ah, thousands of emails a day and getting responses I'm here to tell you that's over. Um I talk to people all the time that are like oh how do we get through through email and I'm like you you get through through other sources not email. Um, listen, there's there's companies like gated. 42:27.45 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, Christ are. 42:29.65 bizzyweb Nope. 42:37.91 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh. 42:43.91 Josh Fedie That honestly shouldn't even have to exist I know the Ceo. He's a great guy right? like and gated is a really cool company that should scare the crap out of every sales manager in the world because guess where your future budgets are going to go. They're going to go towards donating to charities to get your crappy sales emails through to executives at organizations. Are you kidding me? So for people that don't know what gate it is if I if I had a gated account and you wanted to prospect me, you would send me an email and you'd automatically see. 43:00.48 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb But. 43:03.33 bizzyweb Why'd you let everybody know what gate it is for those people who don't know is. 43:14.46 Josh Fedie Hey, if you want to get this email through to Josh here's his favorite charity donate $5 to it today and your email will go through That's the future right now that we've created because of our crappy emails that we've been sending for years and years and years that had no relevance and no urgency and no reason to exist. Now you have to pay to play. This is a budget that nobody was planning for twelve months ago nobody was thinking we needed to do this There's also been a rise of gifting right? companies like sendoso where like you're going to send people all this swag in the hopes that like all this swag arriving in their office is going to elicit a response you know that's. 43:53.40 bizzyweb Nope. 43:53.68 Josh Fedie Thing that's been happening for years and years and years that game has changed because they're utilizing more technology now to like make it more of a personalized and faster turnaround with the personalization through tools like sendosso. But that's been around forever but like I don't know guys I don't know when the I get stuff all the time I get people that send me stuff all the time. 43:54.37 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Are. 44:03.45 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Frank. 44:13.63 Josh Fedie Don't respond to any of it. Um, if you do want me to respond to you literally. The only thing I ever respond to is when people send me Johnny Walker Green label that's it right? The people that actually know me the people that actually know me and have like listened and consumed my content know that the only way to get through to me is sending me a bottle of Johnny Walker Green Label I received that. 44:22.19 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, who. 44:32.30 Josh Fedie And I'm like okay, you've done your research right? because you went into you know whoever whoever just discovered that nugget if they wanted to talk to me just had to listen to me rambling for like 45 minutes to get to that nugget right? like if I receive a bottle of Johnny Green that says I listen to you I'm going to be like I know you listen to me oh my god. 44:48.61 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb You. 44:51.20 Josh Fedie Yeah, actually should have a conversation right? Um, there's the nugget. Okay, but there's all these things that you know like the the world is changing in that way where like I don't know I don't know what the answer is but what I can tell you is that. 44:53.28 bizzyweb It's 6 45:07.82 Josh Fedie Right now we're in a phase where we shouldn't we need to be more cognizant of everybody's time we need to be more respectful of everybody's time all of these things that are getting in the way of us booking meetings doing the easy things that we used to do are a direct result because. Of us not being respectful of other people's time and space and level in an organization right? Like you do not spam the Ceo of a business with multiple emails in one week literally 4 emails I'll get from somebody sometimes 4 emails in one week 45:43.41 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 45:45.86 Josh Fedie And the first one is the only one that doesn't say I wanted to see what you thought of my previous email every single other one says I wanted to see what you thought in my previous email right? So we need to be more respectful Otherwise all that's going to happen is there's going to be more and more technology is developed to keep you out of my inbox and I do think. 45:54.90 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb That's right. 46:05.54 Josh Fedie At least from my perspective. The only success that I have found in cold outreach and and and I should be clear sales reach is not a cold outreach software. That's not what it is I do use it in my cold outreach but I use it in a cadence in my cold outreach. It takes 9 touch points to get someone to respond sales reach is one of the 9 touch points. Okay. 46:13.95 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Bright. 46:25.50 Josh Fedie Um, it's actually 2 one of them through email one of them through what I'm going to discuss now Linkedin that's where I'm making all my money right now is Linkedin um, sometimes it is through creating content I create a lot of content on there. Um, but I will tell you right now without any shadow of it out. 46:31.49 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 46:43.92 Josh Fedie The best strategy on Linkedin is not creating your own content necessarily you need to create it so that you build your authority in a space. That's why you create content because everybody's verifying who you are all the time on Linkedin that's what the game is but the best way to make money on Linkedin is to find posts from other people. 46:51.58 bizzyweb The. 47:02.78 Josh Fedie Ideal fit customers that you want to talk to talking about things that you are actually knowledge about that. You can actually help them with and being the best response on their post. That's it. That's your content Strat That's your business development strategy right? there and what I do my unfair secret weapon. 47:16.17 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right. 47:22.43 Josh Fedie Is that when I am that comment on somebody's post I'm putting a link to a page that I've made custom in response to their post. Okay I just spoke with a woman yesterday who one of my customers she had put up a poll she said is anyone using video in their outreach. 1 of my customers responded tagged me in my business and said I do use video specifically I use sales reach and I then chimed in and said Dan thanks so much for bringing us up Mandy if you're ever interested in understanding more about what sales reach is and how it works I created a custom page just for you. Check it out here. Boom paste the link. Boom the video gif of me holding her name on a sign right? I always have a sign anytime I'm talking to someone I write their name on a sign. This is second nature right um it's right there it's right there um I always have that sign though. So she sees that her name's on a sign in her comments. It's like who's this guy right. 48:04.14 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? He's holding up a sign that says trig v and Dave for the podcast. Yeah. 48:17.54 Josh Fedie I booked 10 meetings off of that page in a comment. Okay so ask ask some marketers out there when was the last time your sales team was booked 10 meetings off of a single Linkedin post you put out right. 48:21.37 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 48:33.26 Josh Fedie Okay, well I just booked 10 meetings off of a comment on someone else's post. Okay, so and it and it wasn't even that big of a post. It didn't even go that crazy right? So anyway, um, that's the strategy as far as I'm concerned is just engage with people interact with people stay in your lane right? like. 48:40.77 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And right. 48:51.92 Josh Fedie If this is what you're an expert in talk about how you're an expert in it. Give some tips and tricks around around that so that people see you as a resource that they should listen to because I guarantee every person that booked a meeting with me off of that comment first went to my Linkedin page to see who is this guy. Should I talk to this guy is is this someone I should trust in any capacity in relation to this weird buyer enablement term that he keeps throwing around hopefully when they went there. They saw the kind of content that they needed to see to reinforce that I know what I'm talking about and that's what elicited a response from them right. 49:17.60 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb It. 49:30.53 Josh Fedie And meeting with me how it works. That's the modern day referral as well is waiting for your customers to sing your praises on a social channel. That's the modern day referral do not um, do not dismiss those and part of your strategy part of your strategy should be community building. 49:34.22 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb For will. 49:42.83 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, what. 49:50.31 Josh Fedie And advocacy right trying to get people to the point where they believe in what you're doing so much that they're willing to to sing your praises when the timing is right? It's not that big of an ask someone literally put up a post asking is anyone using video. And 1 of my customers said I love using video and I use sales reach. It was that simple that took all of 5 seconds for that person to do that. But it means everything to a company like mine. But how do you get people to the point where they're willing to consider you and to make that extra effort to do that. That's what you need to be focusing on right and again this only comes after. 50:15.84 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, yeah. 50:25.89 Josh Fedie You build an actual relationship. You're not going to be doing that through spraying and praying actual relationships come from understanding um actual relationships come from putting in the hard work. That's what it. That's what it comes from. So. 50:28.26 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? who. 50:39.22 bizzyweb I think one of the great things about sales reach on the whole is is that it's built on this idea the the real true idea in 2023 which is there's really no substitute for hard the putting in the work anymore and there's no tool that can um, bake make it better. Make you quicker make you somehow nicer or more friendly or more empathetic The only thing that any tool like salesreach can do is be a better megaphone to have you more clearly heard and that's a great tool and I'd I'd encourage anybody who's interested to take a look at it. See if it's a good fit for them. Josh if somebody wants to find you? How do they find you? How do they find out more about sales reach. 51:22.66 Josh Fedie Yeah, so I mean if you want to find me go to Linkedin right? I'm I'm listed as Joshua feedi because I started using Linkedin when I was like ah 18 right? and I wanted to sound older than I was when I was 18 right? so. 51:24.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Are. 51:30.60 bizzyweb Just your fancy. Yeah. 51:33.43 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um. 51:39.00 Josh Fedie Um, so I'm joshuaffiti on there so find me on there send me a message mention mention that you heard me on the podcast I am a big proponent for putting in a personalized messaging connection. Request I like when people do that I know that there's feelings on both sides of that fence but I always think it's nice to have some sort of familiarity or like ah reason for connecting and i. And I always dismiss like a love your stuff and I think we can bring each other value. Nope you can follow me then but I don't want to I'm not ready. Um, so Linkedin and when you get on Linkedin. You'll learn a lot about my business there. But also you can always just go to salesreach I o. 52:03.37 bizzyweb The. 52:04.10 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right now. 52:11.66 bizzyweb Um, Coupleton soldiers. 52:14.64 Josh Fedie Um, we do have a free version of the platform for just single people to Utilize. You can't utilize that as a team and that's where the benefit of our product ultimately is is when you have a team of people at a company using it together. But if it is something that you've listened to this podcast and you're thinking you know maybe I'll just give it a shot. Go ahead, sign up for the free version. Um, give it a shot play around with it a little bit and if ah you determine that it's going to be a good fit for your your whole organization. Then we can have a conversation about standing up in ah, an appropriate account for everybody to share. So yeah, but this has been Great. You guys. Thanks so much for having me. There's a free version of it. Yeah. 52:46.39 bizzyweb There's ah, there's a free version of so of sales trade. That's awesome. 52:47.79 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, yeah, thanks yeah. 52:53.12 Josh Fedie Yeah I know you know what? you know what can I just throw this out because this is this is the 1 thing that I think this is one thing I'm really proud of actually with our platform when the pandemic first hit three years ago now in America um. 52:54.22 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, sales reach that I o. 53:10.20 Josh Fedie Everyone was scrambling. Everyone was freaking out. Everyone was laying off people. Nobody really knew what was happen. We didn't know was this gonna be one month or what right? we saw a lot of people getting laid off and the first thing we did three years ago was we rolled out what we call sales reach hired. Um, it's free. 53:21.46 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb You. 53:26.49 Josh Fedie And what it is is. It's a way for anyone looking for a job to create a page that they send to specific hiring managers at roles that they want to land if you're looking for a job right now and you are trying to figure out how to stand out newsflash it's not. Going to indeed and filling out the resume builder on indeed and just hitting send and ad me to the job. You're gonna be in a list of thousands of people and you are not gonna stand out so what I've been trying to get people to do is listen. You have to apply the right way. Otherwise you're not in the applicant pool but immediately after you apply the way that the company asks you to apply. 53:46.45 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, f yeah. 54:01.10 Josh Fedie Record a custom video to the hiring manager find them on Linkedin build a page on salesreach hired put your references put your any testimonials you can get from people. You've worked with put any accolades you've had on there. This is your modern day cover letter. That's what sales reach hired is it's your modern day cover. 54:10.80 bizzyweb And always. 54:11.46 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 54:20.82 Josh Fedie Letter find the hiring manager on Linkedin send them a connection request with a link to that page that will move you to the top of the list faster than anything we have been offering that platform for free for the last three years now and 100 % of the people that have used our platform to get a job have landed a job. I don't make any money off of this and 100% of the people that have used our platform to get a job have landed a job and many of them have landed jobs very quickly. So again, this is not something I make money off of right? Obviously the hope. 54:41.63 bizzyweb Um, I'm sorry to just say 100% 54:42.88 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Awesome. 54:57.90 Josh Fedie Is that I will make money off of it because if you use this to land a job. The hiring manager will see you using this tool most of the people that would use this tool in hiring will probably be going into a customer- facing role. Hopefully you love the platform and you want to bring it into your company. So this isn't just like this like oh I'm putting this good thing into the world. There's nothing in it for me. I'll be honest, there is something in it for me as long as you like the product but it's free if you're looking for a job so go ahead and use sales reach hired. Um, and if you want to ask me about that you can connect with the men on Linkedin send me a message about it. But then we also do have a free version for people using it for business development. We just call that one sales reach free. So. 55:31.36 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Amazing! Thanks Josh. 55:32.70 Josh Fedie There It is yeah no worries. Thanks for having.