00:00.00 bizzyweb I know right? yeah will fit what will we'll figure it out Tina if yeah, we're recording. Yeah, we're going nowhere on hello. Can you guys hear me I'm here here seriously can you guys not hear me. 00:00.64 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Although I hope the transcription got all the way through I think we're recording again as well and trigby's gone. So while while while trigby comes back. 00:03.85 tena pettis Um, oh yeah. 00:07.37 tena pettis We are. 00:14.18 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Tina tell us where to find you and how people can learn more about doterra and of course about your business and what you do. 00:21.96 tena pettis Yeah, absolutely so 1 thing we didn't even touch on which I totally get um was that just this last year at the beginning of this year of 2023 I made the decision to step back into marketing. So I'm back into marketing business. 00:24.63 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb You. 00:37.40 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Awesome. 00:39.54 tena pettis Gene I missed it a lot although I get to do it within inside of my world of Doterra I really wanted to step back in. So so here I am and so my kids are back in school. Ah for the most part I'm not. 00:44.90 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Prove it. 00:44.11 bizzyweb Welcome back. 00:53.29 tena pettis All in on homeschooling and so it felt like the right time I grabbed up a business coach and I'm I'm all in and so um, how do people find me my favorite place to hang out is actually on Instagram I have. 01:03.15 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Okay, okay. 01:05.70 tena pettis At Tina Pettis and it's t e n a and literally you can search Tina Pettis on any social channel and you will find me if Instagram isn't your spot and then in my dotier world. It's shine essentials and so both of those spots are my ah my place um for Instagram world and then tina pettus dot com is is my website. 01:25.85 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Thanks! Thank you Tina have a wonderful edit. 02:21.64 bizzyweb Tina Pettis built a design and digital agency from scratch. But after 10 years in the field kicked the office to the side and found herself working at home. She did the 1 thing she'd thought she would never do she jumped into a company that she didn't own. Company that she works for is doterra and she probably wears her networking marketing badge of honor. She's risen in the ranks brought her husband home from corporate and now focuses on helping other women do the same. I've always known tina to be thoughtful, wildly intelligent and a worthy competitor in the marketing space and I've never gotten the guts tell now to ask her why she left it all behind to work on a multi-level marketing program.