00:00.35 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb So trig v how you feeling today? oh. 00:04.17 bizzyweb I don't want to talk about it I've been fighting a cold all week and most of the people at busyweber are are women so they're completely unsympathetic to the fact that I have a cold and the world should stop because I have a cold. So. 00:18.27 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yes, you know. 00:24.54 bizzyweb Because of that because I need some sympathy I brought in a ringer today for our podcast guest. Our podcast guest is an old friend ah Tim from heart cert tim is a full time twin cities. 00:29.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb With. 00:39.80 bizzyweb Fire captain and Emt and he is the founder of of twin cities heart cert and he founded out with his wife Christina back in 10 So Tim is going to talk to us about all sorts of things today mostly about how to feel bad about my cold. So. 00:55.78 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? Well and I should also I should also add that Tim is one of our absolute favorite clients that we've had as a client since the beginning of the business I think or at least very close to that. So it's been a long term. Yeah yeah. 00:58.34 bizzyweb Thanks for joining us tim. 01:09.70 bizzyweb At the beginning but it's been a long time. That's when the business really got good when I joined that's that and he's been there. He's been here for that long. 01:10.25 Tim Smith Um, get but been a long time as yeah. 01:15.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb So right right? Welcome Tim. 01:17.17 Tim Smith Yeah, thanks, Really appreciate you having me I feel just terrible about trigby though. So proud. 01:25.90 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb So yeah, yeah, guys understand yes. 01:27.86 bizzyweb Thank you see is that so hard now that we got that out of the way. Ah Tim tell us about heart cert. 01:35.20 Tim Smith Yeah, happy to thanks a lot. So yeah, you you hit it a little bit there with the intro so used to be firefighter emt started off in the twin cities and that's how I kind of fell into doing the cpr training because I did it in real life and I did it and I really saw the difference. It could make. So we'd go to a scene if people knew how to do cpr before we got there the outcome much different than if we didn't know and so I thought man this is something everybody needs to know whether they they have to have it for work or or not people need to know it so I started training just on the side. Like any good firefighter does I had some spare time and trained ah on the side on my days off and teach just literally 1 person at a time in my living room which was pretty weird bringing people in in St Paul but it worked and there was a huge need and I kind of fell in love with it. 02:22.54 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I. 02:31.17 Tim Smith And kept doing it on the side and kept training kept training and just put everything back into the business and I call it the monster it just it needed more. It had just had to keep feeding it and grew and Grew and grew. 02:40.58 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 02:45.92 Tim Smith And listened to the customers and found out you know they wanted more than just cpr they wanted aeds. They wanted advanced Healthcare training Iv training on and on and on so we've really tried to pride ourselves on becoming like a 1 ne-stop safety shop and have grown nationwide now and so it's been. Quite a ride. 03:07.76 bizzyweb Ah, wow, That's a that's a lot. So um, what are if somebody takes a course from you. What are the most important skills that they they they leave with. 03:15.51 Tim Smith Yeah, the most important thing and what we really try to Hammer home is that they feel comfortable and confident to react and to do something in the case of an emergency I've said forever you know I was a firefighter I did Cpr I can know everything there is to know about cpr. 03:34.40 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb 3 03:34.80 Tim Smith Doesn't help me when I go down you know or I get hurt. It's the other people and I always think to what that would feel like if a loved one something happened to them and you literally had no idea what to do and you just sat there like the that would be a terrible feeling. So. 03:49.60 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah. 03:52.95 Tim Smith That's that's always been. My goal is to make people feel comfortable. They feel confident to like hey yeah I might not be an expert but I can really make a difference So that's what people walk away with. 04:02.30 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And here. 04:03.49 bizzyweb So you've been in business for 1213 years now what are some of the biggest misconceptions that somebody has about first aid. 04:09.62 Tim Smith Yeah, yeah. 04:15.80 Tim Smith Yeah, there's a lot of them out there and and the the fun thing about this business is that it's always changing and so there is a lot of I was taught this ten years ago or so it's not that way anymore and no, it's not. 04:28.61 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Is it. 04:33.48 Tim Smith Some misconceptions would be that like aeds the defibrillators that shock the heart that they are expensive. They are complicated and that they're intimidating right? If you don't know anything about them. But the reality is and if you take a class after about a minute you'll learn that they're the easiest thing in the world. 04:37.85 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh. 04:43.82 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Move. 04:53.30 Tim Smith If you turn them on you open them. They walk you right on through it mother common needs right? Yes, so yeah, all the movies you clear or taking a battery and and put a bump start to the hearts. Its that the interesting thing is it's actually the opposite an Aed a defibrillator technically. 04:55.54 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 04:56.23 bizzyweb Do you have to have clear when you put it on somebody's chest. Confusion. 05:12.47 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Finish. 05:12.64 Tim Smith Stops the heart. So most people don't know like they think it's a jumpstarter but actually the heart's quivering. It's not beating like it's supposed to and yaid can analyze see what's happening and then say all right? Let's send an electrical shock that will very briefly momentarily stop it which is meant to reset. It's like a reset button. 05:19.27 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 05:29.81 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Wow I had no idea for. 05:33.56 bizzyweb Huh but what? Ah what you you talked about a little about bit about changes. How was first aid changed over the years 05:35.38 Tim Smith Tape. Yeah, go. 05:40.92 Tim Smith Yeah, there's been a lot of different changes. Um the the biggest thing is just even in class format and style it used to be when I first got into this like thirteen years ago first aid classes were like a full day class. 05:53.19 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 05:54.87 Tim Smith Like almost 8 hours if you wanted Cpr and first aid and everything the the science and studies have shown though that it's it's not Rocket Science it's a little bit more common sense and good judgment. But there's a lot of information you need to know how to react and when to call 9 1 1 so class times lot shorter. Format now much easier. You know we we're all in the age now where we can do zooms. There's blended learning online courses. So that's all a part of it as well. Some other things like tourniket use that's kind of gone in and out. Whatever we all know about tourniquets that. 06:17.12 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Hit. 06:29.36 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Is it. 06:31.94 Tim Smith Ah, that's a good tool that we can use and a lot of people. Um for for years thought you you couldn't and shouldn't But yeah, you actually can. 06:39.59 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Cool. Wow so the and tell tell us more about you know how that changed and I guess for for our class or for folks that are listening along and I think one of the big things that correct me if I'm wrong, Tim but. Isn't it that um you don't do breaths anymore for cpr and it's just all compressions. Sure. 07:01.71 Tim Smith Yes, and that was going to be 1 of the other things. Thanks for reminding me there. Do that's what almost everybody says when they come in because there is a big push for hands only and compression only cpi there's funny like Youtube commercials and and different clips and things. 07:13.86 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 07:21.60 Tim Smith Yes, absolutely the whole point of it is the american heart association and all the red cross all the big providers. They want people to do something so if I go down and you don't know Cpr you don't have a certification. You might be a little like I don't know if I want to put my mouth on Tim's mouth 07:21.90 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah. 07:29.24 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 07:37.34 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And and. 07:39.23 Tim Smith I Don't know how to but I don't know how to do the breath stuff. But if you say put your hands on his chest and push down hard and fast I can do that So that's kind of the the point of it is just to instill the quickest. Easiest best thing and that is the compressions because that's compressing the heart which. 07:46.86 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 07:56.73 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A a. 07:58.52 Tim Smith Squishes The blood keeps it circulate and that's what keeps our body alive. Yes, we need Oxygen but there's already residual Oxygen in there so getting the compressions. But that's the big key now we do need Oxygen So. It's not that there's no breaths the whole compression only our hands only is only for people who are. Unwilling unable or untrained to do cpr so unwilling I'm just not willing to unable hey I you know and they can't do the breaths I have asthma and physima. Whatever reason just impressions untrained. 08:20.70 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Okay, 3 08:30.61 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 08:34.85 Tim Smith Just do the compression. So it's it's to eliminate barriers. So that people will do something. 08:38.10 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Got it and you can't get in trouble if you decide one way or the other I mean it's it's part of yeah in lost at least in Minnesota right? I mean you can't be held liable if you try to revive someone and something goes wrong or whatever right. 08:52.18 Tim Smith Absolutely yep I mean we all know it pretty litigious society. We're in right now and so it's natural to to have some reservations and fears like oh boy if I do something and then I don't do it right? or the outcome isn't great. 08:57.60 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 09:05.95 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 09:09.81 Tim Smith What's going to happen to me and that and that's that's another barrier for people to act. But you hit the nail in the head Dave it's called the good samaritan law Minnesota has one and there's nationwide every state. All 50 states have one that basically says as long as you're acting in good faith. You're doing your best and you're trying to help. 09:15.23 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Okay. 09:28.12 Tim Smith No matter what happens no matter if you do everything right? wrong? Whatever they live die get hurt you you can't be sued or held liable for just trying to help somebody. So if you you somebody down, go ahead and help them. You're not going to get in trouble. You're just trying to help. 09:36.57 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb So good evening. 09:43.83 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb It's cool. Wow. 09:47.40 bizzyweb Tim One of the things that I've always respected about you is that when the when Covid hit and the pandemic hit. Ah my first thought was of you. Oh God How is Tim gonna stay in business. 10:04.71 bizzyweb Because how can you have a business that's focused on touching people when you're not allowed to touch people. So how did you? How did you pivot through that. 10:15.35 Tim Smith Yeah, yeah, thanks it. It was tough. It was challenging for us as just about everyone else. Yeah more or less. We people stopped coming because yeah, can't touch so on and so forth kind of. 10:23.27 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 10:32.31 Tim Smith What certifications people had went to the back burner people weren't thinking about that hospitals. They weren't even caring at that point in time. So yeah, how the heck do you? You keep the lights on and that's exactly what we had to do. We had to pivot and you know busy web was instrumental in helping with that and I still. Ah, talk to other people about it and have just tremendous ah respect and appreciation for the the candid conversations that we could have We were even a way able to kind of pull back on budget and and do some other things that was a big help and then it's looking at okay. 10:58.12 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 11:08.13 Tim Smith Can't do classes or how we normally do now what can we do well with covid because everything changed they said well you can now. Ah you know do certification and do classes over Zoom they of course have to have the equipment and everything so I was like well how's that going to work. 11:23.12 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Change right. 11:24.84 Tim Smith Trigby doesn't have cpr mannequins in his basement Dave doesn't have them there so I literally pulled the cars out of the garage set up a shipping station figured out the logistics and all that and we now we ship all over the United States a little box not too little but a box that's got an adult mannequin an infant mannequin an aed. 11:38.26 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And next. 11:43.73 Tim Smith Send it off and then we can do it over Zoom and you get certified so that was that was a really big part of all keeping us afloat. 11:51.43 bizzyweb Um I I want to come back to that because I think that's really valuable for our listeners. But I just want to make sure that I understood correctly that you're the guy in the neighborhood who's got several dozen mannequins in his garage. 11:52.74 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb That's amazing. 12:04.44 Tim Smith Oh it's creepy man for sure. Yeah, you know sometimes you walk by a neighbor's garage. Yes, sometimes you walk by a neighbor's garage and it's like there's a deer hanging in there. Whatever and it's kind of double take. 12:05.91 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A record system. 12:08.22 bizzyweb What do you do when you go out for a coke at Eight o'clock at night you die. 12:11.26 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Are. 12:17.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Are. 12:20.19 Tim Smith Know when you've got like hundreds of bodies in there. That's a whole different ballgame right now. Yeah so I try to keep the garage store shuts but you can't do it in the summer as right. 12:27.95 bizzyweb No no, it's okay I'm a fire fighter so has that improved your business to be able to go more virtual and have that packaging. 12:39.79 Tim Smith Yeah, yeah, it really expands the reach One of the biggest barriers for for my business is if we want to open up a location you have to have a location so there's a lot of logistics involved in that do you lease? Do you rent per day. Do you. 12:55.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 12:57.64 Tim Smith Whatever here. It's just you mail them out and it can go anywhere. So if somebody tomorrow needs a class in Texas we can ship them a mannequin and as soon as it gets there. Give them a class. 13:08.96 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, and did the minnesota heart or the the heart association did they change things explicitly around covid to let you do that and was there like additional training that you had to do or how does how does the training change when it's over Zoom. 13:09.90 bizzyweb That's amazing. That's amazing. So. 13:12.60 Tim Smith Grad central. 13:26.50 Tim Smith Yeah, so the American Heart association and the American red cross. They both kind of took a hard look when there was Covid and understood that things were changing and people needed flexibility and other ways to do it So they both came out with. 13:26.44 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Versus in person. What. 13:39.32 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 13:43.78 Tim Smith New standards and rules and regulations. And yes there there are definitely set regulations that you have to follow. So there's how many students can be in a class. What equipment has to be there. How do you actually do the test. It's all part of it so that it's standardized because if somebody gets you minnesota versus Iowa versus Florida you want that training to be the same and again they should be comfortable and confident. So yeah, it's it. Ah, it was a process. 14:00.50 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb That and. 14:13.91 bizzyweb So part of this is ah it's ah it's obviously an audio medium so and it lends itself to good storytelling. So for somebody who has as experienced as you are what is the craziest story that you ever experienced that. Ah, around needing to give somebody first aid or even 1 of your students. 14:33.43 Tim Smith Who boy, there's a lot of right home Meet. Um, one of the one that comes with there's a lot that come to mind I remember doing cpr When. Somebody came to the fire station and they just dropped right down right in front of us right in the Apparatus Bay that was ah, an interesting one. There was a first aid call where somebody slipped underneath a lawnmower and there was a lot of different things. Ah a blomnore that was going. 14:56.36 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Wow and. 15:04.60 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Will name me. Yeah, ah. 15:06.39 bizzyweb First. 15:09.63 Tim Smith With a lot of different things to handle with that So that was interesting and then the other ones like they you I don't even remember specifics but there's so many calls I mean we go to people's houses when they're not expecting company over right? Yeah and there's. 15:22.22 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right. 15:26.60 Tim Smith Dog and dog poop everywhere. There's a thousand animals. There's stuff hanging all over and jumping on yeah and it's like there. There's a lot of ah factors involved. It's It's not exactly like you're in a classroom giving first aid or Cpr there's There's the the real world aspect. 15:26.70 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I Will sure. 15:47.22 bizzyweb So ah, you mentioned that you you teach individuals you teach corporations to. 15:52.37 Tim Smith Yeah, yep, that's probably about half of our business so we offer public courses meaning you go to our website heartsertcpr.com find the class you want sign up, show up, get certified the other half of our business is yep, busy web says. Hey you know what our people should be trained I as Dave the owner want to show that I care about my employee and their safety. So we're gonna put on a cpr class you will work with us and you say all right? Everyone's gonna be in the office for a party anyway, next friday 16:16.32 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 16:26.11 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 16:28.64 Tim Smith Come ah come to Cpr and so we have an instructor bring the gear in set it up make it enjoyable. Fun non intimidating experience and we certify people on site. 16:40.97 bizzyweb So along those same lines. Tim can you? Um what? What are the? What are some of the things that a workplace or even a school needs to know to to promote first aid training and and. And overall preparedness. 16:59.53 Tim Smith Yeah I mean I think it's everyone's job to to promote it us being a training business. That's like our primary job. But I think everybody when they get the understanding and realize I mean. 17:07.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb 3 17:12.56 Tim Smith I mean it's not been too long the Demar Hamlin incident it's always unfortunate that there's an incident that happens and that's what brings kind of more more eyes and nationwide awareness but those kinds of things that happen to demar happen every single day to. Everyone all across the United States of all age groups and he's he's lucky. He's great. He's he was in shape he had trainers there Aed And Cpr boom that saved his life. He'll be the first one to tell you that. But if if we go down and we're at home and we don't have an Aed or. Yeah out in public you're shopping at Target it's it's really really important for everybody to be an advocate for themselves their family if you should you should take it a responsibility if you're a father if you're ah you know a mother. Ah well you should you want to. 17:56.69 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Next. 18:05.15 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Other you should right plan you mentioned preparedness there Tim um, what? what are some of the early warning signs. 18:06.82 Tim Smith That's all we ever want is protect our family right? That's one of the easiest things you can do Oh it's yeah, just good. 18:17.38 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb That you might be having a cardiac event or something that requires additional attention. 18:23.25 Tim Smith Yeah, yeah, that's ah, an excellent question so there are some like this. Yeah, you've been a little stressed out there haven't you trig me you gotta Yeah, that's one of let's watch that So let's keep an eye on on that. 18:23.65 bizzyweb Where we're asking for a friend not because we're approaching 50 18:28.10 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah. Meaning of. 18:35.60 bizzyweb Ah. 18:41.17 Tim Smith Um, yeah I mean there there are the classic signs and symptoms of like a cardiac event or a heart attack. So what you see in the movies on a lot of things with Cpr and first aid are are generally you know blown out of proportion or or plain wrong. 18:43.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I hate. 18:53.12 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 18:55.20 Tim Smith That's one of them where generally they get fairly right? if you see if I told you to act like you're having a heart attack right now. What would you do. 19:03.65 bizzyweb Clutch my chest ask why my left hand is tingling fall over like I'm Chris fartley not her after from red. 19:06.40 Tim Smith Yeah, exactly was what I'm like to see you guy I wanted to get you guys actually doing something. Yeah yeah. 19:09.96 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah, yeah, hit me, you're hitting your chest all of a sudden yell out hey wheezy I'm coming home right? Yeah Elizabeth yeah oh my? yeah so most of that is actually. 19:16.40 bizzyweb Ah I'm coming Elizabeth. 19:16.73 Tim Smith There you go and so yeah, chest pain chest pain that may radiate over to the left generally the left side of the shoulder and arm hooked terrible. 19:30.32 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Next? okay. 19:34.80 Tim Smith Right? Pale Clammy Sweaty and just hard to breathe. That's those are your classic signs and symptoms. That's the cold. It's a cold and yeah, all right all right? That said though, just the makeup of our bodies the way the way we are and we're made. 19:38.69 bizzyweb I Told you I'm I have a cold I'm not I'm not actively after heart attack right now to. 19:54.41 Tim Smith Generally speaking women diabetics and sometimes the elderly can present with different signs and symptoms and this is one of the things we like to make sure we educate people on because not everybody knows this So if a woman is having a cardiac event generally speaking. It's not going to be that oh my gosh. My chest is killing me type of thing. It's usually much more subdued. 19:58.98 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Minutes. 20:13.88 Tim Smith It might not be chest pain. It might be more up in the jaw neck and even upper shoulder Blade area that the pain instead of here is up there and it's you know it's weird. It's like well why the heck do I have this radiating pain here and and kind of more of a a sickly type of feeling and that's just kind of the way the the wires are. 20:16.54 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 20:24.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb The. 20:33.48 Tim Smith And the tricky thing with hearts is I could present with those symptoms or you could too day like it's a little bit different for everybody but those are generally speak. So really, the big takeaway is if something's not right? You know we know our body is better than anyone else If if it's not right. 20:37.28 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A the a right. 20:50.10 Tim Smith You gotta get checked out. 20:53.26 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Perfect and I think ah, some of the technology that's that's been more readily available has been helpful I think and wondering if you've heard many stories my mom for example, um, she got an Apple watch for her birthday. And then like a week and a half later the watch was pinging her and saying you know your ecg is is ah is off you should you should seek medical attention and sure enough she was having like fluttering. Um I forget what? that's called um, but yeah, what's that. 21:24.48 bizzyweb Palpitations palpitation. 21:27.47 Tim Smith Palpitations. 21:28.49 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah, yeah, her her heartbeat was was vacillating from like almost 200 down to like 35 and just like all over the place so she got um one of those abllazes and and got that figured out but she was always tired. She was falling asleep like kind of randomly. 21:34.53 bizzyweb Oh wow. 21:36.52 Tim Smith She. 21:47.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And her heart was racing and the watch actually notified her doctor and so it was a huge help and are you seeing more of that are people getting more aware of it now. 21:57.16 Tim Smith Yeah, that is crazy and and awesome right? to mean who knows if the watch hadn't alerted her what what the story might be today like how amazing of technology is that it's still relatively new. So like american heart red cross you don't see like it talking about. 22:01.30 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Point right? money. 22:12.69 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Is really. 22:16.00 Tim Smith Apple watches or anything. but but yeah it's definitely a thing and I love technology. Um I'm all about it and stuff like that that makes makes recognition early warning signs. It's all about time. It is huge. 22:27.29 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? so. 22:31.12 Tim Smith Yeah, we do. We do see and hear stories similar to that you know or people might ask well can I Really trust this thing and well no, it's not a doctor on your wrist. Oh um, but it can maybe give you just an early kind of. Oh yeah, where you yeah, you should? yeah so I'm ah yeah, all about it. 22:38.27 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right. 22:45.16 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah, so get get get ahold of your doctor if your watch is pinging you and telling you that something might be weird. Ah right? ah. 22:52.00 Tim Smith Right? Yeah, or if you're falling asleep all the time and your heart's racing and then not happening. So yep. 23:00.93 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Of. 23:01.71 bizzyweb Tim ah, you're running a business. You're actually running 2 businesses. How do you? How do you stay up to date on all of your certifications. How do you find the time and you have kids and a wife. 23:14.52 Tim Smith I do yeah have kids wife you 2 Yeah, both you? Um, it's tough right? We all know it and it's the balance of life. The entrepreneurial thing I mean I'll be obviously honest with you guys. It. 23:17.97 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb The balance light your spells thing. 23:27.86 Tim Smith Not easy, a lot of times and I've hit a lot of bumps in the road I I started the company right? like thirteen years ago like a lot of people do and it's silly when you look back on it because I knew Cpr and I was passionate about it. That's why I started but I didn't know anything about business as a lot of lonely bumps in the road. 23:32.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb E. 23:40.96 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb So. 23:47.63 Tim Smith A lot of grind and a lot of boy why the heck am I doing this and you can get in a bad spot and I've been in bal spots where you just mentally. It's not good. Ah, but that's that's where you need you know mentorship. You need coaching you need teams and systems. That's where. 23:48.68 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb North. I am no sponsor. 24:07.14 Tim Smith Busywebb has really helped helped me and my company out and so many aspects and reasons is just that you got someone there to to lean on from time to time to lend an ear to help you and feel like a partner whether that's busy web or a web-based company or anything else. 24:24.40 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 24:26.17 Tim Smith You you do need help so how do I how do I have the time I I have the time simply because I make the time now it used to be. It's all hustle all work twenty four seven that's not sustainable. It's put your priorities in check. Um, when I talk and introduce myself. 24:32.82 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Henry. 24:40.57 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 24:45.38 Tim Smith I always start with I'm a father of 2 you know I lead with my family I don't lead with my business and that's how I try to to live and lead my life now is schedule that stuff first and don't mess with it. You know what? you're going to need to to do that kind of stuff and then you fill in the rest. 24:45.75 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Then you to. 24:57.31 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh. 25:04.73 Tim Smith It's kind of the old. What is it a parable a fable, whatever the the stones the rocks and the sand right getting your priorities right? until you until you actually get faced with it and your priorities are messed up and then you come back then then it really kind of comes into focus. 25:10.50 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh yeah, ah. 25:19.86 bizzyweb I mentioned Tim you have a couple of businesses heartser is your main 1 right. 25:24.75 Tim Smith Yes, so heartsert is the the cpr training. That's what I started in my living room and then yeah, a morphed recently. But about three years ago we really and that was part of the pivots too. So one was mailing out equipment to people another one was trying to help other instructors. 25:42.26 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 25:44.37 Tim Smith So whether it's a mentorship coaching whether it's systems whether it's training that's been one of my passions and people. Ah, they still call me crazy but they they thought I was really crazy because they're like well you're gonna train. Yeah well I mean that's nothing crazy about that but train. Yeah, but. 25:55.84 bizzyweb Well, you were the guy with ah and all the bodies in the garage. It's not right. 26:00.30 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um. 26:03.49 Tim Smith Training. Basically your competition right? I make people instructors if you want to become an instructor I'll make you an instructor and you want to train people in your neighborhood or whatever I will help you and it's like well why would you do that because there's everybody needs it. So. 26:14.32 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 26:19.25 Tim Smith Long story short to get back to the question. So the second business is called powered by Heartsert and we have a product called my ta system. It is a cloud-based software platform that is meant for training entities and businesses so people like myself or companies like ours. 26:19.82 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb 1 26:37.20 Tim Smith Just to help take some of that stress away. There's a lot of backend administrative stuff that goes into this business that a lot of people don't realize until they get into it and the whole goal of our of our system is to automate that stuff. So. 26:42.33 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Are. 26:46.24 bizzyweb Like what. 26:53.90 Tim Smith As an example would be sending the certification cards. You'd give a class for four hours Now you got ah get this roster. You got to get it off the American Red Cross the American Heart association and there's all these little steps this step step and if you take a misstep you gotta go back and it it can take a lot of time and where you teach. 26:56.40 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh yeah. Me sure. 27:13.57 Tim Smith 4 hours and it takes you 2 hours worth of paperwork and this will and take 2 hours and put it down into 2 minutes where it'll do all the clicks for you other things are like if you want to have a successful business. You need to have customer service. It's like you guys right? Busy was great at that and I like to think I am too. 27:21.88 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 27:33.44 Tim Smith So after class most people are gonna send a follow up to their students and say hey how did you like it here. You go here's some information this happens Automatically now nice thing about Cpr training business too is everybody who is required to have the training whether it's teacher Coach nurse. 27:42.26 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Cool. 27:52.80 Tim Smith Have to get it every 2 years and so if you're a smart business person you're going to reach out to the people before they need that certification again. Well again, this system will automate it. It will also take online payments and do a whole bunch of stuff. So yeah I created that with the help of a developer. 28:00.25 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb If. 28:09.90 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb In. 28:12.10 Tim Smith Just launched about a year ago so yeah it's ah just another another time suck. But it's a good thing because it it goes into the passion. It's helping other people out and it's helped our business immensely. 28:22.68 bizzyweb What would that process like to create your own bit of software. 28:22.77 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb But and it's yeah me. 28:29.70 Tim Smith Not not a lot of fun to be honest with you trick V. Anybody who's looking at or has gone through ah doing anything with technology and I was warned to this upfront. So I was prepared but it was even more so than I was prepared for. They said it's gonna be more expensive than you think. goingnna take longer than you think it's going to be harder suck more than you think you and and and then and that's all true. Yeah I was thinking it was going to be six months you know we're we're still working on it and that's part of that's part of software and technology. You're always working on it. Yup, price is a lot. 28:48.74 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Moving here. 28:57.17 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Select. 29:04.65 Tim Smith And the thing of it is to you know you want to be careful. Um, so I don't know anything about coding I Sure wish I did so I had to partner with a developer and a team and that's kind of hard for a person. It's hard for me to like if you want something done and. 29:10.21 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Are around with. 29:22.54 Tim Smith There is no ability for you to do it yourself. You are 100% reliant on somebody else. So ah, it takes a different mindset and kind of mental toughness if you will and resiliency. 29:23.34 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb So same. 29:30.74 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And you sure how did you vet and find your vendor for that app. 29:39.78 Tim Smith Yeah, we ah we kind of we did a search it was similar to what I did for finding busy web I I did a Google search right? and I asked for recommendations on Facebook or whatever and just kind of poked around then yeah, you do enough poking you get yourself this little pile of. 29:46.00 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Not. 29:52.30 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Is. 29:58.12 Tim Smith All right? Let me see what they're about and then you dig deeper dig deeper ah call and and try to vet out best you can call a past customers is 1 thing looking at them and then then it was interviews and the person we chose. They're actually local whereas a lot of software developers. Everything are are nowhere near minnesota. 30:04.58 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Over 5 30:15.76 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right. 30:17.81 Tim Smith And he's kind of in the back yard. But about an hour away so there was that there and yeah, just many factors of looking into it and then an interview process and we were actually we partnered with this particular developer to get costs down because building a software system from scratch is very intensive a lot of expense. 30:32.82 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Sure the index. 30:37.30 Tim Smith And at that point in time we weren't ready to take on the full amount so it was reduced and he's actually a partner so he's invested in the company. 30:44.26 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah, smart and probably probably very interested in the success of the app then if he's actually getting some revenue out of it himself. Ah. 30:54.30 Tim Smith That was the plan. 30:58.43 bizzyweb What A ah now that you've gone through the process and you've got something stood up. What are some things you wish you knew before you got started. 31:04.64 Tim Smith Yeah, that's great question trig me I wish I knew well a lot of things I wish I knew what I touched on earlier What it what it takes to have the the. 31:13.48 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 31:23.97 Tim Smith The patience. It takes the the patience to completely rely on others. Ah and to just kind of be able to sit back and watch the the fact that and I don't know why I didn't really think of it at the time when I started it was you know that. 31:26.92 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Hope. 31:42.83 Tim Smith All the little things that you don't think of upfront that it requires you need an email host. You need a website. You need this, You need all that stuff which busy web can help with and but it's also then it's ah it's literally a whole another company. But. 31:49.67 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Point is. 32:01.79 Tim Smith In my mind it was well I already have a company I've got the structure I got customer service I got all this this is just going to be an ad on but no, this is a second business I needed different customer service I did different like I couldn't just use my same stuff I thought well I'll use my same payroll provider. No, that's something on legalities and everything. 32:02.89 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb That. 32:12.44 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 32:18.89 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Okay, here. 32:21.47 Tim Smith Was a whole set separate thing. Ah so kind of just knowing that kind of stuff upfront would have I don't know if I would have made a different decision I don't regret that I've done. It's huge for our business. But yeah I mean challenging for sure. 32:33.90 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Writer Amazing. So The the way The new business works is. You're connecting up Instructors. You're giving them the training you're giving them the the tools to run their own business and then. Are you also like delivering the the cpr dummies The the annies is that part of that system as well or is that just one of those things where you make it super easy for them to use your services as well. 33:08.30 Tim Smith Yeah, we've talked about that and it's not super cost effective with the like basically contracting out the the mailing service to somebody so we keep that to to ourselves our core business. But yeah, it's It's basically at this big toolbox that we give them. 33:11.34 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Me. Okay, oh yeah, okay. 33:27.37 Tim Smith And it's not so much to use our services but it's more to use our our knowledge our skills and kind of like ah trigby just ask like what do you wish you knew ahead of time I'm really trying to let people know those kind of things that they need to know for this kind of business. So. 33:34.89 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb This. 33:41.90 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And sure ah right? Ah Wow. Well, and yeah I think it's probably easier to swallow. 33:45.12 Tim Smith Helping them avoid the pitfalls helping them make and streamlined mental health. All all of that stuff. 33:58.87 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Helping to feed your competition when you're driven by a core Value. You know you're actually helping people you're saving lives so that makes it a little easier to say you know what? I'm okay in handing things over giving some secret sauce away as long as it's good for the population as whole. So. That's that's tremendously commendable and it's super cool to see it being so successful is that just means that more lives are being saved. 34:24.67 Tim Smith Yeah, yeah, good. That's a great way to look I'd appreciate that Dave. 34:29.97 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah, of course so one one other thing and ah this is just from the conversations that we've had over the years together um you are pretty unique as a client of ours in that you're you're not shy about fiddling with the dials. 34:36.83 bizzyweb And yeah. 34:47.84 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And making sure that you're dialing it in. So do you have a is it is it just a habit or a guiding principle or what drives you to be okay with tinkering and um, always. 34:48.29 bizzyweb Ah. 35:06.16 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Modifying or improving. You know how do you dial it in in ah in your day-to-day life. 35:11.83 Tim Smith Yeah, that's a really good one and I very much appreciate using the word Unique yeah trigby might have used other words. Ah yes I I'm different. Yeah I think I'm definitely wired different but I think ah most entrepreneurs. 35:15.41 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 35:27.36 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 35:29.42 Tim Smith Are um, where you know it's a cliche but it's true. You know it's It's your baby it. It is something you've created and there are there's literal blood sweat tears in so many hours and so it's like yeah I I will move. 35:37.11 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Will. 35:45.90 Tim Smith Move the world for my children and my wife and I will do the same thing for my business I will always look at things to see if I'm doing things if I can do them a better way. Is there any way that I can save more lives impact more people hire more people make more money all of it. 35:55.30 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb F. 36:02.51 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah. 36:04.10 Tim Smith Ah, you want to propel the business and I just the way the world works and the way technology works. Everything's always changing and I get that and I I kind of know that I don't know everything and so I'm always. 36:13.67 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Thank you. 36:21.21 Tim Smith Try a little this try a little that throwing spaghetti against the wall and yep, a lot of heck of a lot of times. All it is is kind of just a lesson. Um, then you get the ones that that stick you get the shipping out the mannequins or the this or the that and it's like if you don't try. You're not going to grow. Ah. 36:22.70 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yes. And. 36:33.67 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Really. Right in here. 36:41.19 Tim Smith Trying and changing things is not going to kill you can it hurt your profits for a month a court or whatever. Yeah can. But if you want to grow the your company and that's what that's what I'm trying to do I'm trying to grow it then you gotta gotta to keep pushing. So yeah I guess I'm just a little crazy mannequins in the garage. 36:51.60 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb 4 36:57.59 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb It might be 55 37:00.89 Tim Smith Ah, going going nuts and just yeah trying all kinds of different things. Yeah I Love tweet I Love ah dialing dialing with dials there you go. 37:08.81 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah, perfect fiddle fiddle in with the dials right? and I think one of the key things inside of fiddling with the dials is you actually have to know your numbers to know if you're improving so a good ah good amount of the things that we've done together have included. Like deep dives on the measurement are we actually getting not just clicks on the website but are we getting conversions are people actually buying are people actually moving through the buyer's journey as we need it or the engagement cycle and so the big things that. You know we talk about all the time our marketing um metrics like Clickthroughs and leads and you know how how well the advertising is doing and all that stuff but are there other things that you're tracking in the business that wouldn't be kind of immediately apparent Like. Ah, with your with your new business. How do you keep everyone on the same track for you know like tickets or problems or things are you measuring other things other than marketing. 38:12.82 Tim Smith Yeah, and and yep, that's ah, that's why we love work with you guys too is is we can figure kind of stuff out and I feel like I'm a nice yang to your your yng almost? So yeah you I Love the analytics and all that um. 38:20.46 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah, yeah, ah. 38:28.91 Tim Smith And I remember you know I've had meetings with the team and it's like okay we need to look at you know how many clicks and how many conversions and all of this and how much time is spent on the the page and and really what I look at is what's the I I don't care how along they're on the page. In fact, to me shorter is better I know Google's different right? So it's kind of like. 38:32.54 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Thank you. 38:44.61 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? right. 38:47.69 Tim Smith Find the line um get them ah get them what they they need. So yeah, we're we're we're tracking all kinds of numbers in our system and software. We're looking at you know more things like specifically what type of training are they taking. 38:56.26 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 39:06.28 Tim Smith How often are they coming back to us. You know what's an tension rate because you have to take it every two years um you know in addition to what type of class. It's it's analytics like well how often should we hold a class because you think well. 39:06.52 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And ah, yeah, well. 39:21.46 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 39:24.22 Tim Smith You hold a class every day you're going to have one student a day and that's not very efficient. You know one a month that's full and you're kind of missing out. So it's different for every class in every area and we've got like 15 different locations through multiple states. We've added nursing training on now too and that's a. 39:27.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Great woman. 39:36.36 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Hoka. 39:42.78 Tim Smith That's all another ballgames That's stuff we're looking at is as employment is that happening are they moving on. Are they passing their state Exams pass rates and things like that. So yeah, there's a lot of stuff to look at. 39:51.33 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, sure and is the nursing training in partnership with specific medical centers or is it just kind of as as part of the. Is it part of a university course or how does that work. 40:07.94 Tim Smith Yeah, it's it's really cool. So it's a ah cna program so certified nursing assistant which is kind of like the the entry level first step into healthcare. Some people will stay cna and that's their career but usually that's also something you have to have. 40:12.27 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Okay. He. 40:25.30 Tim Smith To become an lpn r and so on and so forth a lot of doctors start off as a cna. So great program traditionally it is offered in a technical college environment. That's where 9 times out of 10 if you're searching for that class where you'll find it. What's unique is so we partnered with the american red cross. 40:26.63 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Status. 40:42.53 Tim Smith They've had a nationwide program for a while they decided to go in the direction that they didn't want to do it internally themselves anymore. They want to take on a partner so we license their information we give them a cut but then we run the program we we kind of take it from there and it's it's. Been a huge success because I think we've all heard it. We all know it the the nursing and the certified nursing assistance there' is such a huge shortage. It's been that way for a while and it didn't get better in the last couple of years. It's gotten worse and there's no end in Sight. So The the demand. 41:04.77 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. Right. 41:16.41 Tim Smith Pay is getting better for those kind of professions now. Cna's used to not get paid the greatest now it's it's getting up there which is all kind of starting to help. 41:17.52 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Next. 41:23.78 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Excellent. 41:24.42 bizzyweb I want to roll back a little you said you have 15 locations. 41:30.92 Tim Smith Something like that I'd have to count him exactly um but did did you have more on that question. Otherwise I'll clarify a bit. 41:39.96 bizzyweb I'm just impressed that you're you're so successful that you don't even know how many locations you have. 41:42.52 Tim Smith Yeah, well I know how many like so we have locations and then we have locations so I have we have a building that we that we actually purchased in ohns we own a place in Egan and then that opened up a lot of doors. 41:51.21 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, and is. 42:00.51 Tim Smith So we can hold classes whenever we want do whatever we want that allowed us to grow to where we could lease long-term leases so we have dedicated space. That's what's kind of required for doing this certified nursing classes because I can't bring a big hospital bed into a classroom and spend 50 hours there so you gotta have your own spot. 42:11.36 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Submit. 42:16.75 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Great. 42:20.37 Tim Smith We own a building and again we lease in Minneapolis mankato and duluth and then we have a lot of other partners and places we offer where it's just cpr and we kind of have ah like a crawl walk run strategy in all these areas so crawl meaning we go in. We start doing just cpr. And we rent a conference room. Usually it's a hotel conference room or whatever and we rent it few days. Um a month and if that's successful then you can turn that into a lease then you can add the nursing and then when that's good enough then you could potentially purchase and it becomes a real estate play. 42:41.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb The next. 42:54.15 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Brilliant when that's a considered process like we've been talking about. You know you're you're starting slow and then making an and a leveraged investment Once you know it's going to work. That's brilliant. 43:02.95 Tim Smith Yeah, and that kind of goes back to the trying things too. But we got a lot of areas we've tried and we started with the crawl and then we said Nope That's that's going to be that. 43:12.38 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb He wow. 43:16.82 Tim Smith Um, wrong, you guys get. 43:19.16 bizzyweb Tim Ken thank you enough for joining us and thank you for being sympathetic to my cold to bring it back and thank you for being ah such a great friend and a partner in the business and we're so excited to see what comes next for our heart. 43:24.40 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um. 43:29.42 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah, any anything you want to leave us with 10 43:35.16 Tim Smith Ah, shout out to to my great staff and employees and of course my family wife Kristina and kids and also to you guys hey I'm serious and I hope everyone hears this and you don't cut it off the end busy web's an instrumental to my business. How I say it. You guys are like a partner you help. Sympathetic. You're an ear couldn't ask for anything better I've really enjoyed being here and ah yeah I do shed a tear for you trigby and hope you feel better soon. 43:58.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And make sure to well Tim thank you so much everybody make sure to check out him. Make sure to check out Tim at heartsert cpr.com 43:58.48 bizzyweb You I appreciate cra words you're not, You're not getting a reduction in your bill. 44:06.55 Tim Smith Um, and stop it up. Would you. 44:06.64 bizzyweb Yeah, all right fair enough. 44:13.87 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And there's lots of other places and things that we can look at but I think like the most important. Yes, Yes, thank you and those will be in the show notes as well. 44:14.42 bizzyweb And my Ts to them dot com too. 44:19.50 Tim Smith Yeah, thanks lot.