00:01.47 bizzyweb Dave do you remember that? Really great song called I do anything for love. But I won't do that. Yeah with me love. So first of all, um. 00:06.95 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I remember and it was meatloaf if I remember correctly correct. 00:16.90 bizzyweb It's terrible because now these songs that I like that were on my ipod back when I had an ipod now are on the oldie station number 2 is I've been listing these songs of my my my eight year old and he list met and I listen to that song in the car and he said boy that guy doesn't really want to do anything. Which kind of got me thinking of all the things that I don't really want to do I don't I don't really want to fold my laundry I don't ah I don't really ah you know the the famous joke about you. Dave is is Dave doesn't do details but 1 of the things that we talk about at busy web. All the time is we don't do video. 00:38.55 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, item one. 00:48.36 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb That's pretty. 00:53.34 bizzyweb And that's something that more and more people are asking all the time. So in that respect I thought maybe we should talk about why we don't do video. We don't do video because it's hard and it needs an expert to do it so we have our guest today is an expert in the field of videography. It's our good friend. Todd Vasky from agile video hey Todd. 01:14.10 Todd Vaske Hey thanks for having me I'm glad to be here. 01:16.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Welcome. 01:17.87 bizzyweb That was normally something where I actually let Dave talk but I just kind of went off on my own there for a while like and ne loaf my son and Todd all together in the same place. 01:25.66 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb It's all good. It's all good. Yeah. 01:25.95 Todd Vaske Ah. 01:28.40 Todd Vaske Yeah I I will say this I was not expecting any meatloaf references today. So you just made I think this this podcast is already worth it. 01:34.22 bizzyweb A any day but any day without a meat low reference is a day wasted in my book. So Todd tell us about agile video on and and tell us about you. How did I we know you as a longtime friend of the show. But for those who are are listening tells. 01:36.39 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, it'll be our right. 01:53.15 bizzyweb Tell us about agile. 01:54.35 Todd Vaske Sure you know agile video evolved after twenty some years of me being in the industry and I will freely admit I use 20 years to do research on how to create my own company and so I've worked at various production companies throughout. Um. Throughout the country and and including working for food network. So kind of been able to jump around and do a lot of different things and as I was doing that I was making notes I'm like okay that's something I should remember and how to do if I start my own company and that's something that I make make sure take a note. Don't do that and because you know that that has consequences and so after about 20 years of working for other people I thought you know what I'm just going to give this give this video production company thing a shot on my own and so I took that leap of faith in 2019 you know sure enough the pandemic hit. You know, but hey had my best year um in sales. Basically every year since then and it's just helping people understand video I'm one of the one of those producers that won't say you need video for everything I'm also one of those the producers that will say you know that's a great idea but you can do it yourself. So. Um, I know I'm babbling here but I always like to say I got my start in video because the first thing is I went to school at stc cloud state to get into radio and the the professor said oh everybody if you're here to be in radio. Get ready for a a minimum wage. 03:29.61 Todd Vaske Career and so I immediately went across the hall and went into Tv and that's how I got into it. 03:30.14 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, yeah. 03:34.58 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Fantastic. Well Todd it's great to have you on and one of the things that we get from our customers at busy web. All the time is or when we're talking about video is you know where where do I begin or what do I do and. You know what's what's a decent um resolution. What can I expect right? and so I know that you offer a number of different video services. So if you were talking to a small business that. Wanted to either tell a story or to stand out from the crowd which are probably you know the easiest ways that or the biggest strengths of video if you were talking to one of those small business owners. Where would you start in the conversation on how to. Create a compelling story in video. 04:30.26 Todd Vaske Sure the first thing there's number one. Um I always say if you don't know this. You're not ready for videos. You have to know your audience who is this video for because you can go out and create the most elaborate type of video. 04:38.11 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who yeah. 04:47.60 Todd Vaske Um, with all the bells and whistles. But if you didn't know who your audience was and it doesn't hit the right people. It's going to flop so that's that's first and foremost and then the second thing is okay, you know who your audience is um. Where is it going to live. You know it's really important to know upfront is this going to be. You know Linkedin is it going to be you know Tiktok is this going to be Instagram your website you you have to know all those things because videos on each of those platforms tend to be tend to be different. Whether it's content related or whether it's you know, even you know if it's vertical or horizontal. So you know if you don't know your audience then I say then let's let's hold off. Let's get that in order first because doing a video for a teenager. And the midwest for example is a lot different than say doing a video for a group of engineers at a you know, medical manufacturing company so you just have to make sure you know that. 05:46.90 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Perfect. Thank you. 05:47.67 bizzyweb So if somebody comes to you and says I want to do a video. What's what what? where do you take them from there. 05:53.51 Todd Vaske All right? So yep I start off you know what is your audience and when who is your audience Usually they've got it now if you say everybody I I say Okay, let's narrow that down. Let's make sure because that's that's not a that is a not an appropriate answer. But. 06:00.00 bizzyweb Doubts. 06:05.37 bizzyweb Um, yeah. 06:08.90 bizzyweb Well I don't I want to pause on your narrative because I think you bring up a really good point because we that's something that we get all the time too is when we say you know who's your Target market people say oh anybody and unless you're a food lover warmth. You're. No, you're not really, you don't really have an everybody market play or the Beatles I Guess maybe but so why is that important to to to to you excuse the pun dile that in. 06:31.36 Todd Vaske You? Yeah yeah. 06:39.43 Todd Vaske Because okay, let's just take for example, let's just say you you put this video out there and your ultimate goal is to get new customers and you put it out there and it gets 10000000 hits and you get 0 new customers. Well great I mean you're winning the internet but you're not winning new customers whereas if you put it out there and you get 500 views but you end up with 15 new customers. What's a better return for you. So it's what are you trying to do um that guides the you know how you know who are you. Doing this video for and how you do it guides how you bring in those viewers to become actual customers. 07:23.46 bizzyweb Great. Okay, sorry so you go So yes, my target market is everybody and then what what is what is the what is your prospect say. 07:34.33 Todd Vaske Ah, if they say that it's everybody I usually say Okay, um, how do you message when you say everybody you tell let's say it's I know it's an engineering firm. For example I usually know the you know the industry that I'm talking to right away and I'll say things like okay so. 07:46.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah. 07:51.37 Todd Vaske If you get a 15 year old girl in Montana to watch this does that help your business out and they usually say no and I just kind of start walking through you know how just having them come to grips with that. Okay I do need to to narrow this down I mean I've I've actually. I've turned down a couple videos when I knew I was it was just wasn't going to work because if your audience is everybody I'm not going to I'm not going to be successful and you're not going to be happy with my work because you're going to get you might get tons of views for example, but it's not going to do what you ultimately want it to do so. 08:13.60 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 08:22.64 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb If if. 08:28.76 Todd Vaske Um, that's I know that's probably not um, the most helpful answer. But I mean everybody has a market I mean Nike has a has a market. You know they they're not trying to get my dad as ah as one of their client. The one of her customers. 08:41.70 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah. 08:44.58 Todd Vaske Um, so everybody's got who I mean I do I do as well you know For example I don't do weddings you can call me for those but I don't do those so I will but I can refer you to? Nope Yep I Would do you know anything but I won't do that? No ah. 08:50.44 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yes. 08:54.40 bizzyweb Much much like mitlo if you don't do that. 09:00.35 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Him amazing. So and as you're talking through the your client they have their ideal audience. The fact that video is such a visual medium and includes like 3 d space you know with. 09:03.28 bizzyweb So and. 09:08.19 Todd Vaske Me here. 09:19.67 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb With everybody being able to grab their phone and start shooting. Um, one of the things that really separates True professional video is the ability to tell a story and so how do you walk your customers through the storytelling process Like. Do you do you come with templated shot lists or you know encourage them to do a script or what what does that storytelling process look like. 09:44.99 Todd Vaske Oh absolutely no that your storytelling is right now maybe in the hottest way to to um, get people to watch your videos to get new customers. They don't want to be sold to um to answer your question about a templated way. Not necessarily I think that's where the professionals can. 09:59.76 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb So okay, yeah. 10:02.17 Todd Vaske Can come in. You know I feel like when people when a producer calls you up and you want to talk video. You've got to start asking the right questions about Okay, what what is your video about I'll use an example. Um for testimonials. Those are our big big types of videos right now. 10:18.33 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right here. 10:21.90 Todd Vaske And my recommendation is okay, you're bringing on. Let's just say you bring on your customer. Let's hear about them. You know who are they? What do they do? what kind of company. Do they own I give them 50 to 60% of the time upfront to tell their story and then the last 40% ish Is them saying. Okay, this is how that company helped me out and to me that brings the viewer in because you're hearing a story and I can relate to that story if they come in and just go company X helped me do this and this and then Company X did this and company X did that it becomes a commercial. It might be you know I might. 10:41.75 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 10:56.15 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah. 10:59.27 Todd Vaske Think up this is a relative or an owner of that company. But if you can establish somebody's you know, just ah, a relatable story behind it. So I ask a lot of questions that's to to answer your question is I hope I'll answer your question with the questions. 11:09.21 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, got it? Yep, perfect. 11:17.11 Todd Vaske So. 11:20.30 bizzyweb Well are there different kinds of videos that that ah that a lot of people are asking for right now like in our business. A lot of people say well I need a brochure website or I need a lead generator or I need an ecommerce site. So what? what are the kind of things that people are really making right now. 11:34.14 Todd Vaske You know you get a lot of different types of requests. I mean testimonial is probably 1 of the first ones that I'm I'm just getting a lot more of those coming in I get a lot of the I want to show how my product or service Works. You know and and for something like that when you say you know where is the story behind that I want to take Okay, if you have let's say you have um, some software that does some really fun things I don't talk about the features I talk about how does it make your life Your customer's life easier. 12:10.68 Todd Vaske So that's another one is just kind of explainer. They're they're called explainer videos I'm kind of over that term because it's kind of an older term but I will say still doing this goes back to you know when did the couple start using videoov but training videos. That's probably 1 of the most popular ways for me that. 12:13.89 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Hit. 12:30.12 Todd Vaske Ways to use video because you can use them obviously for training but they're also great marketing videos I mean think about when people go to Youtube what do they do they type in how do I you know change the oil on my lawnmower. You know that type of stuff and that's a training video. You might not think about it but a whole lot of what. 12:44.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Brent. 12:49.86 Todd Vaske Ah, Youtube is training videos and there just happened the other day well towards the ah and the end of the fall um bike chain broke on my bike I don't know how to fix things I'm the least mechanical person in the world. So I went to went to the Youtube and typed in. You know how do I change this. And found out of course I needed a new chain. The video was from trek so where did I end up I was at the Trek bike shop that bike shop didn't even put that together but trackked it and drove me right to there so that training video made me a customer of of theirs. So I would say that's you know behind testimonials. That's probably the second. Biggest type of video I get requests for and then the other one that you know just those social media ones which that you know it's a broad term but you know just people wanting to put out content I use those hubspot would be an example of. 13:37.26 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 13:46.96 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, right. 13:47.50 Todd Vaske Loving those just content tech videos. Oh that's those are the the top ones testimonials. How to um, you know, just showing off your product and social media. 13:59.51 bizzyweb What? Ah, when somebody comes ah so okay, you they get through that part of the process and then there's and like okay Todd I'm I'm gonna have you do this this video? Um, what all goes into actually shooting a video. 14:15.57 bizzyweb Because it's not just you. It's not just you with a camera is it. 14:15.58 Todd Vaske That's that no no I mean it's how first and foremost I'm the producer. So I'm not the one that's actually going out and doing the running the camera but I'm you know I'm there. It's It's a loaded question because there are some instances where you know it can just be 1 person going around like if it's an event and I have a shot list of who's you know what to shoot you could send somebody out and you could do that in certain instances. But um, it's it's all about the planning. That's to me, you're right that you you can. It's not just sending somebody and going you really need to know what you want to capture for um for the videos. Otherwise it's kind of you. You're doing this. You know, kind of buckshot approach and it it always will come back. That somebody go hey did you get this? No I didn't because we we weren't planning it. So if you go through and plan it. You're right? There's you know there could be a producer. It could be as small as a producer and a videographer on site. Um. 15:09.19 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb He. 15:20.76 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 15:23.72 Todd Vaske I do prefer to go on location as opposed to studios because I think it create for for corporate type videos because I think it just creates ah a better environment a more natural more authentic environment. But yeah I mean depending on what you're doing I just. Um, lined up a shoot to do. We're all, we're doing is getting a shot of a product. Well this product is a little bit larger than ah, a Jefferson bus and they wanted to shot wanted it shot in a studio and I mean so now we're talking you need a giant studio which you know that costs costs money and it's not. 15:45.71 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Wow Yeah here here. 15:57.27 Todd Vaske For lighting. That's not just you know me helping out the videographer getting lights we were talking you know big heavy lights up and up in the ceiling. So now we need ah at least 2 people to do that I mean just for safety reasons you need you know people or that you know we needed. Um. 16:07.96 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 16:14.44 Todd Vaske Ah, camera assist person because a shot list was just so just to make sure we were capturing everything we needed so there was just all, you know it. It's how we said the the amount the the video costs go up with the amount of professionals you bring in that's kind of how I when people ask oh what? what makes the cost of a video go up and it's just. 16:29.20 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Great. 16:32.99 Todd Vaske Usually it's the number of professionals you're you're bringing it in. So um, yeah, that's that's um, kind of a roundabout answer but hopefully I answered your question. 16:43.62 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I Love it. That's that's exactly what I think we're looking for because our listeners need to know what to expect? Um, let's let's go into some some examples if we could you know the the thing bigger than a Jefferson bus is fascinating. 16:51.12 Todd Vaske Um, and hear me. 17:00.88 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, tell us about some of the challenges that you've had shooting over your career like either either some some real some real challenges or maybe some unexpected shots. Yeah oh my goodness. Yeah. 17:07.34 bizzyweb Um, well like the food you yeah you talked about you being part of the food network. How do you shoot? How do you shoot food. 17:16.18 Todd Vaske That you you know what did that one I was pretty lucky because we would oftentimes have a food stylist on that shoe but we were pretty. 17:24.21 bizzyweb Wait Whoa Whoa Whoa No don't really, you're not going to run by that. What is a food stylist and where can I send my resume. 17:26.77 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb With Aqua Net and everything. 17:32.10 Todd Vaske There. Ah now that you know what a food stylist if you can get that gig. That's probably the greatest gig you ever have. They're the ones that basically make the food so you can't eat it. They make it look really good. So you know let's say you? um you know what you think might be. 17:35.56 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um. 17:49.57 Todd Vaske Pudding might be have you know brown spray paint on it or something like that. So they're the ones that you know if you literally I mean I I still do a lot of food work if you just take food and put it in front and you shoot at it. It oftentimes does not look appettizable so you do need to. But. 17:51.30 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh wow. 18:01.58 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Sure, Yeah, yeah. 18:06.24 Todd Vaske You know other tricks and and things like that to to make things to make things look good. So yeah, food network was I was a blast. It was a lot of fun. Got to meet a lot of a lot of fun people got to ride in a car with Mario and dready and um, that was that was pretty cool but some of the how. 18:21.30 bizzyweb I have too. But that's why I drive when Dave and I go to lunch because Dave's terrifying to ride in a car with. 18:25.51 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb That. 18:28.68 Todd Vaske Yeah, no I mean challenges are often environmental you know I I honest to goodness swear there is somebody hired to run a leafblower and follow me around and I'd wait right? until we start the interview. Everything is just fine and then ba. 18:41.52 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Oh right? yeah. In that. 18:48.53 Todd Vaske It honest to goodness there. It happens. Yeah I can be in the middle of nowhere and all of a sudden. There's somebody blowing leafs leaves somewhere so environmental. You know if you're in an office you're you're rolling great and you know phones start ringing that you know that type of thing. So. 18:58.50 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um. 19:05.38 Todd Vaske I Always have to warn people. You know if we're coming into the office and we have you know we have to listen for audio you know that's that ah some people forget that Audio is actually more important than the actual video you're seeing if you think about it I'll ah use that. Um. 19:10.00 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Enhance. 19:18.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Are a. 19:22.62 Todd Vaske And Youtube for example, I'm using my same how to change the oil on ah on a lawnmower I went to one done by a very popular brand and it was all use the this brand's tool and this brand's oil. Whatever I skipped over that when I found some guy that shot one on his phone and he kept. Dropping his phone and and whatnot but his information was better and his narrative was better. The audio was better. So that's the that's the video I used if you use I've done some really limited. Um. 19:43.50 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah, yeah, you. 19:57.93 Todd Vaske Research and having like audiences watch a video that's got perfect audio and kind of suspect footage and then that same video with really good footage and then maybe the audio is over modulated or something like that and they always take the perfect audio over the perfect video. So. 20:04.30 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb I. 20:15.94 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right on. 20:17.90 Todd Vaske That's just buy from what I've witnessed over there So that's another thing I Always just want to make sure your you know your audio is if if you're recording sound like we're doing here if your audio is not great. People are gonna go ha and more than likely click it off. So. 20:30.27 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb It It gets tiresome and I I Love that you queued on audio because we all have these beautiful HDCameras in our hands that we make calls on and stuff but the the big difference between a great. Video even at the amateur level and a mediocre or a terrible video seems to be how far away the person is from the camera when they're talking or if they have an external microphone. Ah, do you have any tips or tricks for folks that want to capture good audio like what? what should they do like what's. 21:01.38 Todd Vaske With it. 21:10.22 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb What's table stakes for hardware if you want to have a good looking video but also and more importantly, as you said a great sounding video. Yeah yeah, and yeah I'm I'm taking this as kind of a 2 to for right? So we're. 21:18.72 Todd Vaske Sure are you talking if somebody wants to do it themselves or if they're hiring. So yeah. 21:29.24 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb We're talking to you as the expert on on what makes a good video from the producer standpoint but you know of course the entire undercurrent of this is hey dummy. You should probably go to go to an expert. You need to talk to Todd At Agile video so 21:34.90 Todd Vaske Um, me. 21:40.86 Todd Vaske Sure I you know as far as I I'm concerned if you're doing a video on your own and you're using your phone if you can you know there, there's hundreds of just inexpensive if you just have any kind of microphone and you're you're putting out. It's going to be better than if you're you know, just. 21:49.23 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb For here. 22:00.70 Todd Vaske Kind of you know holding it here and you and I talking it's just going to up so you know I don't I'll freely admit as the producer I am not a technical you know I don't geek out over stuff I Just my my philosophy on gear and and equipment is. 22:01.73 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb In here. 22:10.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Sure. 22:18.18 Todd Vaske I'll bring on the people and it's the people using it as opposed to the product because I think if you're good at what you do, You can make almost almost anything work but you do need to have that microphone and and listening to it. You know if you can have the microphone on and headphones just to make sure if it's crisp in your headphones. 22:19.54 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Hit. 22:34.89 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here its. 22:36.12 bizzyweb I think I think the bar is actually pretty low when it comes to audio I know Dave and I have both have the same mic and you know I paid I think a hundred dollars for mine on yeah on Amazon. So. 22:37.18 Todd Vaske Yeah, it's Chris you um. 22:46.32 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? You know. 22:50.34 bizzyweb What what works the and that was pre pandemicdemic before everybody needed a microphone and everybody needed a camera so but it's it's not just that because. 22:55.71 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right. 22:56.62 Todd Vaske Move. 23:03.82 bizzyweb Even after you've you've done those things and you've storyboarded it. You've gone out to the client location you've shot it. You know it. It doesn't you don't just turn everything over you, you got to add it. You've got a sound mix it. So what happens next in the process. 23:17.53 Todd Vaske All right? So yeah, it's That's my favorite part of the process is putting it together and I do a lot of what I do our interview based type videos. Those are my favorite I Just love hearing. 23:28.45 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Sure. 23:33.26 Todd Vaske Getting people's answers I love taking what they've said and creating that story and 1 of the challenges I put on myself all the time is if I can take that video and not use any voiceover to tie anything together if I've done my job properly and and asking the right questions getting the right responses. If I don't have to use any voiceover if I can just take whatever somebody said and and string it other so for agile video we do let's just say it's it's one of those interview type based videos I already have you know? Ah ah, an outline of you know how I want the video to go that can always change once I'm doing. You know the interview it more than likely something else comes out of it like ohh that's that's great but what I'll do is I get all of my footage transcribed. So I've got you know what everybody said and it's on paper and it's I use a um I use a service for that and. 24:26.71 Todd Vaske Then I put the script together I Can you know by what they said I Okay I can put this together. It's just a puzzle and it's that I Absolutely love doing that and you know once I get it to where I think it needs to be just on script I always start with just the content I don't even put you know the visuals on the the script. 24:43.52 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah, sure. Yeah. 24:46.43 Todd Vaske Start with because to me content is King That's the most important thing Eric Do we have your message through so I'll send that off to the client Sometimes they're really good at understanding it. You know? Okay, yeah, that makes sense sometimes I sent it to them and I always say let's have a phone call and we can walk through this and and that and. 24:57.78 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Smith. 25:06.16 Todd Vaske That's usually what's needed because you know you see these words on a script but it's just understanding what they mean so I'll walk them through go you know okay person a said this and we're trying to get you know this is the narrative. We're trying to get this is the messaging we're trying to do okay I see that I see that. And you know it's always collaborative I I use the phrase hey I know video but you know your customer so you know and it has to be a back and forth because I can think this sounds absolutely great and look at Todd Nobody cares about that. Ah, okay. 25:26.30 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Bright. 25:36.50 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Who. 25:38.24 Todd Vaske I do but I'm not you know I'm not that um teenager in Montana that you're looking for. So so that's a collaborative effort. So I always lock in the content first with a script and then I go through and ah fill in the visuals whether it's you know, taking little snap you know taking. 25:41.81 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Um, for sure. 25:56.76 Todd Vaske You know, still shots or or just video description of what's going to be shown and usually I don't so I don't I'll send it to the client but they're you know they're they're gonna just want to see it. That's more for for the editor. So that's kind of my process to get the script done then you know. 26:00.92 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 26:16.72 Todd Vaske Edit I'm not a huge guy in that I and I don't believe in like here's just a rough cut. That's all messy and does it make sense because more than likely if especially if it's a a new person to video. You're not going to and they're gonna say well this is really sloppy. Yeah. 26:29.25 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb He he right. 26:31.61 bizzyweb This is too. Yeah, we do that problem. We have our business too is you know what? our our our web development team before the content's done is they'll put in Latin for placeholders. 26:35.95 Todd Vaske You know, like yeah. 26:46.64 bizzyweb And so that you know you can get an idea of where the content's going to go and what it's going to look like and I would say 9 times out of 10 if a client pushes and says no I want to see it and you send them that it's called loam ipsum. 26:59.20 Todd Vaske Yeah, yeah. 26:59.66 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A what's this kid. What's why Why is all of my website content misspelled this is terrible. Yeah Genius. Yeah. 27:02.70 bizzyweb 9 times out of 10 What's their response dave. 27:09.30 bizzyweb Why is yeah a foreign language I don't even speak that language I know it's so it's not a fully baked cake just understand that. 27:14.23 Todd Vaske I Yeah I've been there I I thought that I was supposed to send off rough cuts and I have done that make twice my career I Just you know what? let's get it to a point. 27:18.40 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb This. 27:25.69 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ahead. 27:31.90 Todd Vaske I like to send that first one off and you know what? if it's good enough and they like it or if it's you know you can download and let's go you know play it today. Um I just I want to make it as easy as possible for my customer. They're doing 300 other things video is you know they're probably told they needed to do it. They might not even want to. 27:37.40 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 27:51.20 Todd Vaske Um, so why make them keep going through through something they probably won't understand it and then what what ends up happening is I've failed them even though I might give them ah the best video they've ever seen that first experience of watching that rough cut is well I really had to walk him through this you know. 28:07.47 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here here. 28:10.33 Todd Vaske Ah, so ah, that's just my belief. Not every video professional does it that way some of them feel like if you send that rough cut. It saves the editor time because they're not covering you know. Basically the reason behind a rough cut is I'm just putting this together. So. To see if it flows right to see if the content's there, but it takes time to you know, put all the b-roll and graphics and stuff in so if something gets taken out. They just spent you know 5 minutes to 2 hours creating something to cover this and then it gets you know then the client says all let's take that out to me. That's just the cost of doing business that's and. 28:47.14 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Sure. 28:47.34 Todd Vaske oh oh Well well for the most part now I'm not going to ask somebody to build a 3 d animation for you know a week's worth of work and you know and it put it in there and they up now we don't want that. Well. 28:58.66 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 28:59.17 bizzyweb And to be clear sometimes those things actually take weeks just because there are things available on the internet doesn't mean it's what you want or that you you have the authorization to use it. 29:02.81 Todd Vaske Yeah, right? exactly exactly that you know that's a great great point though I I do still have to tell people that that the Google search is not the. 29:06.87 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Bright here. 29:20.69 Todd Vaske Everything there I'm not even going to say most thing I'm going to just say it. Everything's copyrighted on that. So make sure you've got make sure you've got rights to use it Otherwise you and with the Bots out there man. That's that stuff's being detected really easily nowadays. 29:23.23 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 29:24.00 bizzyweb Yeah, yeah. 29:31.55 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here here. 29:33.22 bizzyweb Yeah I got really lucky at a point in my career where I I when I first started out I hired somebody in India to do graphic design work and and I had a client that was based to this particular area of Minneapolis that was. Very unique and so there was ah the hennnaon avenue bridge was kind of the way you get to that neighborhood and so I sent him pictures of the bridge and I said I really want this logo to look like the bridge and he said yeah okay, great and he did a whole bunch of things and he came up with a really cool concept that I took to the client and sold it and they loved it. Then about six six to nine months later I got an email from a guy in ah Montreal. Who said you know you you're using my my my licensing like I don't know what you're talking about and so lo and behold turns out. He the bridge that I thought was the henne pen avenue bridge was this guy's interpretation of a bridge in Pittsburgh that I had then resold something else and and so I went back to my graphic designer and said what the heck he's like oh yeah, no I just I found that on Google search. No that is that is. 30:31.16 Todd Vaske Ah. 30:32.00 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb There you go. So. 30:39.37 Todd Vaske Oh. 30:42.78 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Dude yeah. 30:43.18 bizzyweb That was very very bad. So fortunately everybody and everybody involved was cool about it. The guy in Montreal I I said you know here's how much money I got for the project you can have all of it if you give me the licensing. 30:54.44 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Okay. 30:56.45 bizzyweb And he said you know that sounds cool and thank thank you for doing that and I fessed up to the client. He still uses the logo to the day and this day and it's still very cool but man it Google Google search is not your friend. 31:02.32 Todd Vaske Nice, No no I you know I'll use it for you know here here's an example of you know. 31:06.31 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 31:15.89 Todd Vaske Something like this I even usually put up in my script if I'm using you know if I've if I've pulled an image something like this. Not this one. You know it's just to just to be be clear. But yeah, you've got to be careful that in music you know, ah you're asking for for issues if you start putting if you're not using if you're not paying for the music. 31:22.32 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Okay. 31:35.10 Todd Vaske I guess is the best way to put it. You know there's there are tons of copyright it or um, like a royalty free platforms out there just and the thirty bucks to grab a tune and and you're fine. 31:41.96 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Yeah, right? and that that's worth the investment and you really have to and again we're getting back to our common theme of how to be professional in your video right? So making sure that you own and procure. 31:54.25 Todd Vaske So and. 32:01.00 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Your your own audio your own music. Um, one thing that you talked about a couple of minutes ago that I want to come back to is animation. You know all ah, all of the things that go into that I mean that's an entire art form all of itself. But if you're spending the time to create a video I mean. 32:07.22 Todd Vaske No. 32:19.70 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb For the most part professional video is probably less expensive than you think if you haven't talked about it for a while, especially when you think about what you get for it. But it's also still an investment and so people that are thinking Well I need is a phone and I can go to town I can I can get canva and I can. 32:27.80 Todd Vaske Um. 32:38.75 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb You know, grab a whole bunch of stuff off a Google image search and you know go to town. That's that's not how to work it so that's that's amazing. So ah yeah. 32:42.72 Todd Vaske Now no out. Yeah, it's it's all in the planning I I'd like to use 1 example of if you plan it, you can do. You can do video and relatively inexpensive. So I'll use an example I won't give the name it wasn't it was I was at another company and we were working with the retailer and they were doing content videos and I'll just say it. It was you know a kind of ah a wine shop type place wine and and liquor store. 33:06.59 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 33:15.74 Todd Vaske And we had to shoot in the morning before anybody got this. We started at 5 in the morning had to be finished about 10 ah setup time you know people don't think about this but oftentimes. It's a good hour hou hour hou hour and a half to set up lights and microphones and and things like that. 33:21.00 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 33:32.22 Todd Vaske So you take away another hour you have about 4 hours three and a half hours and we banged out 22 videos in that amount of time and it was all because of the planning and the subject matter experts. We had ready to go I mean it was literally an assembly line all right here's you know. 33:35.49 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Wow! yeah. 33:48.71 Todd Vaske Here's a video on this type of wine. Okay, here's a video on how to make a margarito. Okay, you know some of them were those like top down where you just really quick music types up but all very effective type videos. 33:51.70 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 33:58.50 bizzyweb Well I think I think just what you described Todd is is a really good distinction because all those peoples the lighting people the sound people the cameramra people the producer all of whom are there. They're not there and they're not getting paid by when the the the red light goes on. 34:15.79 Todd Vaske No. 34:18.90 bizzyweb Again, getting paid by the hour and in order to do all that you really in order to be effective use of your time. That's where video production and producer comes in so you can say okay for 4 hours 34:30.82 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb 4 34:31.31 bizzyweb Here's down to the minute What everybody's going to do so we can be. We can really maximize out everything you get. 34:37.17 Todd Vaske Right? Nothing drives me nut more nuts than or nuttier I don't know what the right way to nothing drives me crazy more than being on a set and sitting there go Okay, well what? what's next. What do we do? and um, yeah, ah. 34:50.62 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Burning hours for no reason. 34:52.44 Todd Vaske Really admit I had 1 client that and they've done a lot of videos. They're a pretty big company and it's you know the day before the shoot and I'm saying we don't have any scripts we've got you know people have to have lines and so oh we were we write the scripts when we get on set my is big and. 35:06.22 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb No Wow Yeah huh. 35:07.15 bizzyweb No. 35:11.94 Todd Vaske And I think we got about a third of the content that we had hoped on that on that day then we had to go into another shoot day actually 2 more shoot days instead of 1 we could have done in one if we would have just planned it ended up being three so you know. 35:16.26 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And yeah. 35:27.54 bizzyweb Well I think the $64000 question to all of this and which I guess is a dated reference that for 3 middle age guys makes sense but ah somebody under 30 asked me like well what do you mean across $64000 like no, that's not what I mean ah, how much does. Really good produced video cost. 35:44.67 Todd Vaske All right? So if you would have asked me about five years ago five to 10 years ago. They had this formula out there that it was oh it's about $1000 to 1500 per finished minute That's you know if you want to use that go ahead. It's not very accurate. It's. Ah, for example I just talked to um, a client they want to do 100 videos in a hundred days came up with a game plan and literally we can get that to probably about five hundred bucks per video. However, it's all in the efficiencies. It's all in the complicated immune. 36:09.52 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here here. 36:24.23 Todd Vaske Not the the edits aren't very complicated. Oh you know you can get a video for five hundred bucks now if you're only shooting one probably not. You know that you know you got to think about it a video production company. They'll charge you for usually a full day or a half day and the reason they don't do by the hour is 36:24.77 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 36:42.85 Todd Vaske You book 2 hours that means you're the rest of the morning that you you can't book that. Yeah, exactly exactly so that's why I always say look if you want us to come out new video usually somebody will call me and say I want to do you know this training video for example, well I always say okay, that's great. 36:45.19 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? It's shot because you got to load up the car. You got to go out to location. You got to unload set the lights. Yeah. 37:02.74 Todd Vaske Um, what else? What else do you have your frequently asked. What are your frequently asked questions. Can we get content for those because you know you're not, you're paying me for my time and you're not paying me by by the video so to speak. So if I can get. 37:05.60 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And and. 37:18.25 Todd Vaske You know the main video plus 4 or 5 more in a half day shoot which usually about 5 hours that's what helped during the I'll get I'll answer your question here in a second about the actual cost. But. 37:26.80 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb No, this is perfect. Yeah yeah, keep rolling. 37:27.56 bizzyweb All of me now keep going. 37:31.90 Todd Vaske Some of my clients. That's what saved them for video content during the pandemic was we had planned we have this we have video in the hopper. So I didn't do any video shoots I think it was about nine months I think I wasn't allowed I wasn't allowed but I had my biggest year that year because we had all of we had tons of content. 37:36.59 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Move. 37:42.33 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Wow in. 37:49.67 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb 1 37:51.29 Todd Vaske Ready to go and you know plus adding in you know the motion graphics and stuff like that where we didn't need to go out and shoot so usually on the money side of things. Usually I'll start off a client This is just for me, not everybody. You know, not every video production company is the same. 38:03.29 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Heaven. 38:07.82 Todd Vaske I usually start off with you know if you've got a budget of 5000 you know you're you're well within the game 2500 we can talk. You know that that might be you know might be um, ah you know worth worth doing it. But I always say call somebody and if they don't. 38:16.48 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Woman. 38:25.83 Todd Vaske You know if they can't do it for whatever your budget is a good producer will have a you know have either. They'll either give you the reality check. Um, it say that's not goingnna happen or you know what I can't do it for that. But I've got a referral for you. So I'll send them this way. So. 38:32.96 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb In very. 38:42.67 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Cool. 38:44.75 Todd Vaske That's you know if you've got 5000 to start. You know you're you're gonna end up with a really nice video and I'm talking that'll be about 60 seconds with some motion graphics. Maybe some really nice animator. Yeah, or maybe maybe even a little bit of 3 d in there. That's all not not stock footage I think. 38:58.16 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. Hey. 39:03.90 Todd Vaske People now in today's world recognize stock footage and get that it's not quite as authentic as you know for going to your company and shooting it I'll get people like a Cpa firms. Well what are you going to shoot here. We've got we you know we can use graphics and things like that. But we want to see you. We don't want to see you know the. 39:22.82 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Great. Um. 39:23.62 Todd Vaske The old static handshake you know there? yeah. 39:24.57 bizzyweb And and that's a that's often a sticking point because people say oh why I don't I don't want to be in the video I I don't look good today. It's like it doesn't matter what people want to see is the people we gonna they're gonna be dealing with. 39:33.46 Todd Vaske Um, will. 39:37.95 Todd Vaske Right? I I Absolutely love it. I have yet in my 25 years or whatever I've been doing this I've had a lot of people say oh I'm no good I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna be able to do this. It. What I'm most proud of is I usually can make anybody. Talk it's you It's I Want you to forget that the lights and camera are here and you are just having a conversation and you know what? if you have an awe or an um or you stumble a little bit. Don't worry about it. That's what would happen if you were if somebody came up to you at a networking event or you're at a family gathering and asking what you do. 40:10.65 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 40:12.88 Todd Vaske Probably not going to have the smoothest answer. That's Fine. You know it just just go with it and that to me that shows that it was more authentic. You weren't reading a Qe card. You know that you weren't reading a script So I like making people feel comfortable in front of the camera. You know what? you very rarely have to get it all in one shot. You know we can and you know nowadays we'll have 1 videographer and 2 cameras set up so that's makes it even you know even easier for you. 40:38.70 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right? Todd you mentioned a couple times the the animation stuff how what's the process like if you if you are going to do like motion graphics and animation is it like somebody else that you work with or do you do that in-house or. 40:39.65 bizzyweb Um, what are some of the. 40:43.20 Todd Vaske Are the. 40:54.98 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb If if we were a small business. What who would we talk to right. 40:56.00 Todd Vaske Right? So you talk to me that's part of my business the way I'm set up one of the things I learned over those years of learning from all the other places I've worked is when you have people on staff that cost money. So what I do is I. 41:11.14 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb A. 41:15.20 Todd Vaske Worked for 25 years and built up relationships with you know I've got 30 animators 25 videographers you know hundreds of editors I can work with I feel like I can bring in the right person for that job. So. 41:20.14 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Wow and. 41:30.20 Todd Vaske Animation You know to me is again all finding out. Okay, who's your audience and what kind of style. Do they like you know of younger kids is there a video game style that you know would look good and the nice thing about animation is much like video too but is costs have come down a little bit because there are you know. 41:49.32 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb It. 41:49.41 Todd Vaske Templates for characters and and scenes and things that you know look really great that you can use and let's face it if you wanted to rebuild a character every time that's gonna make animation completely out of the realm unless you're you know, doing a super bowl ad you're not you know people aren't gonna have them. 42:03.00 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Right. 42:08.82 Todd Vaske Budget for that So through a lot of just templates and things like that we can create some just great animations for about the same cost as as video. 42:16.42 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Cool. 42:17.25 bizzyweb When somebody's thinking about hiring I think in any business there's a spectrum of really good and expensive down to really bad and really cheap. So what are some things that people should. 42:26.71 Todd Vaske Me. 42:32.17 bizzyweb Think about when they're looking to hire out a video project. 42:33.96 Todd Vaske I think the first thing if somebody if somebody if if you call somebody up looking and you say had like I'm looking for video if they don't ask a lot of questions I think you're you're what either they're inexperienced or you're going to get a formula. And it's gonna be the same they just they've always done the same video over so they don't need to ask? Um, a lot of questions if they don't want it honestly if they don't ask the question within the first three minutes who is your audience I'd be a little be a little worried about it. It's to me the your. What's going to determine. The cost is just how many people are going to be involved and you know agencies will bring in a lot of people and oftentimes. That's what you just you have to? That's what what's needed and get to I call myself kind of that you know medium-sized. Um, production company now. Granted, there's only one of me in the company but I do have a large group of people I work with you know and we tend to be a little more lean so we try to we try to keep the cost down but not necessarily the the cheapest on the planet. 43:32.97 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 43:43.98 Todd Vaske You know there's also if the you know kids coming out I mean your kids doing zone. Um, zone um blogs on hot sauce and things like that you know they you know kids coming up now they know how to run cameras and things like that I mean technically there's some that you can do in-house. 43:50.19 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Youtube generally yeah, who place that would be. 43:52.39 bizzyweb Yeah, oh yeah. 44:03.90 Todd Vaske It's all depends on what what do you? want your how you want your um viewer to see it. Do you want that to become across is it really professional or is it use an example of when a phone is appropriate. Let's just say there's ah, you're celebrating somebody's fiftieth you know work anniversary or something and you're having a little party. 44:19.23 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Here. 44:22.52 Todd Vaske There's nothing wrong with walking around and you know getting out getting your phone shot and and putting that on Facebook if people like that kind of stuff just a little little content or a spur of the moment type type thing. But if you're really trying to get a very precise specific message or you know on training sometimes it's. You have to do a to get to b to get to c and if you aren't you know if you're not right? You know there should be a safety issue. So those are the types of things where if it needs to be if it's in front of a big audience I always say it might need to be a professional um piece. But you know if it's just something you're showing off for social media that you know you're kind of you're patting your your company on the back. Yeah, go ahead, grab a phone you can do it. Tiktok's perfect for that. That's what I mean that's what that's was invented for if it's you know, still around when this when this airs. 45:05.82 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb And. 45:11.72 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Ah, sure. Yeah, we'll see if it hasn't been illegalized right. 45:17.50 Todd Vaske Is illegalized yet. 45:19.00 bizzyweb Glad thank you so much for all all the of the time you spent with us today and all that helpful hands if somebody's looking for you and they want to talk about a project that they might want to have first of all, you've been a great friend of the show but also a busy web for a long time. So. 45:32.65 Todd Vaske And so. 45:35.80 bizzyweb Definitely worth reaching out to Todd if you've if got a video project but where how would they I would I would you like people to find you. 45:39.99 Todd Vaske You know I'm on agile dash video dot com you can look me up there. It's probably the easiest way. Easiest way to remember you can reach out to me if you'd like to I I always tell people you know reach out if you just you know if you're even a video professional I love talking chop. You know if you are looking for. You know help hey you know it's just a phone call or an email we can. We can chat and if I'm the right person great if not I can either steer you in the right direction or tell you well no, you're not going to get that that super bowl commercial for seventy five bucks I'll be honest. Ah. 46:02.24 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb In it. 46:13.68 Dave Meyer_ BizzyWeb Great! Great! awesome. 46:17.88 Todd Vaske Which I've had that.