00:02.44 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh no, what is it this time. 00:03.12 bizzyweb Bad news Dave ah our friend Jan was recently given the gift and of unlimited free time and no income. 00:13.21 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh well that that can be exciting I guess and depending on what your so situation is. 00:21.10 bizzyweb Well, she's great and I was kind of bummed because I wasn't going to be seeing as much of her and so I actually know somebody else who is looking for somebody like her. So I wrote them an email connection email and I titled it. Um. You both? ah you both just really met a cool person and so it I felt better about myself and then I thought gosh you know I should feel better about myself more often. So today I ah wanted to. 00:39.38 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh. 00:51.95 bizzyweb Because we had on the schedule we were going to talk about niche marketing and so I thought I wanted to find like the most fun cool person that I could to talk about niche marketing and talk about how ah you know somebody who we both respect says that the the riches are in the niches and so. 00:53.10 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh. 01:11.66 bizzyweb I found our client and friend. This is the first time we've actually had an actual live client on the air. So ah, hopefully they don't they don't fire us but I asked Julia from super cubes to join us Julia ah Julia founded super cubes with a bold vision to redefine the shipping container industry. 01:17.47 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, who. 01:22.00 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Hey Julia. 01:31.55 bizzyweb Exceptional customer service and when you talk to her you're gonna realize she's she's just a hoot and she's infectious. So she caters to a diverse clientele and sells containers like shipping containers but also collaborates with customers for tailored modifications and seamless delivery. So. With experience managing international products. Her portfolio includes intriguing ventures like a shrimp farm in Las Vegas which we're definitely getting into and and Shakespeare's globe theater made from containers container homes and more Julia's actives in sporting nonprofit initiatives. 01:57.88 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yes, we need to talk about that. 02:10.21 bizzyweb And enjoys entertaining friends following mls soccer and traveling with her family offering offering incorporating container related adventures into their journeys so that'll be question number 3 what is a container related adventure. Her name in and of itself is fun to say Julia mazumdar. 02:30.64 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, nice to see you Julia how are you. 02:33.40 Julia Mozumdar I'm great. Thanks so much for having me. 02:34.57 bizzyweb So first question you woke up one day and said you know what I'm gonna sell shipping containers I'm gonna start a business selling shipping containers. 02:45.96 Julia Mozumdar well yes well I mean lifelong goal naturally who doesn't grow up dreaming that I always say princess bellerina shipping container magnet 3 goals of every little girl so naturally that was where I was at um. 02:53.52 bizzyweb Um. 02:55.45 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb He. 02:57.40 bizzyweb Yeah. 03:03.89 Julia Mozumdar No I actually I had been living in Europe working for a social media company before social media was a thing and I got really sick of trying to explain what that was to people and I wanted something super tangible and it turns out I found something very tangible. Ah so when I came back home. 03:20.50 bizzyweb Yeah. 03:23.80 Julia Mozumdar So I got into the container business and they say after you still in it after 3 years you're never getting out. Um, so yeah, so that's how I got it I worked for a company that rented them and sold them and then started super cubes fifteen years ago this year. And thank you so very exciting. Yes. 03:43.86 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah congratulations. 03:44.38 bizzyweb Happy anniversary. So one of the things that I think I've known you for I think going on three years two years three years something like that. So it's been a why it's been a what we're old friends. Um. 03:55.57 Julia Mozumdar Somewhere in there. Yeah. 04:02.10 bizzyweb I Think yeah one of the questions that everybody always asks is you know what's your differentiating value which makes that special and everybody always says oh it's our customer service. We really care about our customers I think that's usually where I roll my eyes and say oh yeah, okay sure because but everybody says that but you actually do it. 04:21.31 Julia Mozumdar Yeah, it is something that's different because first of all containers are one of those things people don't buy very often. Um, so when you go to buy one I think it can be a little overwhelming. Um, if you're not used to it and if you are someone who buys them regularly. 04:25.62 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh. 04:38.20 Julia Mozumdar You either have somebody that's on speed dial that you're used to working with or else you have to start calling around and you can get a bit of a variety of reactions to things so when I started super cubes. 1 of my big things was actually answering the phone and actually answering questions nicely. And then making sure that I thought through really what were those problems and having done it for a while I kind of knew where people were at and what was the the big things that people needed to know. So um, starting with a customer service on the website making sure there really was a lot of information for new buyers because it's pretty overwhelming at first and then. Making sure that you really slow down and see where are people at with the buying process and their knowledge and kind of meeting them where they're at and kind of walking through that process with them to make sure that they're really where they need to be you know in terms of getting that information to make good make good decisions. 05:37.70 bizzyweb That's awesome. So what? how did you get get into shipping containers I mean it right. 05:42.30 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Or like yeah I mean the the individual containers did you have an experience or were you did you ship before and and had something like it's just not something that you you kind of wander into or I. 05:57.60 Julia Mozumdar So Yeah I actually kind of actually did wander into it. Um, when I had come back I was looking for a job and my my dad worked with a guy one of his law partners. His son was running a business that was a container business and. Expanded to the point where they needed to hire someone So I ended up working with the someone I'd actually known my whole life that way and so he was a bit older than me so we weren't like buddies or anything with that. But we had known each other for forever and so I ended up working for his rental company and getting into the business that way and then. 06:25.78 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh. 06:33.43 Julia Mozumdar Um, and that's ah and his business is a very traditional one in terms of they do rentals and um and then they also had expanded into trailers and then and got into sales that way whereas what's different about my business is we don't do any rentals very Unusual. Um. And we don't do anything else besides containers. We just just do containers. That's it and then also doing those modifications some companies will do things like some basic doors or some basic things like that. But as I got into the modifications I Really realized there's a lot that. Do there and there's a lot of need and so getting into doing a lot more of that and that was one of those things that kind of grew over time as well too. So. 07:17.82 bizzyweb Well I want to get into that because I think that's that kind of gets into the creative selling because you really have a commodity and so people aren't going to necessarily buy from a logo. They're going to buy from a person and they're going to what they would they get. Which I think is really demonstrative with you as they get a higher level of care and intimacy that you are going to work with them on what is their real need and what is their real issues and you're going to deliver the same product. You're just going to deliver it better than other people. 07:52.95 Julia Mozumdar And that that truly is exactly what the selling is that with that is that we could do a specialist a container if that's what the situation calls for we can modify it if that's what the situation calls for if they just need a planal container. We just deliver a blanel container and that's that um, but the the modifications. When I first started doing them. Um, we're pretty basic just throwing in a door here a door there but I had a few of them that got a little more complicated with a little bit more industrial needs where the the customer was a business using it for more industrial. Purposes where they're putting like their own equipment in there to use it for their own customers and things like that and then as I had to do those really so very specific requirements that were needed for that I realized how really particularly Careful. You need to be doing those projects for them to turn out right? because if you're. Not putting those things in the right place. Everything kind of falls apart quickly. So It taught me a lot that way and I had to learn a lot about how to read plans on how to be doing a lot of that stuff which helped me then scale that back for the people who don't necessarily need things to be done as carefully. But if you're doing it up to the same high standards for.. Everyone It really helps you out that way and that does help you sell like be able to figure that out that Way. Ah. 09:08.83 bizzyweb So I air. Yeah yeah, I Really want to get into the ah the stories because that's I think just I know some of them and some of them are just a little wackadoodle and they're awesome, but um. 09:10.28 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah. 09:22.60 bizzyweb Lets let's before we get to that. Ah so I I decided that I need a shipping container and I call you and say hey I need a shipping container. What are my options. How are what are are there different styles are there different lengths. Theyre different widths. Is it something that you put on a ship on a semi. 09:40.18 bizzyweb Or is it just a box. 09:40.68 Julia Mozumdar So there are different lengths. They all come the same width and then you choose whether you want them used or you want them new and then there's some specialty ones where they come with some extra doors on the side or maybe they don't have a top or a removable top. Um, so those would be the ones that that's how they're made in China because they're all made in China and then they all come over here on a ship and then your choice is either ones that were just made that one trip over here and they're new or they're ones that have been used by the shipping lines for a while and then you get them used and so we kind of talk through you know what are you using it for. 10:02.56 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh. 10:17.52 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb For. 10:19.14 Julia Mozumdar Does it matter if it's used is the price more important to you is it how it looks more important to you. You know what are you going to be using it for where does you need some of those extra features on it or are you just going to put some stuff in it like if you're just going to throw some stuff in and you don't care. Maybe that used one's just perfect and that's fine and so we kind of kind of. Figure out for your situation. What's gonna be the best fit. 10:40.10 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And like the cleanest one would be something that you would maybe be converting into a home or something right? Okay because it needs to look nice right? off the bat. Oh yeah, right. 10:46.81 Julia Mozumdar You write and structurally sound. That's the other part. You don't always think about you. Don't want to have something that's going to collapse on you because you don't want people dying in their container house because it all fell apart. 10:59.50 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? And and it and it truly is like and I know we should get into the into the specifics of this but I'm just fascinated. You could like pile up a bunch of containers and put them together and make like a big house right? right. 11:13.41 bizzyweb Actual legos. 11:15.11 Julia Mozumdar Right? right? right? and they recently our industry association has worked together to get containers approved as a building material. So and the national standards for building materials. But those containers actually have to be ones that are. 11:24.49 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb In. 11:32.18 Julia Mozumdar Sold by special certified vendors that are tracking those containers and I can sell those too I do have access to those containers as well. They're the new ones that are just fresh over from China but there's um, they just want to make sure that they know you know their whole lifespan. What's been going on with those. 11:35.18 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah, who but. 11:50.70 Julia Mozumdar So that they are those nice secure clean containers that are going to be structurally sound so that when you do stack them up. Everything goes according to plan. 11:56.90 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Wow! yeah. 12:00.78 bizzyweb So All right I've I've worked with you I've helped pick pick out um a container that that suits my needs and so obviously price is a consideration. We're not going to get into that because that's something that I would imagine varies wildly on The. Data Weekly basis. Yeah. 12:16.93 Julia Mozumdar And location because we sell all over the country so depends on which city. It's coming out of and then also it'll depend on how far are you from that city. It's coming out of too because the delivery will varied with that too. 12:28.76 bizzyweb So do I have to pay to have my shipping container shipped try. 12:35.67 Julia Mozumdar Ah, trucked So it'll from yeah so wherever it's coming from you'll pay for it from whatever City we're taking it out of but then it'll come on a truck out to you so you'll have to pay for that truck to come out and set it on the ground at your place. So. 12:46.22 bizzyweb So it's very much like getting a car. It's what are the features and benefits you want and where is it and what does it cost to put it put you in it today. 12:57.41 Julia Mozumdar Basically yes, except for you. Don't get the same choice of I want one. That's only a year old or three years old or 5 years old you don't get those kind of choices in a container. You either get this year or 8 to 10 years old and there's not a lot of in between. 13:09.76 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who are there like grades right right? or are are there like grades or or like you know some some dense or you know is there is there like a. 13:11.90 bizzyweb Well sure everybody everybody holds on to the twenty Twenty one models that was a good year for shipping containers. Yeah. 13:17.98 Julia Mozumdar Yeah, yeah, yeah, so. 13:29.48 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Guarantee that it was or wasn't used for specific things or how does that work. 13:34.40 Julia Mozumdar So there are grades. Um, so that newest one's called a one trip because it's made the one trip over here so that would be that new category. 13:38.27 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Are. 13:43.12 Julia Mozumdar And then for the used ones that we sell. We have two basic categories. There's the wind and water tight which is that yeah, it's not going to leak. It's got a good floor. It's got good seals on the door. It's got a good roof but it's just a basic used one. It's Goingnna have rust and dense. It's going to look used no mystery. It's a used one. That's sort of our basic 1 the next step ups like. Cargo worthy everything that first one is it's just structurally sounding enough that if you were shipping something overseas and if you're buying one to ship overseas we can do that it's going to meet all the requirements that the shipping lines have to use that 1 for shipping and. 14:09.34 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb O. 14:18.26 Julia Mozumdar If you are going to do that. We just recertify it so that it can just go back on the ship and go off and do that. Um, there's 1 category in between there called iicl a technical category which's kind of a midlife container category and often we just don't get those because the shipping lines and leasing lines are just in the middle of using those and so. They're just generally not sold in the aftermarket basically and we're actually in the middle of 1 ah. 14:38.20 bizzyweb So there's a midlife container crisis where yeah where the containers are getting hot cars and divorcing their wives not looked out by the dock. 14:43.12 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb With the 50 14:51.30 Julia Mozumdar Yeah, they're down by the docks having you know I could pick explosions like you see in the movie I had to go there. Ah you did you totally gave me that one. 14:54.64 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, Nah I like it. 14:57.00 bizzyweb Oh man I I just kind of I walked right into that one. So I after you started the business. How how did you find new customers. How did you? How did you put yourself out there and to say hey we're here we're in. We're a we're a better option. 14:59.64 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, yeah. 15:12.80 Julia Mozumdar So. The first thing I did was I had a friend of mine who is does a lot of web stuff and a graphic artist I had her come help do my website first thing and she referred an seo. Ah, consultant to me who is awesome I had her for the first ten twelve years of super cubes and we made the site and got that up and started optimizing it and I started a blog and the first thing was to make sure that the site. Had a lot of keywords in it going on and then I just started being able to add the content by adding to the blog and then my seo would be like mm we need more content on this topic. Let's blog on it. 15:57.66 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb So here. 16:01.61 Julia Mozumdar And then that drove a lot of the blogs and in the beginning when you don't have a lot of business when you're new. You have a lot of time to blog. So I would blog about anything in the beginning like just anything to keep it moving to try to find those because there is no easy demographic of. 16:10.81 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb The. 16:18.36 Julia Mozumdar Who's looking to buy a container. It can be literally anyone a homeowner a business. It can be um, you know, bigger companies smaller companies. Anyone who needs extra storage behind their store behind their restaurant behind their hotel. Um, you know so like there's just no easy demographic online to find them. So. 16:29.25 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb For her. 16:37.16 bizzyweb I Can honestly tell you that I'm a big fan of like leveraging relationships that I have with people for my own personal gain like we have a company that we work with that does film inserts on things and so. 16:37.35 Julia Mozumdar That was kind of the trick with that. So. 16:53.30 bizzyweb After I leave here I'm I'm going to drive to their office because they made new couch cushions for me and so um, I'm getting new couch cushion and it's really amazing and really awesome. But I can't tell you Julia how many times I've been like rummaging around my garage. And actively plotting out like how do I dig up my backyard to put a shipping container back there so I can get a shipping container from Julia and just stop all this foolishness I know but the problem is I have this angle and you know and you know my wife I can usually get away with. 17:17.42 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb The ultimate man Cave trig me. Oh. 17:18.39 Julia Mozumdar Ah, you should you just need to. 17:29.16 bizzyweb Buying things under about $20 if I can hide them and then either the boy or the wife doesn't see them but she'll see the shipping container I think so. 17:35.93 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Well. 17:37.65 Julia Mozumdar She might notice it back there I'm just going to say it. It might be noticeable. Yes, yes, actually you can. Ah. 17:40.80 bizzyweb Could I get a camouflaged one. 17:42.77 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I think you could there. There might be a double down that you could do trigby because I've seen the pool conversions on on Tiktok before that's kind of amazing. 17:53.80 Julia Mozumdar Um. 17:54.95 bizzyweb Right? Yeah, well one? Ah um, Julia obviously as ah as a client of ours and we help her with her website and help her with an air Seo and I think um I think I've told this story before but 1 of the. 1 of the reasons why I just love Julia is she has completely changed my thinking on Ai because when we were talking to Julia I was about originally it was about two weeks after chat gpt came out. And so I was telling her all about this new tool and how it could blog for you and do all these great things and she said wow really and it's like no no, no let's do it. Let's do it together and we did it together and I asked her. You know, give me a topic that you'd want to spend a lot of time thinking on and she did and she wrote it. And and I put it in chat gp and it spit out a 500 word blog I said oh you know I'll put this in an email and send it to you and I didn't really think anything of it and I I can remember specifically the note she wrote back two days later which was trigby. Thanks so much for sending this. This was amazing technology to see. dot dot dot and it's a hundred percent factually wrong Rob Julia like oh and so as a result of that. It's completely changed my thinking because when you're using these sort of tools and we had an episode recently about ai content creation. 19:04.24 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah, ah, but. 19:19.10 bizzyweb It's really only going to pull anything from the internet that it finds that doesn't make it true and when you're doing something especially you know with a shipping container that needs to be structurally sound being factually incorrect in a blog will get you sued and I'm. 19:22.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Great. 19:36.66 bizzyweb Probably kill people so it was it was really eyeopening for me personally. But I guess that story it's more about me. What do you think about? Ai Julia. 19:45.52 Julia Mozumdar But we just said our comforts for our industry association had someone back for the second time to talk about it and I listened to the first time but it' kind of more interested in the second topic that was going on at the same time and I kind of avoided the a I one. Ah um, no I think. 19:48.91 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 19:57.74 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh. 20:02.70 Julia Mozumdar Ah, good space for it. I think that there's there's places where it really can save a lot of time I Think if there's something that you need to write often or you want to you want to get a start to something where you want to like you know something Long. You know like you need that base to it and you know you're gonna have to edit it Anyway, it's. Great starting point you know or if you're one of those people that can't look at a blank page to get started I think it's a nice way to get started like the the format of that blog was beautiful like if I had wanted to redo that blog on that topic I could have very easily used that format and it would have looked very nice. 20:30.49 bizzyweb Yeah. 20:40.68 Julia Mozumdar I Just could not use what they said because it was going to lead to some very big problems. 20:41.21 bizzyweb Right soon as you stack the second one on top. It'll just it'll crush it crush it like an aluminum can. 20:48.00 Julia Mozumdar Yeah, there were there were there would have there was gonna be a lot of leaking going on in that container I'm just going to say rain would not have been favorable to that whole situation that would have been a problem. 20:56.58 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Will hear. 20:56.74 bizzyweb Well, it was also eye opening for me because I am I am of the opinion that I'm smart when it comes to fixing stuff and I think what? whatever the topic was I think it was like changing out a door. Ah, to a rolltop door versus a close a hinged door I think it was yeah it's installing a rollup door and I I didn't really I remember saying okay well this is important to her so it's important to me even then I was also like yeah can't be that hard and. 21:16.11 Julia Mozumdar Yes, it's installing a roll-up door. Yep. 21:32.00 bizzyweb I had a complete and utter unappreciation of how hard those things are to get right? and even something as simple as switching a door out which you think shouldn't be that hard really is and it does. Require a tremendous amount of care and craftsmanship in order to get right. 21:50.50 Julia Mozumdar Yeah, and we that's one of the products we sell as a kit for doing it and we make it easy if you do it I mean it's not it doesn't need to be an impossible task if you have the right tools to do it. But. 21:55.17 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb For. 22:09.52 Julia Mozumdar Ai doesn't know what those tools are as the problem so it was just pulling random stuff off the internet and then kind of making it up as it went along literally. 22:09.99 bizzyweb Yeah. 22:15.94 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? Grab grab a nail file and a ball peen Hammer that should be all you need? Yeah when I get be able. Yeah yeah, well I'd I'd love to hear some of the examples of what some of your clients have done because I would imagine in the. 22:20.38 Julia Mozumdar Look little clock and you're done. Yeah. 22:34.50 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Broad Universe of containers and all of the things that you can build with these building blocks. Essentially what? what are people doing like give give us some good ones. Okay. 22:42.62 bizzyweb Let's let's let's hold off on that because we're gonna take our break but we'll we'll come back right? after our break and we'll we'll have Julia tell us about the shrimp farm. We're back I swear to god we're gonna get into the stories about about the shrimp farm. But. 22:48.71 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Coming up next. 22:58.69 bizzyweb Beforehand I I was ah while we were on. Ah on break I was thinking about the last car buying because we talked about how it was kind of like a car buying experience I bought my car completely blind from a guy in Northern Virginia where I had to fly out buy it and then drive it home. So. A lot of your business. It sounds like is is sort of based on faith too right? So you can see these pictures but god only knows if that's what you're going to get at the end of the day. How do you How do you create a higher sense of integrity that what you see is what you get with you. 23:33.30 Julia Mozumdar That is the big challenge I mean that really is exactly why I hire you um is to help me with that. Um, it's part of why having the website that you know people can go back and see you know I've been here for this long I'm still Around. Um, really helps because there's so many scammers right now and they're on both sides of the equation right now in the container world. There's scammers trying to scam me and there's also scammers trying to scam my customers. So It's kind of hitting both sides of the equation and. Pictures that they're putting out to the customers are these fancy you know containers with these ridiculously low prices and then customers will call me and say oh why aren't you at these ridiculously low prices and I'm like you know because that's not realistic and um. And then trying to build up that you know like well here's what you're really going to get here's a realistic picture and here's what the price is really at um, you know sometimes I can give them picture with the unit like this is your actual unit. You're going to get and this is what it is sometimes I can't do that. But you know I do have the you know here's all my customers. 24:43.64 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 24:45.51 Julia Mozumdar You know I've been around this is what I've been doing but but sometimes it is just a challenge because you know when you're up against a convincing scammer. It's kind of hard to do so like that's that's really the challenge right now. 24:56.63 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And there's there's probably common watchwords and things right? So let's let's get right to that for a second and you know so how would I know that I'm maybe being scammed like is I mean a of course if it seems too good to be true it it probably is but what are some of the other things like is it. 25:01.44 bizzyweb Yeah. 25:07.30 Julia Mozumdar And. 25:14.63 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Venmo me or paypal me or what? what? Oh my? Yeah oh no, yeah ah. 25:16.27 Julia Mozumdar Oh yes, yes and act ze me venmo me um, text me I don't want to talk to you I Only want to text you okay that should be a huge red flag to anyone what business only wants to text you ah um. 25:29.31 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb He. 25:32.84 Julia Mozumdar They don't want to talk to you on the phone. Um, my other favorite one is that the delivery fee is that the container is going to come from halfway across the country and the delivery fee is you know $200 well could you hop into your car and drive that far for that price. No. 25:43.34 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I know. 25:43.50 bizzyweb Hi. 25:50.76 Julia Mozumdar So do you think you could drive a really big truck for that price. Absolutely not especially if you have to pay a driver. Um, so a lot of these kinds of things like I think if customers. 25:54.37 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Or. 26:03.79 Julia Mozumdar Kind of slowed down and thought through some of it. They go? Oh yeah, now that I think about it that doesn't really pass the smell test I just hadn't slowed down long enough to think about that part of it. Um, and so the and the other one that's coming up is that they will take a ah real company's um. 26:09.15 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 26:21.48 Julia Mozumdar Website change the letter and then clone it and then try to get their info so calling the actual company like googling it and calling the actual real company and saying did I did you did you sell this to me am I am I sending the money to the right people has been the other big thing. 26:23.30 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh my? yeah. 26:30.59 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Perhaps. So like we should be really careful if we get something from sugarcubes.com instead of super cubes dot com right? 1 right. 26:36.92 bizzyweb Wow. 26:40.20 Julia Mozumdar Yeah, yes. 26:45.17 Julia Mozumdar Yeah, so or in my case, the other problem I have is there's a company called super Cubes S O U P E R that makes places where you can um, freeze your soup into small ice cube type trays for when you want to freeze your soup. So ah. 26:53.87 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh my. 27:02.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah, close. 27:04.34 Julia Mozumdar It end of the size spectrum. Ah, ah so we are at a constant Seo battle. Um as Trigvi can attest because he was like wait. What is this that happened on this date I'm like oh that's when super cubes came on the market. Ah, and we. 27:05.99 bizzyweb Wow. 27:19.70 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Her. 27:23.75 Julia Mozumdar Battle it out over the term super cubes. 27:26.57 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh my gosh. That's what. 27:26.97 bizzyweb All right? Well we we've reached the point in the show where we got to do it. Julia tell us about the shrimp farm. 27:36.47 Julia Mozumdar All right? The shrimp farm so I got a call from a woman who said I know this's gonna sound crazy but we're building a shrimp farm outside of Las Vegas but I said you you do realize that it's in the desert right. 27:36.50 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh. 27:53.96 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh. 27:55.92 Julia Mozumdar And she said yes, that's why I need containers I said ah okay, and she said because they're gonna hold the water and I said oh all right? Well that makes a little more sense I guess I can kind of follow that thinking then obviously and so um, it was. 28:03.47 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 28:14.45 Julia Mozumdar A company that they had done a little smaller demo size and they were gonna build this as their first actual farm and the idea was um said um, do want to pause for one second. So um, so this was gonna be their first farm. And they were going to do it out there because the whole idea is that they wanted to have sustainable organic shrimp but they wouldn't need to transport it anywhere too far to provide this beautiful shrimp to all of the restaurants in the Las Vegas area 28:52.44 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah, yeah, that makes sense. 28:53.78 bizzyweb Ah. 28:53.92 Julia Mozumdar And so ah, very logical thinking on my power right? I'm following you I get this? Um so they needed between 50 and sixty containers and we needed to. 29:05.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Wow, That's a big farm. 29:09.00 Julia Mozumdar Cut the tops of these off we needed to grind down any rust any anything of them we to put in some other stuff that they needed in it. Um, but they needed them vast like the the project was on a kind of accelerated schedule. So I worked with my. 29:17.64 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Floor. 29:26.70 Julia Mozumdar Um, Los Angeles shop that I was working with at the time and they had farm it out to like 3 different shops and we rushed and we actually got it done like two days ahead of time and it was amazing that we did it and we trucked it all out to Las Vegas and it was cool to see because they buried the containers up. 29:34.60 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 29:45.20 Julia Mozumdar About two feet on into the ground and the exact spacing that they needed and we we all went out there when they did it because we hello. It's a shrimp farm in Las Vegas of course we were going to go watch and see this so we went out to go see it when we had all the containers mostly in place and then. 29:54.53 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh. 29:56.65 bizzyweb Heck yeah. 30:03.77 Julia Mozumdar Um, they poured the concrete around that to create the rest of the space. So when they got done with that when you walked up to the containers they were about knee-high and the rest of it went down. They put this fancy coating over the whole thing and got all the water going everywhere. It needed to go and they built a whole. Building over the whole thing. So like the whole thing's in case now in a whole big building and if you go out to Vegas You can see all the mountains kind of around the city kind of opposite where the airport is and if you just drive out there and you kind of slip into the mountains. It's just kind of just tucked in there. Um, apparently there were a couple of flaws with it though. Um, when the shrimp got to be adolescents. They started hanging out against the container walls. 30:44.15 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh. 30:49.91 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb For. 30:56.16 Julia Mozumdar And I just wondered if maybe they were like selling teenagers or if there was some problem that way and like they just didn't like the containers or something but apparently ah like the blowers or something were really hard or I don't know something was going on there but they ah they did not do well and so they were and they. 30:57.60 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Me. 31:12.70 Julia Mozumdar It didn't work I Guess there was some problem with it that way and so the farm was in fact, not sustainable and it did not work as planned they they ran it for ah, a short amount of time and end up selling some shrimp in the grocery store and then it it folded So now apparently Rumor has it and I don't know if this is true. But apparently. 31:13.90 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Okay. 31:32.46 Julia Mozumdar It is currently a pot farm outside of Las Vegas yes exactly so yes. 31:35.74 bizzyweb Ah, so they're doing the Lord's work twice. 31:36.30 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, ah yes, yes, ah wow. Ah well I think it's probably the lifecycl of almost anything in today's market you know great idea. 31:41.97 bizzyweb It takes ah takes takes a moment to think about. 31:51.78 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, has some and unforeseen technical thing becomes a pot farm. Yeah like ah yeah I love it. So um, shrimp Farm Pot Farm lots lots of home stuff right? There's an entire section. 31:54.60 Julia Mozumdar Yeah, yeah. 31:54.64 bizzyweb Yeah in at the ester. 32:08.67 Julia Mozumdar Yeah. 32:10.43 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb In your in your site for that have you been to any of the homes that were created with your containers. 32:15.87 bizzyweb Do you live in a home that you created I mean metaphorically sure I guess but. 32:16.21 Julia Mozumdar Um, um I I would live in one of my home Theoretically sure I'd have to convince my husband to live in one I think there's that um I. 32:31.74 Julia Mozumdar Not actually been in one once they're done a lot of them What we do when they're multiple containers is that we get them kind of to a certain point and then we give them off to the customer because they have to put them together and then finish them out so it kind of at a certain point you hand them over to the general contractor. 32:44.15 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Move. 32:48.96 Julia Mozumdar And we did a really cool 1 in South Dakota where it was 3 containers and it had doors. It came with doors that opened and closed on one of the long 40 footsides and then they had some other fun stuff that we were building in there. So lots of windows and is very cool. Um, it was a really fun project. Really nice people on the project and so I've been trying to keep up with it I've seen some pictures since they kept going with it but I have not seen the final product on that one but beautiful house. There's one over in. 33:23.59 Julia Mozumdar River falls where they did 4 stacked on 4 and then with a seventh or 3 on 3 and then the seventh container is upright to be the staircase and um and then a couple down. Oh yeah, there is one that looks like that too. 33:32.30 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh Wow yeah. 33:35.15 bizzyweb Pretty sure that's that that's a dorm at the University over there. 33:39.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah. 33:43.54 Julia Mozumdar Um, and then I actually there is one couple down in um st louis that did 4 stacked on four and I went down for the day. The crane came to put those into place they were being filmed for a pilot for a um reality tv show on reusing things really cool couple. Um, and. 33:55.60 bizzyweb Reality Tv throw on. 34:02.46 Julia Mozumdar Um, they did all of the work themselves on all the actual modifications for it because the husband's father was a welder and so they had a great team to do all of that work themselves. But I provided the containers for that one and have stayed in touch with them over the past years 34:07.76 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, yeah. 34:20.80 Julia Mozumdar Just saw it was eight years ago that we did that and we stay in touch and in fact, he has helped some other people work on houses and I've helped with some of that work too with providing the containers. So. So yeah in that one he's an artist and so there's the inside of that house is gorgeous. He was just on Cbs sunday. Um, about six months ago and so that container just keeps popping up in the news every once in a while because it's that house does. It's beautiful. So yeah, oh it's one of my absolute favorite projects I I love the project I love the customer I just I just. 34:45.10 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb That's so cool. 34:46.30 bizzyweb What about the the globe theater. 34:51.33 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, come home work. 34:58.26 Julia Mozumdar Everything about that project I just love. Um so super cool project. The whole idea is recreating. Shakespeare's globe theater which is a circular shaped theater where the people sitting higher up are looking you know towards the stage and then in the middle of the. 35:00.55 bizzyweb Um. 35:16.67 Julia Mozumdar Of the circle is where down on the ground you have people either sitting or standing to seat the stage so that most of the circle is made out of twenty foot containers Twenty foot high cubes that have the most of the side cut out of it so you can see out to see the stage but a little bit stayed in there so that you know where you're sitting. Is you know. 35:30.40 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb More. 35:36.22 Julia Mozumdar Knees are covered up. Um and that you don't feel like you're going to fall out of the container when you're up high and um, the the plan is to when it's finished. It'll go 3 high right now we have all the containers to go 3 high but we're only stacked too high. We're having a little bit of a. Kind of finishing up problem what we're finishing up here with it but currently, it's all set up with too high with that third row all ready to go and then the stage is four forty foot containers so the front 2 with are stacked on top of each other are the stage and the 2 behind them that are right? There are the backstage and on the top 1 We've got the. 36:09.87 bizzyweb 1 it's. 36:14.26 Julia Mozumdar Um, balconies that can be removed so if the the whole and caboodle moves somewhere the the balconies can come off and be put inside and and moved on. Yeah in Detroit. Yeah. 36:23.17 bizzyweb So this is something that's going on now where. 36:30.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh cool. Oh I was looking at the website I I found I just saw the picture that's amazing. Yes, supercube.com container uses. 36:32.78 Julia Mozumdar Now. 36:35.80 bizzyweb I'm I'm still I'm gobsmacked I am okay you you like I. 36:39.23 Julia Mozumdar Yeah, yeah, yes, yeah. 36:46.30 bizzyweb Um, have to check that out as well as way to way to naked plug. The the gas Dave at at supercubes.com 36:50.67 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I hope that's that's the 1 36:52.91 Julia Mozumdar Yeah, yeah, actually I'll just I'm gonna plug the the customer here they're doing ah some sort of a techno thing coming up in the beginning of June so herere in the Detroit area in June of 20 prior. There's gonna have an event going on there. But yeah. 37:00.87 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh my excellent yeah. 37:08.56 Julia Mozumdar Super super cool thing going on there and so yeah. 37:11.60 bizzyweb So you've recreated Shakespeare's iconic theater in shipping containers. You've built a built a now pot farm. What's what's what's what's your favorite thing that somebody's ever done with one of your containers. 37:23.46 Julia Mozumdar Oh it's got to be the globe theater I mean really, how could you top that I mean yeah, one just does just top everything just because it's so creative and and I can't take credit for that because it truly is the customer who did all of it all of that and just such a cool one. But. 37:25.58 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Move. 37:42.15 Julia Mozumdar I Think what other fun ones we've done like a pizza um truck that's made out of a container where we actually modified the trailer it sits on so that when they come sale. You know how you're usually like reaching way up high to pay and that's always so awkward and everything and we modified it so that the people selling are dropped down in a little. 37:49.17 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb On the way. Yeah, ah. 37:53.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb You know. 38:02.70 Julia Mozumdar Step down tube down lower and um can be like almost like at people level. But then they're um, big um brick oven thing for making the pizzas they're in the container up at a nice high level and some fun stuff that way. So there's some such fun things that we've been doing so. 38:04.55 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh cool? Yeah, ah. 38:21.40 Julia Mozumdar Um, yeah, when people call and they say I've got this really crazy idea I don't know if this is goingnna work. Ah I'm like oh lay it on me I've done a shrimp farm you're gonna have a hard time getting you know, don't worry about I Yeah I Love crazy Just tell me about it. 38:35.17 bizzyweb That's that's awesome. So you are continuing to grow right? We've we've made your website better and better business is good. 38:38.69 Julia Mozumdar It if it is as business is great I Have to say you guys have been awesome and your team is great. 38:45.52 bizzyweb Wonderful, Wonderful, excellent. So what's next for you in the in the in the super Cube market. 38:56.10 Julia Mozumdar I Think at this point um we are heading into our busy season so we are just bracing for the onslaught of all of the many leads coming our way that you are helping us get and then this is really when a lot of the modifications. Oh we do have. 39:04.99 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb The. 39:12.67 Julia Mozumdar 1 fun project that is about to roll out another fun 1 eites got bikes here in the um twin cities area. Um a rental place over at back channel brewery. Um. 39:20.51 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh. Oh. 39:27.48 Julia Mozumdar We'll have a little spot where you can rent out some ebikes that a customer mine is doing really cool one where the doors flip one door flips open and up and down So the top part becomes an awning and the bottom part becomes a ramp so that you can get into the container so that one's gonna look really cool. Really nice customer with that one too. 39:40.22 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh. 39:45.72 Julia Mozumdar And so there's something that you can do in a container this summer so that'll be something fun. Yeah. 39:49.37 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah, Wow. Well then I suppose the net benefit of you know, certainly anything container related like this. But if there's a new spot. They could either duplicate the same thing or maybe even just move it if they needed to right because it's relative himself the thing. Yeah. 40:02.82 Julia Mozumdar Yeah that's that's the idea. Yeah, this outfit actually has a rental up on the North Shore already that we did for them a few years ago so we're kind of taking some learnings from that and just refining up the yeah, what. But did one do differently on this one and coming up with a fun idea with that and the idea is to roll it out I think to do some other fun stuff. So yeah, yeah. 40:25.72 bizzyweb I Have ah a friend who is a very nice middle aged man who ah owns a factory that makes Aztec death whistles which it ah as as one does yes and. 40:36.81 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb So tell there right. 40:36.86 Julia Mozumdar As one does naturally. 40:42.39 bizzyweb Um, if you have one I have several I have a collection thanks to him? Um, if you blow it's an actual thing that is really based rooted in histories because the aztecs would have them they blow into them and it sounds like a woman screaming they're they're they're really quite extraordinary. Um, and you wouldn't pick him out from a crowd of somebody who had an aztec death whistle business I know another guy who's a cricket farmer there. It is yeah Dave they've got it on screen. There. 41:10.54 Julia Mozumdar Oh. 41:14.19 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I And since this is a podcast I should probably blow it right? So we ready everybody everybody kind of get ready back away from the microphones. Ah I didn't blow hard because I didn't want everybody to come running in the office. But yeah, it's it's kind of terrifying and. 41:28.50 bizzyweb Right? Dave's got a woman screaming in there. What's he doing? Um, my point was although that was was funny is your great example of how there's a million different ways to make a living in America and they're all right? So what? advice. Would you give as a 15 year vet in an in a niche market who for on on getting into selling an unconventional product like an aztec death whistle or or ah crickets or shipping containers. Yeah. 41:57.39 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Or Globe theater Cube containers. 42:04.60 Julia Mozumdar Um, my advice is do it jump in and well first we'll make sure that you actually have a good business plan. But then do it. Um, and I think what holds a lot of people back is that fear of like oh I'm not sure I have everything everything everything planned out. But I think you know. Cover your the basics make sure you've got a ah good basic grip of what you're doing and jump in and and do it I think the marketing get the word out and I feel like I'm going to just shamelessly plug busy web Here. You guys do an awesome Job. Um. 42:36.13 bizzyweb Well hey. 42:40.29 Julia Mozumdar Have really helped me out a ton with that. Um, but I think you know for these niche ones. That's really where the internet's so awesome If it weren't for the internet I don't think super cubes would really exist as well because I could not go knock on. Everyone's door to tell them about us but the internet makes that possible. 42:47.35 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 42:56.26 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? oh. 43:00.20 Julia Mozumdar And um, and then not be afraid to you know, put out on on the web like you know what you're doing and and give people that info so that they can learn a little bit more about what you're doing so that they know to come to you I think the the huge part for. My success is that I wasn't afraid to put some of that information out there to make people want to come in and trust me and and talk to me because they were like oh well, she's not afraid to tell me about that then in the I kind of want to come in and and hear more So I'd say just go do it. 43:30.15 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah, well and I think in your case in particular but in general as as a word of advice. The riches are in the niches and so you are so specific in the delivery of shipping containers because there's a lot of. Intermodal or shipping container companies. But there's there's none that that specifically customize and make them into anything you want and so that gives you such hyper power to publish. Really cool stories and content that resonate with people that meet that need I mean there's lots and lots of markets for almost anything under the sun. The internet lets you do that? all you need to do is share your stories so that's 1 thing that you guys are brilliant at. 44:15.35 Julia Mozumdar So yeah, yeah, there is very I mean if you looked across the Us. There's limited number of companies that are doing the range of modifications that we do I mean there's a lot of companies that will do some modifications but to do the full range that we do. There is. Ah, very limited number of us out there and so yeah I think when you do find that niche don't be afraid to to tell everyone about it. 44:42.49 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb For he. 44:44.26 bizzyweb Last question which we always ask everybody is blatant naked self promotion where could people find you if they want to learn more if they want to buy a shipping container make sure that I get an affiliate link for for this. But. 44:57.66 Julia Mozumdar Absolutely go to supercubes.com remember that super cubes has an s at the end of it. 45:05.95 bizzyweb And also spelled like Superman not not not not. 45:08.97 Julia Mozumdar Not not the soup you eat and as you yes, but super as in like the Superman. Yes. 45:09.64 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Not Ministertrony. Yeah. 45:13.46 bizzyweb Not not lunch.